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Old 06-13-2015, 03:49 AM
  # 181 (permalink)  
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Daz, I'm glad you made it. Those physiological urges are hard, as Mec pointed out but you got through them. Keep going. It sometimes feels physically painful but once you get through them you should do alright
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Old 06-13-2015, 04:28 AM
  # 182 (permalink)  
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GM everyone (xcuse me) It's great to be sober, 45 days today
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Old 06-13-2015, 04:30 AM
  # 183 (permalink)  
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Happy sober hangover free Saturday morning.
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Old 06-13-2015, 04:31 AM
  # 184 (permalink)  
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Thanks! i hear that, nothing like it..
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Old 06-13-2015, 04:32 AM
  # 185 (permalink)  
A simple guy making his way
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Originally Posted by OCDDan View Post
GM everyone (xcuse me) It's great to be sober, 45 days today
That is so freaking awesome Dan!
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Old 06-13-2015, 04:37 AM
  # 186 (permalink)  
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Thanks Weas, I'm having the time of my life, plus getting fit in shape, losing weight, gaining muscle, I can even tell i look better when i look in the mirror, i look at least 4 or 5 years younger, heck, i remember waking up, looking in the mirror and thinking i looked a hundred years old

sorry about butting in..
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Old 06-13-2015, 05:31 AM
  # 187 (permalink)  
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Well, we're up here at ~9,050' at our Mountain House, and Lovin' Life in clear Weather. Breezy - as always - and we can sit around w/Coffee while not having to leave the City House repeatedly for multiple Showings scheduled today.

A few Comparable Houses popped up on the Market suddenly, but are priced to make us look good in comparison. We'll take it. I'm a Free Market Dude, so we'll see if Folks vote with their Wallets, or with their Feet. To bad it takes Moving to motivate us to whip a House into pristine shape, eh?

Yah, the AV pops up a bit when I'm exhausted and frustrated in this whole House Sale/Strategizing Exercise, but I slam that MoFo back down like some 'Whac-A-Mole' Game in the Boardwalk Arcade. I just stop whatever frustrating thing I'm doing to go sit still for a bit until my thoughts straighten out. Being 17 months in as of this week makes it all easier.

A lil Homecoming Song is linked below for Da Brain_ster. A Drummer Pal backed Chuck Berry years ago. He didn't tour with a Band. No need. His Songs are that simple. As seen in this Vid, even famous Folk want to back ole Chuck. He just paid a few hundred bucks for the 'privilege' of playing with the legendary Chuck Berry. My Pal said he stuck his Cash for the night - always paid in advance - down one Boot, and kept an impressive Knife shoved down the other. Get on Stage. Get off. No fluff. Old School.

- 'Back In The USA' ~ Chuck Berry & Linda Ronstadt -

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Old 06-13-2015, 05:47 AM
  # 188 (permalink)  
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Morning folks.

LB - cool pix, was that flying over Norway/Sweden/Russia somewhere up in the Arctic Circle? Glad to hear you're back man!

Ruby - Oh dear. Sounds like things aren't getting better but going the other way with your husband. So sorry to hear it. It sucks. Sounds like you are really getting to the point of being overwhelmed with responsibilities. It's good you are able to talk about it here, and I hope your AA groups and meetings are also proving helpful. Keep working through it and keep focusing on doing what is best for you. I imagine you might have to make a tough decision soon - not fun, not easy, but sometimes necessary. Ugh! Hope you can find something nice to distract you and lighten your mood this weekend.

Like LB, I'm doing a bit of home inspecting here this AM. Some plants look good, others not so much. Reckon the next couple of weekends I am going to have to majorly overhaul the rooftop garden.

I had a local maid service clean my apartment when I was gone. She's great, but she always MOVES MY STUFF AROUND and there's always something I can't find upon returning. This was (gasp) coffee filters! Why oh why did she hide my coffee filters! I'd already crafted a makeshift filter out of paper towels when I found them...crisis averted.
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Old 06-13-2015, 05:51 AM
  # 189 (permalink)  
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Way to go on 45 days OCDDAN.....that is a major accomplishment.
Brain. ...I always feel that the best part of going away is coming back home. There is no place like home! I love the Iceland photos.
I have fun stuff planned involving my volunteer work. It seems like once you sign up for something, activities multiply. A friend heard I volunteer with disadvantaged kids and invited me to a museum annual gala affair today. So me and a 7 year old are going to have fun today. Very expensive tickets given to me by the benefactor. Yes!!
I want to see Jurassic World.
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Old 06-13-2015, 05:57 AM
  # 190 (permalink)  
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Ruby as others have said you deserve so much better. I know he is going through what we all have (except for the crack) but try and put yourself first.

We will be in position for the start of the race soon. Came down for breakfast this morning to find friend in a panic due to lost Debit Card, we went to a Casino last night and while drinking he gave it to me for safe keeping as he didn't trust himself.

Surprised he was that drunk he didn't remember. Also surprised that I am considered safe and sensible
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:20 AM
  # 191 (permalink)  
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Porshe 1st & 2nd at the beginning they are already 4 minutes ahead of the back markers
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:24 AM
  # 192 (permalink)  
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Thanks folks... Yeah it's good to be back. So much to comment about on living in the ussr... like, no paper towels or paper plates... it is truly different as is much of the world compared to the wasteful entitled folks of the good ole usa, but no place I'd rather be - unless I hit the lottery

went grocery shoping and finally saw the outside since the sun came up - everting otay...

time for Linda Ronstadt/Chuck Berry concert in background to come to a close... I have a lot to do, I already noodled around for about an hour on the mando - fingers soften up in no time when not having years of experience on them...

made a mexican omelet and had my first cup of real coffee in a couple weeks...

one more from GREENLAND
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:26 AM
  # 193 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by OCDDan View Post
GM everyone (xcuse me) It's great to be sober, 45 days today
Yay! Congratulations!
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:28 AM
  # 194 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by MesaMan View Post
I slam that MoFo back down like some 'Whac-A-Mole' Game in the Boardwalk Arcade.
That made me laugh so much!
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:35 AM
  # 195 (permalink)  
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aeroflot is probably the best airline I've ever flown. Besides the cool extras that are at your fingertips - tunes, TV, movies, games ebooks and audio books -
you can follow the track and see some neat things. One of them was to front view camera for the take off and landing that was up. Real live view like looking out the cockpit. This pic I decided to take when I wanted to document where I was for the Greenland photos. This is an overall flight path: And there is a 3D maps thing you can manipulate - very cool stuff. This pic was taken from my seat of the screen in the back of the one in front of me. I watched a couple movies and had some rain sounds meditation music plus an eclectic selection of other music... no country tho
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:39 AM
  # 196 (permalink)  
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Just wrapped up some early morning training clients. Love seeing people improve and gain self-confidence! Only makes me want to improve myself further.

Hope everyone strives to take themselves to the next level this weekend and beyond!

Have a great Saturday!
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:46 AM
  # 197 (permalink)  
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Love the Greenland shot, Lbrain. I'm a window seat junkie. On a return trip from Italy last spring we flew over Labrador, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia. I was riveted by the expanse of barren snow covered land for as far as you could see with just tiny little towns (or villages?). Greenland is too cool. Thanks for sharing.

Sober weekend going smooth so far. Had the fewest Friday cravings since I started this journey. I had already scheduled my workout time for 6pm so by the time I was done with that I don't think I thought about drinking at all last night.

No special plans here this weekend. Just hanging out and chilling and doing whatever.
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:54 AM
  # 198 (permalink)  
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I never tire of opening the front door on a Saturday morning to take Pup for a walk and looking at the bright blue sky rather than first scanning the parking lot to see IF my car made it home from the previous night and what shape it was in. I looked in the mirror before walking out and ran a brush through my hair and thought "not too bad" vs..."Holy Hell look at you". I didn't have to spend my walk trying to remember the events of the prior evening and what I did or didn't do but rather spent time thinking about which direction Pup would take us and listening to the different morning noises. I didn't have to think about how much money I had wasted but rather how I thought steak and shrimp on the grill would be fun tonight before a campfire with smores. I was able to have a conversation with my son this morning about his plans for the day rather than having to make apologies for my behavior or absence the night before. This just never gets old for me
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Old 06-13-2015, 07:20 AM
  # 199 (permalink)  
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I took a lot of pics from many locations... as I was unloading my backpack I came across my bag of sea glass, this all was collected in a mater of a ten minutes walk at twilite, some decent pieces and some I should have thrown back, but we cool. I took a photo with a dime and quarter for perspective, the orange thing is a rock, two amber glass and one cool blue piece, reminds me of hunting for cape may diamonds... maybe I'll be into the crafts business before it all ends... drift wood and beach glass and, and, and...

the wife just called me [nuts] for taking a pic of this... when I related to a couple locals that some people treasure this stuff they thought I was crazy... - I am
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Old 06-13-2015, 07:23 AM
  # 200 (permalink)  
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Soberclover, thanks for that lovely observation. Nothing better.

Sao, the credit/debit card story made me laugh. You are the responsible one. Wear it proudly.

Dan, congrats on 45 days. That's terrific.

I'm waiting outside of my daughter's gymnastics class. I'll go inside in a second. Hearing red winged blackbirds trilling in the background.
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