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Old 03-15-2015, 03:06 PM
  # 201 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by EndGameNYC View Post
No, you didn't imply that you were planning on drinking. I was just practicing some "preventive medicine."
At least with me, never be shy about preventive medicine. :-) Also, I'm glad that my words didn't give the wrong impression. I peruse my writings here, but don't always proof read as critically as necessary. To be honest, when I first typed my response to you I forgot the second word, which is "not", so the post would have started off with a capitalized affirmative to whether or not I planned on drinking. Fortunately, it was caught.
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Old 03-15-2015, 05:20 PM
  # 202 (permalink)  
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Hi GC wishing you a good week ahead
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Old 03-15-2015, 07:34 PM
  # 203 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by soberwolf View Post
Hi GC wishing you a good week ahead
Thanks and the same to you. It's not going to be a typical week, but I'm going to be fine. Not looking to tease; I have a lot of business decisions to make and on Tuesday I have a family funeral to got to and it's the 27th anniversary of my mother's death so we'll be visiting her grave after the funeral. Two cemeteries in one day. :-( It's also St. Patrick's Day and living in the NYC area there's a large focus and my wife is Irish-American so due to the funeral we'll be spending a lot of time with her family. She may have a pint or two at most for the day; I plan on being focused on what's best for me and I know she's going to support that.
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Old 03-15-2015, 07:44 PM
  # 204 (permalink)  
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All your exercise is really inspiring. I felt like I needed more tools in my gym bag, so went and bought a fluorescent green poster board and put it on my bedroom wall, and titled it Project Fat A$$. My intent is to log with smiley or frowning faces for every day I did or did not do at least 30 mins of vigorous activity for 15 weeks, and write in weekly measurements. My 8 year old thinks this is hilarious and keeps referring to the project by name (without cracking a smile because she is very, very dry), so I believe I am going to have to take my sharpie marker and replace with bum. So here's to PROJECT FAT BUM.
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Old 03-15-2015, 07:44 PM
  # 205 (permalink)  
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Try to have a good week!
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Old 03-15-2015, 08:23 PM
  # 206 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by BlindsidedBetty View Post
All your exercise is really inspiring. I felt like I needed more tools in my gym bag, so went and bought a fluorescent green poster board and put it on my bedroom wall, and titled it Project Fat A$$. My intent is to log with smiley or frowning faces for every day I did or did not do at least 30 mins of vigorous activity for 15 weeks, and write in weekly measurements. My 8 year old thinks this is hilarious and keeps referring to the project by name (without cracking a smile because she is very, very dry), so I believe I am going to have to take my sharpie marker and replace with bum. So here's to PROJECT FAT BUM.
That's great. Yeah, I can see changing the project name with the yungin around. :-) 30 minutes of vigorous exercise a day is no joke. I wish you well.

I've written in my threads about exercise and the way I've benefited from it mentally and physically a lot. It's really impacted my entire life and that of my family in a very positive manner. It's getting late for me, especially after what I wrote nine hours ago about how I hoped it would be an early evening, but if you ever want to exchange discussions about exercising either here or on a PM basis, let me know. For the record, I have no professional training and my performance in any of the disciplines I spend time with (running, cycling, weight lifting), even for my age group, is at best average, but I'm just some guy who challenges himself, does it, and is willing to help others.
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Old 03-15-2015, 08:29 PM
  # 207 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Della1968 View Post
Try to have a good week!
You too!

The business stuff, while more impactful than normal isn't terrible far from the norm. Next week will be worse.

As for the other stuff, specifically Tuesday's trifecta of the funeral, visiting my mother's grave, and St. Patrick's Day, I likely will be away from SR for the day, but will find a way to deal.
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Old 03-16-2015, 03:26 AM
  # 208 (permalink)  
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We will still be with you
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Old 03-16-2015, 01:54 PM
  # 209 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Della1968 View Post
We will still be with you
Thanks Della.


The big business decisions are behind me and while I have a couple of hours of more work to do the big stress inducers are in the past. I'm happy to write that I haven't had any cravings today. I'm also happy to write that despite being up later than I intended I was at the gym for a decent workout in the morning. I also took a 1.5 mile walk this afternoon. What? I took a walk when I've written about how busy I am? Yes.

My job entails making decisions under conditions of uncertainty and once the analysis is done or reaches a certain point I've often found it helpful to "step away" and allow all the data to percolate in between my ears. I can only do this while walking or running; lifting or cycling takes too much concentration. Not that running doesn't need concentration, but the pace is so much slower than cycling so I don't have to be constantly watching out for cars, potholes, clueless pedestrians, etc. Lifting is just too disjointed for me to think about anything else. Hence, walking or running are my step away activities and I did the former because I had an errand to take care of at the hardware store. No hat, no gloves, spring weather may finally be showing up. If I explained myself well then one can see that I really wasn't taking time off from work, but employing a technique that has proven to be beneficial, at least to me.

Getting back to sobriety, I'm really glad that my AV hasn't shown up and if it does later I'm going to kick its butt.
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Old 03-16-2015, 06:36 PM
  # 210 (permalink)  
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GC, I am so sorry I posted a silly post on top of yours about the funeral and your Mom. I missed that post, so you must think I am awfully shallow. Hope tomorrow not too heavy, would love to hear about your Mom sometime soon.
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:38 PM
  # 211 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by BlindsidedBetty View Post
GC, I am so sorry I posted a silly post on top of yours about the funeral and your Mom. I missed that post, so you must think I am awfully shallow. Hope tomorrow not too heavy, would love to hear about your Mom sometime soon.
There is no reason to be sorry and I never considered what you're worried about. That you're posting about it is evidence that you are not shallow. Furthermore, to the contrary of your contention your post about exercising led me to writing about something I enjoy. I sincerely mean all of this.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Lots of travel and emotions, but I'm at peace with my mother's passing. Thanks for asking about her; it's late and I have to get up early so I'll end with something that I think exhibits how meaningful she was to me.

She died when she was 53. Even before her death I embraced my birthdays and as most have experienced when a round number or other b'days of significance come around one is asked how they feel. Turning 50 was nothing but a reason to celebrate, but not long after I figured out the date when I would have lived longer than my mother, which was sometime in the middle of September of 2011, and that was a sad one for me because I still felt so young and being surrounded by my loving family it only reinforced that she and all of us were robbed. I continue to feel that way, but the passage of time eases the pain. I was blessed with two great parents and I live each day trying to live up to their standards.

In closing I will also say that nothing tomorrow is going to give me an excuse to drink.

Sorry for the long post, BlindsidedBetty, but I can assure your that my sentiments in the first paragraph about your post are absolutely true.

Good night SR.
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Old 03-17-2015, 07:07 AM
  # 212 (permalink)  
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safe travels, GC.
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Old 03-17-2015, 07:18 AM
  # 213 (permalink)  
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Will be thinking about you today, Gonnachange. Go safely.
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Old 03-17-2015, 03:48 PM
  # 214 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by BlindsidedBetty View Post
safe travels, GC.
Originally Posted by SoberLeigh View Post
Will be thinking about you today, Gonnachange. Go safely.
Thanks to both of you. After a long day we're home safe and sound. And sober. There was a luncheon after the cemetery that had an open bar, but for the two plus hours I was there I drank water. I'll be honest, it was tempting to order something, not because I was craving, but because of the situation and availability. Ultimately I decided that the aforementioned water was my best option.
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Old 03-17-2015, 03:58 PM
  # 215 (permalink)  
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I am glad you got through ok
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Old 03-17-2015, 04:46 PM
  # 216 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Della1968 View Post
I am glad you got through ok
It really wasn't too bad. It was a sit down luncheon at a high end restaurant and not like we were in a crowded bar on St. Patrick's Day with a whole bunch of loose cannons. For some reason, being in a drinking atmosphere today would have made it harder for me. Just because they were sitting near me I know that nobody at my table had more than one drink and some none; as for the other tables I can't speak with certainty, but am pretty darn sure it was the same.

Additional Thanks

In my previous post I neglected to acknowledge those who hit the "Thanks" button about my post from last night. I apologize, want to rectify that omission, and let each of you know I appreciated it.
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Old 03-17-2015, 05:11 PM
  # 217 (permalink)  
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Don't be silly you don't have to rectify anything!
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Old 03-17-2015, 05:24 PM
  # 218 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Della1968 View Post
Don't be silly you don't have to rectify anything!
When I realized what I did or didn't do, depending upon one's perspective, it didn't sit right with me. Folks like you are taking the time to support me and the least I can do is let each of you know how much I appreciate it.
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Old 03-17-2015, 05:28 PM
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You have let us know it's all good
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Old 03-17-2015, 05:55 PM
  # 220 (permalink)  
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Sending thoughts & prayers GC
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