
Weekender thread! June 20-22!!! Come join us!

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Old 06-20-2014, 05:14 PM
  # 101 (permalink)  
I'm Wide Awake
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oh my goodness...strange dreams indeed! Naked exercise, Non eating bacon, trolls under bridges...

I love this thread!

If you've just joined us and this is your first weekend, stay close...we stick together!

We just had a MAJOR storm. Scary lightening followed immediately by loud thunder. I realized all our gutters are completely full as the rain fell in sheets from them so I told Mr. Charlee that he now has a weekend project.

Ruby, are you eating ice cream tonight? I have Moose Tracks...yum. It very telling that despite my nightly ice cream, I am losing weight. I don't want to think about how many calories I must been drinking.

Rock on weekenders!
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Old 06-20-2014, 05:49 PM
  # 102 (permalink)  
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I am already having a lot of anxiety, my wife still drinks so it make this a wee bit harder.
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Old 06-20-2014, 06:01 PM
  # 103 (permalink)  
I'm Wide Awake
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In early days, I often went to bed incredibly early. In the very beginning you have to do whatever it takes just to get through the day and not drink. You can do this!
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Old 06-20-2014, 06:45 PM
  # 104 (permalink)  
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In case anyone is having problems with stress and tension this weekend, you'll be happy to know that the Daleks have been working on a relaxation tape for humans:

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Old 06-20-2014, 06:55 PM
  # 105 (permalink)  
I'm Wide Awake
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Kevin, I am laughing out loud...thanks!
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Old 06-20-2014, 07:07 PM
  # 106 (permalink)  
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Since this is the "Sober" weekenders forum, I thought I'd bring up something that's been getting under my skin here at SR recently.

Has anyone else noticed that a few of the "regulars" here have gone out again and started drinking? And now, they're just kind of still posting here -- but not seemingly focused on quitting again?

For example, they are posting about their garden, their vacations, trading pictures....just kind of hanging out here still, but then you'll hear phrases like "I'm currently in a relapse, so sorry I can't help", etc.

What's that all about?

I know: it's not my problem, and I should worry about my own back yard. Totally true. But it's Friday night and I'm active on the forum, and I keep bumping into these posts.

I would imagine that if I relapse, I'm not going to come here for months afterwards just to talk about the Cubs game. Ya know?
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Old 06-20-2014, 07:10 PM
  # 107 (permalink)  
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I have noticed too
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Old 06-20-2014, 07:14 PM
  # 108 (permalink)  
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Figured you would, Dooner! Glad you're on the wavelength, and also not surprised.

I made a friend in rehab. He lives in a different state, but we had weekly phone chats for a while after getting out. Then he started drinking again - but he still wanted to have those weekly chats. That wasn't helpful for me, so I made sure they ended and even blocked him on facebook. I told him that until he got sober, I wasn't going to be able to just shoot the breeze with him....and seeing where he's ended up now, I'm glad I made that choice.
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Old 06-20-2014, 08:57 PM
  # 109 (permalink)  
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hear hear
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Old 06-20-2014, 09:35 PM
  # 110 (permalink)  
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Ok I'll jump in..even though I usually lurk on these boards. I am still struggling to stay sober but really want to enjoy the next two days..tough times right now. I absolutely belong here..I came up with a few things to make it the weekend. Other than that I'm not currently on vacation..I love to read the weekend thread. Gives me hope...
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Old 06-20-2014, 09:41 PM
  # 111 (permalink)  
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Thanks Charlee,
But the answer is no, we have really only ever drank at home and especially after my dui. So far so good tonight and tomorrow is a new day.

I use her as motivation to try harder, because I really want to set the example. So that is driving me and a lot of prayer.

Will be lurking tonight, but am watching TV, so if I don't post I will check in tomorrow.
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Old 06-20-2014, 09:55 PM
  # 112 (permalink)  
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okay, now that I stepped away after the somberness, I have to also say Forgetfulkevin - I was laughing out loud at the relaxation vid.
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Old 06-20-2014, 10:00 PM
  # 113 (permalink)  
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Charlee, I'm headed to the freezer after I post here for some Bordeaux chocolate cherry ice cream! Chunks of chocolate and cherries in cherry ice cream. Mmmmm.

I feel like rip van winkle. I go away for several hours and the thread has passed me by?! I went to the pool at the park with the kids again and then my son had a baseball game at the same park. Didn't get home until 8 ish and then worked on cleaning and getting kids in bed.

Olive, I've just very recently seen that troll picture. My old roommate had a pic of herself and troll posted on her Facebook page and I was going to ask you about it but it slipped my mind. And then, voila!

I have to make a shopping list for the party and for home. Since the house is mostly clean and I don't have to freak out about that I can relax a little. Preparing ice cream now. Item one on list...need waffle cones. My keyboard will get sticky if I type and eat so I will check later.
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Old 06-20-2014, 10:28 PM
  # 114 (permalink)  
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Joyous, I'm glad you joined in!

Big Sombrero, I was going to tease you about coming onto the forum and talking about Cubs games but I decided I would just mention that I was thinking about it instead.

In all seriousness, I've noticed a lot of regulars relapsing lately and it is painful to read. I think people still post because they are lonely. The people on the boards may be the first or only people who they know that understand. They may have no other outlet. I know that when I relapsed I was dialing friends and chatting a lot, trying to feel normal. I cringe at it now but I felt so isolated at the time. At the place I used to go to AA meetings and still do once in a while there were two guys who regularly either relapsed or came to meetings drunk and were disruptive once in a while. Not helpful really for anyone but one of them was found dead in his apartment recently. He had been dead four days before anyone found him. He was pretty young, too. Early thirties I think. So, as long as people have some hope, some slender thread to cling to, they keep coming back. I say a prayer for them, am grateful that I'm not still drinking, and hope they find peace. I choose not to spend too much time reading the relapse threads most of the time.

Ok. That is my final musing for tonight. Im tired. Have a good night all!
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Old 06-20-2014, 10:42 PM
  # 115 (permalink)  
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This is not a "sober weekend" for me as much as it is a "getting sober" weekend. But I was invited so here I am. Please be nice. I'm fragile. But then, aren't we all? I am stocked up on Pacifico (for the tapering) and Pedialyte (which my doctor says is 1,000 times better than Gatorade). I am so ready to get out of the madness, the living hell, the waking nightmare I have made of my life.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I can see the doctor tomorrow if I feel the need. I will be seeing him on Tuesday for sure. There will be someone with me 24/7 for the next two weeks. The rest? I will have to learn to deal with. I am not the greatest student …

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Old 06-20-2014, 10:47 PM
  # 116 (permalink)  
That bell or bike person
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Hey Hey Hey ,
Saturday morning and it is blue skies and sunshine here on the longest day in the UK .

All are welcome to the weekend thread , nobody gets left behind , nobody is excluded .

It took Ken / weasel 12 months of turning up and relapsing before his sobriety shifted and it became more solid, driving all his friends who love him here on SR to distraction. He kept on and now he has green ticks all over his calendar ..

I wish i'd have done something similar to ken 10 years ago when i had a brief spell of 7 months sobriety but i picked up again isolated myself from the harsh words and world and crash dived my life.

The usual story of "nobody i've isolated from my life cares for me " / you try your best to keep up your end of the bargain with the world, being good, working hard and you get nothing or even less than the feckless shirking wastrells …

Relapsers are not "getting away with it" they are bringing pain and misery into their lives and can also suffer from addiction apathy .

If you relapsed yesterday i want to hear about it , lets pick up our sober bikes lets ride through till monday as best we can , If you can only do 12 hours it'd be cool to have you along .

Those of us with some time lets share with the newbies and returnees, tell people what we do and how it feels to have a sober weekend and the marvellous things we can do now

newbies and returnees , pick up your sober bike , we all muddle along together on this ride up the highway of life , pointing out the potholes and cracks in the tar-mac to each other.
Pull up a chair and have a read.
lets enjoy the space and broad vista's that the weekend thread gives us in the sometimes hothouse environment of the newcomers forum .

I'm in for a sober saturday ,

Bestwishes, m
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Old 06-20-2014, 10:48 PM
  # 117 (permalink)  
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What is it they say about AA, as long as you are here with the intent to quit. Please count me in for a sober weekend.
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Old 06-20-2014, 10:52 PM
  # 118 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by gottatry View Post
My first weekend on SR, I am totally in. Still formulating my plans for the weekend but for sure I will be checking in.
My first weekend, too. Not completely sober tho. Tapering off. Best I can do right now.
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Old 06-20-2014, 11:07 PM
  # 119 (permalink)  
That bell or bike person
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Hey Boobooka ,
nice to have you along , sounds like your doing the right thing with the Dr involved .

Bestwishes, m
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Old 06-20-2014, 11:15 PM
  # 120 (permalink)  
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hey boobooka,
Good for you, everyone needs to start somewhere, right. I don't know much but I know I really want sobriety bad right now, not thinking about tomorrow or the next, I can't think to far ahead.

I hope things go well with you and your road to recovery.
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