
Weekender thread! June 20-22!!! Come join us!

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Old 06-20-2014, 11:26 PM
  # 121 (permalink)  
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Hey whee!kenders!

Kevin that video is awesome. Bigsombrero your name was in the daily crossword yesterday, I read the clue and giggled as I thought of you. Nons, I have a ham hock in a vat of split pea soup I'm cooking at the moment -- not quite bacon but certainly a warm nod in that direction.

Have fun sober whee!kenders!
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Old 06-20-2014, 11:30 PM
  # 122 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by mecanix View Post
Relapsers are not "getting away with it" they are bringing pain and misery into their lives and can also suffer from addiction apathy . m
That is a problem right there for me. Nailed it. I feel like I am "getting away with it". I am not. Time to put away those feelings, and deal with reality.

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Old 06-20-2014, 11:48 PM
  # 123 (permalink)  
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Hellooo Weekenders,

Thanks for all the graphics and thoroughly developed descriptions of your tasty foods. PB&J in my house tonight as I did not make it to the market today. My husband actually asked if the beef in the refrigerator that I cooked last week was still edible. 'No' I said, which he took as a suggestion and cooked it up (into a decidedly gorgeous looking quesadilla) anyway. EWww. I just have a hard time with leftovers generally and have no idea where he even found that.

Welcome here to all the new Weekenders This is a super-sober-saving-supporter. Love coming here since my first weekend on SR. Thanks Weasel, Mecanix and all Weekenders!. So entertaining. Such a relief. We are doing this.

Kevin...hah hah ha ha. That relaxation video is hilarious. curiosity regarding your user name is brimming. Is there a story behind the name? You are doing great work Boobooka - a plan and support is totally setting yourself up for success. Everybody has to start somewhere, like gottatry said. This is hard stuff for everyone and totally worth every ounce of effort. Pats on the back to us all.

The LTV house is going swimming tomorrow. Sweet dreams everyone and good day to those already enjoying a sober Saturday!

***Aww. Marcher. Split pea soup with a ham hock is my all time favorite. Some nice crusty bread pieces to dip. Yum!
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Old 06-21-2014, 01:02 AM
  # 124 (permalink)  
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we are all on for this weekend as well?
Boyfriend was round with win last night but I ws good and found it easier to say no than I ever would have done...
thanks all for your support... it's making a big difference to me and mine
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Old 06-21-2014, 01:21 AM
  # 125 (permalink)  
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Hey there RainbowDash! Welcome to the great Weekender thread

Deja vu all over again. I should be sleeping right now for sure, but I could not get this feeling of deja vu out of my head after reading your post...and realized this is the Weekender thread from last weekend. Aha!

Better late than never. But you are here with perfect timing. Head on over to the 'Weekender June 20-22' thread - lots of sober Weekenders over there who would love to see you!

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Old 06-21-2014, 01:46 AM
  # 126 (permalink)  
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Mecanix is right. I came here struggling every day for more than a year. I put my heart and soul into each plea for help. I had to learn that posting itself doesn't keep me sober. My actions in everything I do keep me sober. A new way of thinking.

I don't know about all you folks but changing the way I think takes time. It gets molded by conversation after conversation. Inch by inch.

If I went off and left SR I would never be here. Probably literally!!!

This thread everyone loves so much was born out of this particular drunk guy coming here relapse after relapse trying to piece it together through casual conversation about normal stuff as I tried to navigate a 48 hour period of pure hell.

This thread in particular is not and will not be a place of any type of judgement. If anyone feels they are above someone who has relapsed then move along. Otherwise show you support universally or remain quiet.

If you relapsed speak up. This is more than bacon talk. It save lives. It saved my life.
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Old 06-21-2014, 01:46 AM
  # 127 (permalink)  
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Now.... Please resume bacon talk.....
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Old 06-21-2014, 01:48 AM
  # 128 (permalink)  
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I'm 4 days in to being sober. I think this weekend will be ok. I know once I start to feel better, this will not be the case next weekend. Fri.....will be hard. I'm thinking I come in now, I'll need to come in next weekend!

SO...I'm in x
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Old 06-21-2014, 01:51 AM
  # 129 (permalink)  
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Non.... I happen so be rather disappointed in you.... Yes... Never thought it was possible.... You made those onion rings look so damn good on that plate before you cooked them.... You inspired me with a slab of meat and a simple onion on your work board... And then... Quite frankly you frightened me.... I wanted to see a plate full of baconess... I could smell them and hear them sizzle.... WTF with that pic man?

(This in no way diminishes my overall and undying respect for you)
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Old 06-21-2014, 03:23 AM
  # 130 (permalink)  
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I'm here and it's 5:08 a.m. I thought I would pop in and check it out before trying to get a couple of more hours sleep. Thanks Mec and Ken. Normal conversations, inch by inch. I feel like I fit in here and I like that feeling.

I was at the pool. Tons of moms I know because our kids play together. They have had play dates and I've talked to and laughed with the moms at other times. but I don't feel I fit in with them. Mothers were all standing in clusters on the other side of the pool. I was standing there with my kids. No one came up to talk to me. I walked over to try to join the conversation and I was barely included. It can be isolating. So I get doubts. Do I sound like an idiot? Am I inappropriate? I try to follow social cues. I try to be mindful but it still sometimes feels lonely. I think a lot of us are In that boat. Bumbling along to make a connection. Still hurts being the kid that doesn't quite fit in, trying as best we can.

Boobooka, hang in there and reach out. It is hard at first. I never even tried to taper. I just let things get so awful and desperate that twice I detoxed in the hospital before going to rehab. First out patient and then in patient about seven years after that first outpatient stint. You are trying and that is a big thing.

And I still feel left out. For some reason I can't see the Dalek relaxation video It just isn't even visible on my iPad. I will have to see if it comes up on my desk top.

So back to bed. Maybe.
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Old 06-21-2014, 03:45 AM
  # 131 (permalink)  
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Sorry my bacon hole doesn't have more universal appeal. I'll try not to take it personally.

House full of dogs today. My brother is here with his Great Dane/Mastiff mix, plus my German Shepherd and my new Hound. Amazing how adding one more dog adds 200% more chaos.

About 15 months ago I visited this thread during a relapse. Someone suggested that I shouldn't participate because it was for sober people only, so I checked out. It was a sad and lonely experience. I think this new policy of toleration is much better.

Welcome to the newcomers and the oldtimers alike. Let's keep it going.
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Old 06-21-2014, 04:25 AM
  # 132 (permalink)  
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Big, I think the mods are of the opinion that there is always hope for relapsed people here with the support on the boards. Their opinion, from what I've seen, is "if a thread is not benefiting you, ignore it--you never now how it might be benefiting somebody else."

My husband was very excited about the bacon-wrapped onion rings. We have always liked to grill bacon-wrapped scallops.

Oh, Big and Ruby: a little joke.

What did Jesus say to the Cubs before he ascended into heaven?
"Don't do anything till I return!"

(This coming from a fan of teams who are perennial chokers!)
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Old 06-21-2014, 04:34 AM
  # 133 (permalink)  
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Big, I think the mods are of the opinion that there is always hope for relapsed people here with the support on the boards. Their opinion, from what I've seen, is "if a thread is not benefiting you, ignore it--you never now how it might be benefiting somebody else."
Gilmer wins the kewpie doll

We're a recovery site, There will always be people here drinking, or using, on all points of
the addiction spectrum.

we welcome them all

The only person I can stop drinking is myself.
For the rest, I share my experience.

It may help the person I'm posting to - it may not.
If not, it may help someone else.

I dunno about you guys but I still remember what it was like to relapse.

I'm not really sure this thread is the best place for discussions like these.

I'd hate for anyone to feel unwelcome or looked down upon here.

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Old 06-21-2014, 04:38 AM
  # 134 (permalink)  
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7:30am here, sippin on my coffee/hot choc combo....waiting for the BF to get up so we can enjoy this day.
made the mistake of talking to a girl yesterday who has done weekends where I'm going next week... nightmares out the wazoo.
oh well....I promised myself I would ENJOY this weekend and worry about the ******** after.

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Old 06-21-2014, 04:40 AM
  # 135 (permalink)  
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Okay, okay - you guys make good points! Thanks for not "shouting me out of the room", and instead giving me a solid explanation from the other side. I will keep my own recovery number one, and not worry about how other people work their own programs. I guess this board just kind of ebbs and flows, sometimes it's smooth and humming like a well oiled machine and other times it's like listening to a toddler playing the piano. Discordant. The rhythms of life, I guess.

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter everyone. I'm happy to move on, topic-wise. My apologies for bringing it up here, also. Hopefully we can get our own weekend thread back to the well-oiled machine that it always is.
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Old 06-21-2014, 04:41 AM
  # 136 (permalink)  
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I signed up for a sea kayaking class next Saturday!!!! I am so excited. I kayaked once on a calm lake. Loved it. But to kayak out to the islands in Casco Bay here in Portland will be amazing! I have two classes. An intro and a survival skills class. Learn how to flip over and get back in it should I fall out.

Cannot wait!
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Old 06-21-2014, 04:42 AM
  # 137 (permalink)  
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Hey BigS... You are one of my favorites. You add a lot to the weekend thread and don't want you to go anywhere.

Plus cannot wait for the pictures from your travels.

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Old 06-21-2014, 04:49 AM
  # 138 (permalink)  
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I did not realize that the art of bacon twirling was a recognized sport here....?
The things we can learn on SR.
When I struggle, I never felt isolated here, people help by supporting me no matter what I babbled about, they let me talk and the drinking urges did pass.
So I am baking angelfood cake today, cos I refuse to take kayaking lessons.
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Old 06-21-2014, 04:52 AM
  # 139 (permalink)  
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Hey fands! Good to see you!

Did I mention I cannot swim? This should be fun!
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Old 06-21-2014, 05:05 AM
  # 140 (permalink)  
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Ruby, I used to feel like very much of an outsider among my neighborhood ladies, too, and at first I was hurt. I wondered if I had fungus on my face! I think it was because I didn't suck up to them to be included--I just acted like a normal friendly person. I didn't boast about my kids, my friends, my possessions, or my husband's accomplishments.

Plus, I had five kids instead of just two, so I was considered a real weirdo. I didn't go out to the bars with them when I was first invited for "Ladies' Night," so after that I was not included for anything, and e-mails were not returned! Totally shunned!

I think a lot of women tend to be cliquish--much more so than most men, from my observation. That's why I treasure SR so much--it's not at all cliquish!
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