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Old 05-03-2010, 05:51 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Good Morning! Day 2 here. I was not really hungover yesterday on Day 1 since I tried to "moderate" on Saturday night. I drank more than I should have but not as much as usual. Still slept badly and felt crappy during the night. But last night was different -- just rock solid sober sleep. Very nice!

I had a stressful weekend and am going to have a stressful week. Work is stressful, doctor's appointments, kids' issues, etc. Sometimes I say to myself, "No wonder I drink." However, I have come to learn that no matter how bad things are, alcohol only makes them worse. Unfortunately I have put this to the test many times.

So here I go...hanging in there. Hope you all are good today.

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Old 05-03-2010, 06:57 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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good morning to you, too, traderjane, and all you Maysters out there! Trader, I'm so glad your w/d is not too bad. Hope your day goes well today.

As for me, I'm going on day 3, insomnia really bad last night (and my lower GI track decided to turn on me about midnight and for a few hours I was back and forth from the bathroom) Still have a few other w/d symptoms too, but all in all, I'm feeling so much better than if I drank last night. And that's just the physical. When I think about the emotional/mental part added onto that, there's just no reason to continue to torture myself this way.

Glad you're feeling better Richard. I know what you mean about wanting freedom again. I'm so sick of the vicious cycle.

Draciack and Atlas - you'll have to tell me if you eat something really good today I hope you both have a great day.

Nancylee - how's it going for you?
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Old 05-03-2010, 09:12 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Today is my first day @ 0 mg of Methadone, so I'm present for class of May 2010!
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Old 05-03-2010, 09:37 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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Absolutely, snowman! Great to have you in our class!! How's your day going so far? I don't know much about mentadone w/d, but I'm sure it sucks just like withdrawal from alcohol. What I do know is that all of us addicts need to stick togther and help each get through this. Keep posting and Congratulations on Day 1!!!!!!!!!! -
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Old 05-03-2010, 10:16 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by artsoul View Post
Absolutely, snowman! Great to have you in our class!! How's your day going so far? I don't know much about mentadone w/d, but I'm sure it sucks just like withdrawal from alcohol. What I do know is that all of us addicts need to stick togther and help each get through this. Keep posting and Congratulations on Day 1!!!!!!!!!! -
So far so good...all though the real test will be tomorrow. Very little sleep last night, crazy b/c my body was sworn slap out, guess my mind had other plans. I may have to break out the "sleepy time" herbal tea tonight. lol
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Old 05-03-2010, 10:40 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Well, I'm back on day one again! So I guess I can be part of the may group. I am really struggling with this- I get to day four or five and the committee in my head (heard it referred to as that from someone on here and it is such a true way to describe it) start arguejng . The result is always the same , I convince myself I can drink moderatly, I can't though. Anyway I'm gonna try a meeting on Friday and spend lots of time on SR. hopefully this time I can do it
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Old 05-03-2010, 10:59 AM
  # 27 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by snowman76 View Post
So far so good...all though the real test will be tomorrow. Very little sleep last night, crazy b/c my body was sworn slap out, guess my mind had other plans. I may have to break out the "sleepy time" herbal tea tonight. lol
Yeah, me too snowman! Too bad they don't make a "dead to the world" herbal tea. haha
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:07 AM
  # 28 (permalink)  
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So glad you're with us Acorn! You sound just like me. We're not stupid people, so why does it take so much to convince us?? At least you didn't let years go by, like I did. All I know is I've been wanting to get off this no-so-merry-go-round for quite some time now. If not now, when, right? So Congratulations, hugs, prayers, and let's get through this day sober. Yeehah!
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:16 AM
  # 29 (permalink)  
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Well I need to joy another class thread as forgot which ones I have been part of through the booze. Back to day 2 again, felt a bit nauseous yesterday and just feel a bit "strange" today. Going to go for a 4K run soon to try and blow the cobwebs away.

Oh and Hi all./
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:18 AM
  # 30 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Draciack View Post
When I drink, my diet is...oh, how should I put this--terrible. Fast food, late night binges, little breakfast, and so forth.

Btw, Atlas, heck of a storm we had today, yeah? I hope you stayed safe. I heard the highways were flooded in Nashville.
I relate with the drinking diet. I use to joke with my friends that I would get the munchies more when I drank then when I smoked weed...haha. Which was an additional (of the many) reason why I chose to stop drinking--I want to eat & lead a healthy lifestyle.

Concerning the flooding: The Cumberland River was expected to crest at 51.something ft. (flood level) at noon today.

My house is fine, I'm quite a bit east of Nashville. However, I work in Nashville & my work parking lot flooded Saturday along with my car...yikes! It's all good though. I'm fortunate enough to have family that can loan me a car until we get things figured out. We're getting to the recovery stage of all of this and new shelters are still opening up--about 14,000 people are still w/o power though (just Davidson Co. area, maybe more elsewhere) and people are being ask to cut their water usage in half in order to eliminate the possibility of lowered pressure in the pipes--which could result in a crack & therefore leakage of contaminated water into the drinking water---so hopefully Nashvillians adhere to that!

It's sunny and beautiful today & suppose to be without rain 'til friday & even then only a few showers. Hope ya'll are doing good in Knoxville.

Congratulations on everyones 1st or first few days of sobriety!! It's not easy, but we can do it! & just remember that you are not alone in this process
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:24 AM
  # 31 (permalink)  
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TraderJane---Love your name, I'm slightly obsessed with Traderjoe's
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:25 AM
  # 32 (permalink)  
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Welcome spen!!! I think we have alot of great company here, so let's do this!! I've been back and forth more times than I can count, and know what you mean about just feeling weird. I went to the bank a few minutes ago and felt like I was coming out of a dream/cucoon (maybe I am!). Congratulations on your commitment and hope to get to know you.

Originally Posted by spen71 View Post
Going to go for a 4K run soon to try and blow the cobwebs away./
Sounds great. I don't know if I'd survive something like that!
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:32 AM
  # 33 (permalink)  
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I absolutely hate day one! You have all the worst effects of alcohol ie hangover, anxiety WD symptoms with none o the beneifts of soberness. At least on day two you don't have a hangover and the positiveness of life is starting to emerge.
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:36 AM
  # 34 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by artsoul View Post
Welcome spen!!! I think we have alot of great company here, so let's do this!! I've been back and forth more times than I can count, and know what you mean about just feeling weird. I went to the bank a few minutes ago and felt like I was coming out of a dream/cucoon (maybe I am!). Congratulations on your commitment and hope to get to know you.

Sounds great. I don't know if I'd survive something like that!
Well I did 4K last Sunday before I went on a week long bender.
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:39 AM
  # 35 (permalink)  
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Class of May 2010

Thank you...I am making it through my first day after deciding to stop again. It is going to be hard but not impossible. I need all the group hugs and support I can get. My husband keeps under minding my efforts. I spent years attending Al-anon and learned about people who do that. It took me a while to realize that he does this. When I drink and say or do something stupid it gives him an excuse for his own behavior so even though he says I need to stop drinking when I attempt it then he can not blame everything on me. I am going to take all his excuses away by not drinking. Although I know that I have used him as an excuse.
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:50 AM
  # 36 (permalink)  
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Hi Acorn & Spen & Ron
We're getting a great class here!
Day 2 here still plenty of poisons in my body to expel but I KNOW I'm not going to drink today. Tomorrow,,well I will deal with that when it comes.
Slept pretty good last night although kept waking up with cramps in my legs and feet, had to get up and dance around the place for a while and drink water. Guess I'm pretty dehydrated.
I can so totally relate to the 'committee in the head' Acorn it always seems after a while of being sober I start feeling so damn good the committee starts in..gotta be on guard and tell that committe to get lost.

One day at a time !
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:51 AM
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Stick at it ronda, it seems like there are a few of us that are just begining our journey. It is good to have this mutual support!
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Old 05-03-2010, 11:56 AM
  # 38 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Richard54 View Post
Hi Acorn & Spen & Ron
We're getting a great class here!
Day 2 here still plenty of poisons in my body to expel but I KNOW I'm not going to drink today. Tomorrow,,well I will deal with that when it comes.
Slept pretty good last night although kept waking up with cramps in my legs and feet, had to get up and dance around the place for a while and drink water. Guess I'm pretty dehydrated.
I can so totally relate to the 'committee in the head' Acorn it always seems after a while of being sober I start feeling so damn good the committee starts in..gotta be on guard and tell that committe to get lost.

One day at a time !
Thanks Richard. Is anyone in this thread using aa?
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Old 05-03-2010, 12:02 PM
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I've been to AA in the past Acorn. Maybe 6 times. Never worked the steps or got a sponsor though
I'll probably start going again. I'm also going to go to an addiction counsellor. Gotta get some kind of solid recovery plan going to quell that committee when it starts up or I might not make it. It's not going to be enough for me just to simply stop drinking.
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Old 05-03-2010, 12:16 PM
  # 40 (permalink)  
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Welcome, Acorn, Spen, Rondaveu!

Acorn, I can completely relate to having a committee in my head. Soon as the really good effects of sobriety come around, a little voice pops in saying, "Things are going so well again, why not have a drink? Just one, that won't hurt." Blegh. My last great controlled drinking experiment failed roughly in four days, in which I was lucky not to be pulled over for a DUI or set my apartment on fire while cooking at 3AM.

Atlas, glad you're safe; floods are no fun. Knoxville is fine, except for this oppressive heat wave. With this humidity, it feels like Memphis.

Congrats on the early days, guys. And welcome to the class
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