
Class of April 2010

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Old 05-06-2010, 06:13 AM
  # 361 (permalink)  
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Hi guys,

Still here and still sober.

Slowly finding peace.
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Old 05-06-2010, 06:30 AM
  # 362 (permalink)  
Mad about Saffron
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Posts: 50
Day 18

Originally Posted by LaVallette View Post
EXACTLY how I feel this time around after many, many "dry spells" where it felt that I was holding off having my next drink for as long as possible, rather than accepting things a day at a time.

Awesome. This is Day 14 for me; two whole freakin' weeks! Yay me.

2 weeks is outstanding. Well done, mate.

I visited Australia almost 30 years ago when I was in the USMC. Found it to be a very beautiful place, with friendly people. Always wanted to return.

I totally can relate to " felt that I was holding off having my next drink for as long as possible, rather than accepting things a day at a time."

Well said. Man, have I ever been there.

I've posted before about how this attempt at sobriety feels so different from my previous habit of stringing a few days of non-drinking together whilst waiting for a convenient excuse to crack open a beer, and lie to myself about how I didn't have a problem.

I honestly don't know what has made this time different.

Maybe it is the fact that I have accepted, deep down, that I am an alcoholic, and the only way (for me) to deal with alcohol is 100% abstinence, end of discussion.

I do know that reading/posting on this forum has helped immensely.

Here, I can be accountable. Here, I can learn from others who are in the same boat as I am.

Today is my 18th day sober.

I am just 11 days away from the longest stretch without alcohol in my life in nearly 3 decades.

I feel good. Real good.

Keep your heads up classmates, and thanks once again for helping a fool find his way.
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Old 05-06-2010, 06:45 AM
  # 363 (permalink)  
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Day 12

Hi April Folk,

I'm enjoying reading about your collective experiences with sobriety. There's a lot of wisdom here.

I'm really depressed. I don't feel like this when I'm in the midst of a drinking cycle, which no doubt accounts for the lure of inebriation. I've had depression for over a decade and I'm very familiar with the treatment modalities. It's just that sometimes none of that stuff works. Neither, for that matter, does alcohol.
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Old 05-06-2010, 06:56 AM
  # 364 (permalink)  
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Day 26

In the crucible of sobriety, a new self is slowly taking shape. I have taken the wheel of my life, and driven off the road of inevitablity.

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Old 05-06-2010, 09:15 PM
  # 365 (permalink)  
Forward we go...side by side-Rest In Peace
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In my time's just past midnight ..on 5-7

I'll be heading to bed soon.....serene and sober.
That's my wish for y'all.... where ever you are....

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Old 05-06-2010, 09:26 PM
  # 366 (permalink)  
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Thanks Carol

It's a good place to be
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Old 05-07-2010, 05:16 AM
  # 367 (permalink)  
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Hi folks,

Still here and still Sober.

Getting together with a friend tomorrow for a little memorial for our dear friend who passed.

Happy that I will be clear minded for it.
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Old 05-07-2010, 08:47 AM
  # 368 (permalink)  
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Hey guys, all is well over here, just more of a lurker right now, things are busy, but busy is good when i'm clear headed and able to keep up with my work and 3 kids and the dog.
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:57 AM
  # 369 (permalink)  
Mad about Saffron
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Day 19

Today is my 19th day of sobriety.

I received some financial news today that was much better than expected.

Just a short while ago, that would have been a perfect excuse to drink too much and wake up the next day feeling like death on a cracker.

But that was the old Fool.

I read something here on SR the other day that has really stuck with me..."Relapse does not have to be part of your recovery....You can have had your last drink."

I found that to be quite profound.

I am taking things as they come. I am finding that willpower is like a muscle....If you exercise it, it gets stronger.

Every day sober is a victory guys. Thanks for listening.
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Old 05-07-2010, 10:37 AM
  # 370 (permalink)  
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Hi Everyone!

Just reading through all these pages...Wow...19 pages of pure support Amazing!
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Old 05-07-2010, 04:16 PM
  # 371 (permalink)  
Wandering Student of Life
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Originally Posted by unbrokenchain View Post
How's it going White Wave? Long time no hear.
Hey UC; hey everyone!
I had left my laptop over at my partner's place and he and I were basically playing tag. He left for a trip for the weekend tonight, and asked me to go over and take care of his animals. I did, and thankfully remembered to grab this wonderful little toy I love my laptop.

Anywhoo, back home now, gonna take a nap, and then spend sober evening # 41 watching tv shows from the last week that I missed due to outpatient group.

Nap time! I hope everyone is well!
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Old 05-07-2010, 04:18 PM
  # 372 (permalink)  
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Day 27

I love napping.

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Old 05-07-2010, 06:31 PM
  # 373 (permalink)  
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I am new to this site, and saw this thread even more recently. My sober b-day is April 12, so I hope I am welcome here! I’ve tried to read a lot of this thread, but it’s pretty long as you know. I hope to continue to go back and get to know many of you.

Anyway…I look forward to staying sober with you. I appreciate all the support I can get too.
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Old 05-07-2010, 06:34 PM
  # 374 (permalink)  
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Welcome Ghostly
Congrats on your sober time

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Old 05-07-2010, 07:52 PM
  # 375 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up

Hi Ghostly , ....and Welcome to SR !

I hope you'll find this site as helpful and supportive as I have the past month.

Congatulations on your sober time
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Old 05-07-2010, 08:15 PM
  # 376 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Ghostly View Post

I am new to this site, and saw this thread even more recently. My sober b-day is April 12, so I hope I am welcome here! I’ve tried to read a lot of this thread, but it’s pretty long as you know. I hope to continue to go back and get to know many of you.

Anyway…I look forward to staying sober with you. I appreciate all the support I can get too.
Welcome! Did you do an intro thread? If you did, I think I missed it and I'm sorry. No matter what, congrats on your sober time! Does it feel different each day? This early sobriety is always sooooo interesting (often times extremely rough too).

Hours away from day 42 (6 Weeks) here! It's been better than other attempts - I think the constant outpatient has REALLY helped. Now I understand the urging of others with experience suggesting a lot of meetings as a strong tool for sobriety.

I've narrowed down my triggers a little - stress, boredom, and something undefinable which contains a strange, inborn and inexplicable tendency toward self-sabotage/destruction. That last one seems to be being handled fairly well by medication for my psych issues. The others.... again, the group's really been helping. Oh, and SR is helping all-around, of course.

Hmmm, just kinda felt like sharing I guess. One of the better things I could be doing on a rainy Friday night I suppose

Take care all - I'll check back in soon!

Blessed be,
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:18 PM
  # 377 (permalink)  
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Thanks all.

I actually didn’t do an intro post yet…still may. Congrats on your 42 days WW! That is amazing.

Not sure if it felt different each day…kinda a gradual change. Think my body is used to not having alcohol in it now, but my mind lingers sometimes. Had ups and downs but stayed true.

Biggest thing for me was getting to sleep. Had problems my whole life with sleep, then for the first time found something that could get me there, and keep me asleep. Of course, as you know, that took more and more…and pretty soon was waking up still feeling it. Of course, also started drinking then for other reasons, and the cycle continued. Was really depressed.

Looking forward to getting to know people on SR and learning from them.
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:46 PM
  # 378 (permalink)  
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Checking in my SR pals!! Still alive and kicking at 22 days sober. I nailed my in-processing and am back working in the classroom again!!! I can't believe it guys but 4 days down of work. I haven't "worked" since I finished out the 2008 school year and that was during my divorce. Wow it feels freaking amazing!

I finished my day, hit up the some groceries, cleaned up my kitchen and made lasagna. Not to mention I was at work at 6AM.

Yeah.....only through sobriety and I doing this and making the lifestyle changes we have talked about.

My outlook is beyond positive. I am ridding the negatives and embracing all that is great and pushing myself to new levels each day. I feel like Kimmy again....the one who did so much sober and had the self confidence.

I taking all of the energy that I focused on my failures as a drunk and placing it on all my achievements.

Yes, we rise after the fall. I survived so much and am coming out better then before. I walk the line.

A song that I have loved for years but now am living is Keith Urban's "Somebody Like You."

Here is the link if you wanna hear it and get to know a bit of where I am at in my life. Couldn't say it better.

YouTube - keith urban-somebody like you

We can overcome my friends.

Have an awesome weekend and looking forward too all of our continued sobriety and if by chance we should fall......just pick up, dust off and go again.

My hat is off to all of you and know that you inspire me in ways that I have never been before. I am blessed to have SR and support like you.

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Old 05-08-2010, 02:23 AM
  # 379 (permalink)  
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Hey everyone,
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. My laptop was dropped on the floor and cracked the hard drive and our back up had the screen crap out. Unfortunately I was a little hesitant to spend too much time on this site on the Uni computers. Added on the past two weeks term papers have been due, and.... my practicum starts this Monday, I just haven't had the time to check in here.

The good news is..... 26 days sober, still going strong! Kim, WW, Rev, UBC, topspin, bartender, Stayinfree, Andi, keep up the good work everyone. I'll try to check in more in the future now I've got my computer back. Luv you all.
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Old 05-08-2010, 03:05 AM
  # 380 (permalink)  
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Take care Annette, there will always be lots of people here for support whenever you need. No time like the present to get back on the horse and give that crazy heart one more try at sobriety.
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