
Class of August 2012 Part 7

Old 12-05-2012, 11:54 AM
  # 81 (permalink)  
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No work for me today. Had to take my mom to the dr this am for a cat scan. I am home now slowly cleaning my habitat. I am supposed to be doing the 20/10 thing. Clean for 20 break for 10. But its more like a 20/20 thing, LOL. As you know I struggle with cleaning (Past life experiences and all). So this is a big thing for me to be off all day alone cleaning and sober. I know it sounds silly, but it is what it is.

I found a cool site all about cleaning your space for those of us who just cant do it. Id post the link, but the language may be unstable. It is called unf**kyourhabitat and its over at tumbler. I like it, its a no holds barred motivator for getting it done.

Oh yeah, work contest weigh in is friday...Not looking good for me...

PPS.. I'm now in the tipple digits for days sober. Not sure how I missed day 100
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Old 12-05-2012, 12:34 PM
  # 82 (permalink)  
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LOL there is no similarity there either I'm afraid Stairs

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Old 12-05-2012, 01:12 PM
  # 83 (permalink)  
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Many congrats on triple digits HFA....
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Old 12-05-2012, 01:13 PM
  # 84 (permalink)  
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Finally home from the gym...Good session and totally fried my chest and triceps...Gonna chill for a while and then it's time to hit the sack....Take care all....Steve...
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Old 12-05-2012, 01:49 PM
  # 85 (permalink)  
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Hi, peeps. Sorry, but I couldn't resist being a bit naughty last night...tee, hee, tee, hee.

Pan, so good to hear from you again. How old is your boy again? In the islands, bullying wasn't a problem; older kids would watch out for the younger ones, protecting them and mentoring them. My son's mentor was a kid named One Love. When we moved to the states, we had a couple of years with incidents, but he and the other boys were young enough (8 to 10 years old) that I found ways to work around it. One of those "bullies" has now been my son's friend for 14 years now!

Bullying is never fun and as parents we feel the pain as well.

Is your daughter having teeth pulled for braces? That sounds like a lot of teeth to be pulled. The poor tooth fairy is going to be broke.

Steve, are you feeling more confident now talking back to that nasty AV? When you do hear it, remember that it is indeed a nasty beast and wants nothing but bad things for you, so don't let it lull you into its grips.

HFA congrats on a big milestone!

As far as the weigh in is concerned, you could just fast and keep fluids to a minimum between now and then...amazing how water weight adds pounds.

Me, I had a big twist in my knickers yesterday thinking about YS, but during my nightly reflection time I got a better handle on things. Truth be told, YS is a narcissist and there's not much I can do about that. I'm hurt and angry about things, yet that comes from expectations of her behaving like a well adjusted adult, which she is not. Now that she has "bowed out", I will just have to give myself time to accept the things that I cannot change and grieve the loss of my vision of family. I know that this must really hurt my dad, but he is aware of how hard we sisters have tried with the youngest one. It stinks that this has happened near the holidays and all the many markers leading up to the one year anniversary of my mother's death, but there are things in life that are out of my control.

Another day, another adventure in this great game of life.

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Old 12-05-2012, 01:57 PM
  # 86 (permalink)  
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congrats HFA

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Old 12-05-2012, 03:56 PM
  # 87 (permalink)  
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23.30 and a quick POST before bed. he he!

Hi all, really tired tonight, but nothing unusual there, I'm supposed to be doing a spot of online Christmas shopping but once I get in here, everything else goes to pot!

Never mind Dee, we'll treat you if we win the Lotto! I'm sure you're better looking than Brad Pitt anyway!!

Hi Stairs, feel free to come over and clean my house when you've finished yours. I don't mind, honestly! Hey that meeting sounds very enlightening!

Hi Steve, this is one of the very few times I haven't seen you mentioning food!! You're not ill are you?

HFA, I love your new avatar. I hope your mum is okay, has she been poorly? I've never heard of the 20/10 thing with the cleaning, I'll have to give it a try. I've heard about that site before but I've never got round to looking at it, I must make time. Don't worry about your weight, you're sober and that's the main thing. I'll go into competition with you after Christmas to lose weight and we'll have a race!!
Did you mean to say tipple digits???LOL Massive congrats on 100 days.

Hi Slim, I love it when you're naughty, you have a very dry sense of humour and that's a very evil looking banana! Please don't lose any sleep through the actions of your Y.S, unfortunately it's true, we can pick our friends but not our family. You did your best and I can't see what more you could possibly do, just draw a line under it and get on with your life. Your dad has your love and you have his and at the end of the day it is your Y. S who is losing out.

Leaving you all in peace now.

Night night, sleep well
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Old 12-05-2012, 04:19 PM
  # 88 (permalink)  
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in the looks dept, lets just say that I chose Floyd advisedly LOL

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Old 12-05-2012, 06:03 PM
  # 89 (permalink)  
...not falling down them
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Hello again,

D, Floyd is adorable.

Grace I'd love to come over but probably will bring my book and read all day which is what I did here. Finished the massive "Under the Dome". Sadly it came to an end. What a great read.

My older daughter got 2 part time jobs! Very proud of her. She is taking me to lunch in 2 weeks she says.

I did not have a car today as M's is in the shop and he had to take mine. Speaking of which, my rack and pinion steering is shot and my exhaust system needs replaced so I am looking for a car. Mine runs but...power steering fluid, don't leave home without it.

HFA, congratulations on double digits. I like your 20/10 plan for cleaning. I am not much for cleaning. It comes and goes in waves.

Pan, sorry you are having a lot of stress lately. It's good to see you here.

Steve, I missed your dinner menu, lol, good to see you.

Slim, the whipped cream incident sounds pretty off the chain. I hope things can get better. Sending good thoughts your way on the sister situation.

Well hello to everyone else and with that I am outta here.

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Old 12-05-2012, 07:00 PM
  # 90 (permalink)  
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For those of you who have young ones, or are young at heart and live in ccccold climates, this might be fun to try:

A friend of mine in the islands posted this on her FB page; granted she can't do it in the tropics, but maybe some of us can try it for her.
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Old 12-05-2012, 07:19 PM
  # 91 (permalink)  
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Hey all - thanks for the welcome back - still catching up. My daughter (10 and soon to be 11) looks a bit like a crazy chipmunk tonight with only 4 front teeth on top in the front and slightly swollen. She was a trooper for the most part through the proceedure. As a reward, I took her to the hair salon today for an outrageously expensive haircut. Not sure where that rates in mother's handbook as appropriate....but, she is a happy little toothless extortionist.

Slim - My son is 13 - things are settling down from the incident (as far as I can tell) word from the police on whether they caught all the culprits. I agree with you that we can make lemonade out of this lemon....and will be happy we they look back on these past few days a bit wiser and hopefully kinder. I am sorry about your negative interactions with YS - but glad you are able to put things into perspective and not expand your energy on an unwinnable family battle.

Not much else to report. HFA - In an effort to fully embrace this healthy life, I just purchased a Fitbit - which is really just a fancy pedometer, altimeter, works with MyFitnessPal to basically track your every move and reminds you when you don't. It has kinda turned this weight loss/exercise/healthy eating thing into a game for me. Not sure if it works that way with everyone....but, it seems to have devotees out there. I am crossing my fingers for you on your weigh in! And a hearty congratulations on your breaking into triple digits!

Stairs - congratulations on your daughter's success - that is fantastic!

Dee - Love Floyd, love all things Australian......

Grace - hope your fatigue passes - shopping always tuckers me out...especially this time of year....we are headed into a cold spell (cold as in 30s F at night 40-50s F in the day) -- I love winter but hate the cold....which, I realize does not make much sense.

Steve - your gym sessions sound fantastic. I did not get to the gym today...hubby is out of town and the kids had homework, needed to be fed, tended to, loved on ----but I have great hope for Thursday.

Take care everyone - looking forward to seizing the day tomorrow.

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Old 12-05-2012, 10:07 PM
  # 92 (permalink)  
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@Grace2...Glad you like the avatar. It is a self-portraite . My mum (like that word better the mom) had colon cancer 2 yrs back. Her stomach is swollen and red, so they wanted a scan. Thanks for asking.

@SlimSlim, I was considering doing that for the weigh in. I did a juice fast for a couple days last time.

@Stairs, send some of those cleaning waves over here. Wash the whole place away.

@Panacea, Ive never heard of a Fitbit. I assume MyFitnessPal is an app? Is it free? I will need to look into that more

Its good to see everyone else. I am very glad to see this group still so big 4 mon in. :ghug3
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Old 12-06-2012, 12:10 AM
  # 93 (permalink)  
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Hi all,

Congratulations HFA - over 100 is bananatastic!

Slim I'm sorry to hear about your old neighbour. The card will help support the family I've no doubt. Regarding the other email, you have absolutely done your best but I know changing perceptions of family are very hard to work through.

Pan, I hope your son is ok.

Stairs I had built up that image of expat Dee too hehe!

To everyone lots of awesome vibes

I've had some seriously black times over the last 24-48 hours and really have nothing to say. Then went to a Chrismas dinner party at friends last night. They drank (not excessively) and they reminisced about a wedding when everyone ended up doing crazy drunken things and it was all ok and all funny. And then talking about spirits and types of drinks. I admire these people and so it all seems to me like its ok to drink. But I didn't and i suppose that tips me over into another week. And it is nice now to look back at the evening with a clear head (apart from a migraine haha) and to be confident that I conducted myself impeccably.

I guess this is a dangerous time. I'm glad of a page that I copy-paste stuff straight away I see on the forums that is useful. But I can't find one thing though, I think it was from eternalq-she said it really well. Something like:

'I'm still sober and at some point I'll remember why.'

Feeling little less black this morning and Ill try to keep it that way. It's a beautiful crispy frozen day out there. And im gonna do that balloon thing slim. supposedly we are in for a cold winter and it has been so far. after a few weeks/months they will be crazy shapes cos they will always be thawing and freezing

105 days complete or 28.8 per cent of this year spent sober.

Stay sober all! Xxx
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Old 12-06-2012, 12:21 AM
  # 94 (permalink)  
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And I'm really lucky and grateful to have this opportunity to make positive changes.
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Old 12-06-2012, 01:31 AM
  # 95 (permalink)  
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08.50 Thur

Good morning to you all my fellow Augustians

How's it going? I'm not in work today and I've got just a couple of hours to myself this morning, the little one is in nursery, I'm sticking a stew in the crock pot, got to go and collect a prescription from the doctors, nip to the pharmacy and then this afternoon I'm going to watch my little naughty g.daughter in her nursery nativity play, she's a sheep, in fact the whole class are sheep! I can't wait.

Papers have been filed in court for a hearing in January for Parental Responsibility for my little g.son, so fingers crossed, trying not to worry about it too much as we're in with a good chance.

Dee, lol and whats' wrong with Ffloyd may I ask? He's cute.

Stairs, hi, I'm exactly the same, get my head stuck in a book and that's it, I'm oblivious to everything. Your daughter did well getting two jobs and she's obviously making a big effort, good on her. Cars, ooh, mans work, I'm just useless with them or could it be method in my madness. Lol.

Slim, I love that balloon idea and I will try that with my lot, it's certainly cold enough, everywhere is white and frozen this morning, no snow yet though. I'll make it easy though and just get coloured balloons, I'm all for an easy life! Slim what about having a banana of the day?

Thursday banana

Pan, your poor daughter, at least that haircut will have cheered her up, poor thing. I remember when my daughter had several teeth out, they were growing inside her gums across the roof of her mouth and she had to go into hospital for the procedure, she came out with two beautiful black eyes!
I'm glad to hear you son is okay after that incident and with Christmas coming up at least he will have plenty to keep his mind occupied.
I'm going to look out for a 'fitbit', sounds good, it may encourage me with my walking
Anyway, you have a good day.

HFA, I hope it's good news for your mum, that's worrying, but fingers crossed and there is so much more they can do these days. My precious dad beat prostate cancer when he was in his mid 70's so good things can happen. Self portrate! Right! Okay! Whatever!

Apple, I'm so sorry you've had a big black cloud moment and I hope it passes soon. What brought that one, is it to do with the not drinking or other life issues? This is going to be a difficult few weeks for many of us now, with all the Christmas Festivities so I guess we all need to stick close. I think I said before, I'm going for a quiet, boring, Christmas, with as few social events as possible. I'm determined to come out sober the other side of it all! I find excercise is a great mood lifter, even if it's just a brisk walk, it's surprising how it clears your head of all that cotton wool. Stick with it Apple, it will all be worth it. xxxxx
I agree with you too, we're all really lucky to have the opportunity to change!

With that, I'm off to get my jobs done so stay safe and sober all.

Just for today: I will have a program.
I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it.
I will save myself from two pests: Hurry and Indecision's.
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Old 12-06-2012, 06:57 AM
  # 96 (permalink)  
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Don't know what to say...Fell off the waggon had 4 pints so far....Too much personal **** going on...I feel terrible...If this site wasn't so easily accessable I would tell you all my problems....Sorry....
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Old 12-06-2012, 07:01 AM
  # 97 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by stevie88 View Post
Don't know what to say...Fell off the waggon had 4 pints so far....Too much personal **** going on...I feel terrible...If this site wasn't so easily accessable I would tell you all my problems....Sorry....
Steve, sent you a PM.
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Old 12-06-2012, 07:33 AM
  # 98 (permalink)  
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Sorry to hear it...we know you've been fighting hard.

Can you work with Dee or another administrator to change your handle and password so that SR isn't so "easily accessible" and you feel more comfortable opening up about things?

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Old 12-06-2012, 09:24 AM
  # 99 (permalink)  
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Hey Steve, if you're still drinking, make the decision to hold it there. Come back to us and keep talking xxx
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Old 12-06-2012, 10:34 AM
  # 100 (permalink)  
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Hey all. So I officially informed Wells Fargo that I will not be moving forward with them but that I would love to reapply down the line and I really appreciate them. Done! I start my commute on Santa Clara and I'm sure after a while it will become routine. I'm writing all the good things down about my choice and I'm not going to consult with anyone anymore because I realize getting a million different opinions just confuses the heck out of me and makes ME look really unstable. My focus is recovery, my son, my degree, and showing up to work when I'm supposed to. Everything else WILL fall into place

Hope everyone is doing great and keeps pushing. My new sober date is December 1st and I'll be darned if that doesn't have a ring to it
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