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Old 12-05-2012, 07:19 PM
  # 91 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: SE USA
Posts: 941
Hey all - thanks for the welcome back - still catching up. My daughter (10 and soon to be 11) looks a bit like a crazy chipmunk tonight with only 4 front teeth on top in the front and slightly swollen. She was a trooper for the most part through the proceedure. As a reward, I took her to the hair salon today for an outrageously expensive haircut. Not sure where that rates in mother's handbook as appropriate....but, she is a happy little toothless extortionist.

Slim - My son is 13 - things are settling down from the incident (as far as I can tell) word from the police on whether they caught all the culprits. I agree with you that we can make lemonade out of this lemon....and will be happy we they look back on these past few days a bit wiser and hopefully kinder. I am sorry about your negative interactions with YS - but glad you are able to put things into perspective and not expand your energy on an unwinnable family battle.

Not much else to report. HFA - In an effort to fully embrace this healthy life, I just purchased a Fitbit - which is really just a fancy pedometer, altimeter, works with MyFitnessPal to basically track your every move and reminds you when you don't. It has kinda turned this weight loss/exercise/healthy eating thing into a game for me. Not sure if it works that way with everyone....but, it seems to have devotees out there. I am crossing my fingers for you on your weigh in! And a hearty congratulations on your breaking into triple digits!

Stairs - congratulations on your daughter's success - that is fantastic!

Dee - Love Floyd, love all things Australian......

Grace - hope your fatigue passes - shopping always tuckers me out...especially this time of year....we are headed into a cold spell (cold as in 30s F at night 40-50s F in the day) -- I love winter but hate the cold....which, I realize does not make much sense.

Steve - your gym sessions sound fantastic. I did not get to the gym today...hubby is out of town and the kids had homework, needed to be fed, tended to, loved on ----but I have great hope for Thursday.

Take care everyone - looking forward to seizing the day tomorrow.

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