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Old 12-06-2012, 12:10 AM
  # 93 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 503
Hi all,

Congratulations HFA - over 100 is bananatastic!

Slim I'm sorry to hear about your old neighbour. The card will help support the family I've no doubt. Regarding the other email, you have absolutely done your best but I know changing perceptions of family are very hard to work through.

Pan, I hope your son is ok.

Stairs I had built up that image of expat Dee too hehe!

To everyone lots of awesome vibes

I've had some seriously black times over the last 24-48 hours and really have nothing to say. Then went to a Chrismas dinner party at friends last night. They drank (not excessively) and they reminisced about a wedding when everyone ended up doing crazy drunken things and it was all ok and all funny. And then talking about spirits and types of drinks. I admire these people and so it all seems to me like its ok to drink. But I didn't and i suppose that tips me over into another week. And it is nice now to look back at the evening with a clear head (apart from a migraine haha) and to be confident that I conducted myself impeccably.

I guess this is a dangerous time. I'm glad of a page that I copy-paste stuff straight away I see on the forums that is useful. But I can't find one thing though, I think it was from eternalq-she said it really well. Something like:

'I'm still sober and at some point I'll remember why.'

Feeling little less black this morning and Ill try to keep it that way. It's a beautiful crispy frozen day out there. And im gonna do that balloon thing slim. supposedly we are in for a cold winter and it has been so far. after a few weeks/months they will be crazy shapes cos they will always be thawing and freezing

105 days complete or 28.8 per cent of this year spent sober.

Stay sober all! Xxx
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