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Old 12-05-2012, 01:49 PM
  # 85 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Posts: 524
Hi, peeps. Sorry, but I couldn't resist being a bit naughty last night...tee, hee, tee, hee.

Pan, so good to hear from you again. How old is your boy again? In the islands, bullying wasn't a problem; older kids would watch out for the younger ones, protecting them and mentoring them. My son's mentor was a kid named One Love. When we moved to the states, we had a couple of years with incidents, but he and the other boys were young enough (8 to 10 years old) that I found ways to work around it. One of those "bullies" has now been my son's friend for 14 years now!

Bullying is never fun and as parents we feel the pain as well.

Is your daughter having teeth pulled for braces? That sounds like a lot of teeth to be pulled. The poor tooth fairy is going to be broke.

Steve, are you feeling more confident now talking back to that nasty AV? When you do hear it, remember that it is indeed a nasty beast and wants nothing but bad things for you, so don't let it lull you into its grips.

HFA congrats on a big milestone!

As far as the weigh in is concerned, you could just fast and keep fluids to a minimum between now and then...amazing how water weight adds pounds.

Me, I had a big twist in my knickers yesterday thinking about YS, but during my nightly reflection time I got a better handle on things. Truth be told, YS is a narcissist and there's not much I can do about that. I'm hurt and angry about things, yet that comes from expectations of her behaving like a well adjusted adult, which she is not. Now that she has "bowed out", I will just have to give myself time to accept the things that I cannot change and grieve the loss of my vision of family. I know that this must really hurt my dad, but he is aware of how hard we sisters have tried with the youngest one. It stinks that this has happened near the holidays and all the many markers leading up to the one year anniversary of my mother's death, but there are things in life that are out of my control.

Another day, another adventure in this great game of life.

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