
Part 3 - Horselover's 10 nightly gratitude items.

Old 04-28-2011, 07:45 PM
  # 281 (permalink)  
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My heart is with you and your mom.
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Old 04-29-2011, 03:29 AM
  # 282 (permalink)  
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Big hugs Fands... Your Mom did a fabulous job raising you.

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Old 04-29-2011, 04:15 AM
  # 283 (permalink)  
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thanks everyone, i slept well and feel rested, not strung out as i would be if i drank too much....coping sober is much easier...really, the way i used to copewould be to drink myself to sleep...this is so much better.
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Old 04-29-2011, 04:35 PM
  # 284 (permalink)  
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Gotta agree with that statement Fandy. Life is not always easy, but much easier then when we were drinking to escape.

Grateful this Friday for -

1. A good Art in the School session today. We made tin photo frames. Love this program.

2. Watching the Royals WHEN I chose to watch which was not live. My Mother got up at 2 am and watched until 6 am and then went back to bed for a couple of hours. Nuts! Royally nuts. I say that in a loving manner.

3. Milo and Riley eating together. They keep taking turns eating out of the other's food dish. Its pretty funny and Riley is using all the cat boxes!!

4. Having a productive day and our living room looking sooooooo nice. Just amazing what a good can of paint will do for a house.

5. A busy weekend ahead. So grateful to be healthy and sober to enjoy and to even participate in it.

6. Catching an interview with Rob Lowe on Oprah today. It was actually on yesterday but I tape it. I had no idea he's been sober for 20 years! Loved hearing his praises of recovery.

7. Going to Walmart and using coupons. Actually gave a woman a coupon to use for dog food. It was only $2.00, but hey it was something.

8. Potstickers for dinner tonight. Yummm!

9. God through which I am sober today because of Him.

10. Sobriety, SR, Family - animal and people, Good Health, Happiness, Serenity!!!
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Old 04-29-2011, 05:14 PM
  # 285 (permalink)  
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my 3 boyz rotate food dishes too...and Fandy runs to the dog dish and drags the tiny kibble all over the kitchen floor....i have to keep the dog away from the cat food...his breath after eating salmon./tuna is a real turn-off.

my mother is on pain meds 24/7 now...she is still eating a tiny bit and drinking..i'm sure the percocet makes her thirsty....i brought her muscle milk today and blackberries..she had 2 sips and 2 berries...asked for some broth which they were bringing her. her liver is shutting down, she was noticibly jaundiced which just happened.

i told her that it was OK for her to go whenever she is's OK with me and my brother...we know it's hard.

I'm grateful for her good care and the compassionate nurses and aides there...
i'm grateful for sobriety, the rules and whatever strength i can summon both physical and mental...

back in the morning grat-pack...i need to deflate and unwind...with diet caffiene free coke and lemon...

i did have a mild panic attack when the BigCatCoffee people told me that my favorite KONA k-cups were discontinued due to green bean shortage? in Hawaii....there is a quarantine???

i am grateful that i spotted some in wally-world and snatched up 3 boxes!
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Old 04-30-2011, 03:17 AM
  # 286 (permalink)  
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Thinking of your mom and you, Fands

I know your care means so much to her - May we all be so blessed to be surrounded by love in our old age.
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Old 04-30-2011, 04:29 PM
  # 287 (permalink)  
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Saturday night shortie grats:

getting so much accomplished today with the outside gardens...they look wonderful, the beds have fresh shrubs and some early is still too cold for some of the delicate blooms, but i got dahlias (2-toned), got in 40 bulbs of calidiums and ferns, some other interesting things...12 bags of garden/topsoil, fertilized, and 12 bags of mulch...the rock wall looks GOOD and will be extended to surround the new AC compressor NEXT Japanese maple (lace leaf), evergreens...etc.

i'm grateful to be physically tired so i can get another good night's sleep.
grateful for the wonderful pets who are such good company.
grateful for my good friends and all the help and support.
grateful for my SR friend who do the same...and i can even *talk * to you guys at 3AM.
grateful for the RULES (62, 32) that get me through...
grateful for self-respect and inner strength, both physically and mentally.
grateful not to be a shrew
grateful for patience and no desire to control others with my mouth or actions
grateful for the microwave and dishwasher...
grateful for providing a peaceful environment...I certainly deserve a haven from the house is getting there...pretty soon the 2nd bathrroom will be beautiful and then the next project! (big-time, gutting the ugly kitchen).
grateful for a wonderful job that affords me many opportunities and income.

good night grat-pack..see you later!
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:59 PM
  # 288 (permalink)  
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I'm picturing your garden, Fands. Sounds beautiful. I was very much into tulips when we lived in Illinois and we had a Japanese Maple too. I LOVED it!!! I will plant another when we move to NY.

Grateful for a great opening day of baseball yesterday.

Grateful the kids had fun.

Grateful the weather was in the upper 60s with a slight wind. Today we have snow and cold. Spring in NM.

Grateful for getting the living room painted. Just have coat closet and then on to either the bathroom, laundry room, or 1 of the 2 bedrooms that is left.

Grateful for a sunburn from yesterday to remind me of the warm days that are ahead.

Grateful for opportunities in life.

Grateful to have watched many, many shows with regard to the royal wedding. It was something and those two deserve all the happiness that life can bring.

Grateful for our animals.

Grateful for my son and husband.

Grateful to be sober and have energy to accomplish things in life.

Grateful for a husband that does so much around here.

Grateful to have just watched my 2 cats chasing one another. They love each other already.

Grateful son has 3 more weeks of school and he's done!!

Guess that's it for now. Hope you are all enjoying a great weekend.
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Old 05-01-2011, 04:32 PM
  # 289 (permalink)  
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Fandy and HL, you two have inspired to get my back yard into shape! It's just postage stamp size and very manageable - thanks

Grateful tonight for:

1. Good friends for lunch today - so good to see them. We laughed and laughed over old memories. Embarrassing things seem to be a lot more funny the farther in the past they are!

2. Watching The Kings's Speech and learning more about the royal family. Such a great story and what an amazing relationship between Bertie and Lionel. Loved it!

3. Another beautiful day - took my friends on our lake walk with my dog. They got a kick out of watching her terrorize the geese.

4. Not being a worry wart. There are definitely some things I could worry about (I guess there is always something that could be worried about) but I'm taking the serenity prayer to heart - doing what I can and trusting in God to handle the rest. (He's got the plan, not me)

5. My family - we get on each other's nerves but we sure love each other too.

6. Trying very hard to be open and patient with someone who I find hard to relate to. A few years ago I probably would have stopped trying and either avoided them or just given in. Now I'm holding my own but trying to have empathy and a cooperative spirit. (It's hard!)

7. My wonderful neighbors - we look out for each other.

8. Watching the way the people of Tuscaloosa are coming together to help each other deal with the massive destruction and comfort each other after the loss of loved ones. And I'm sure this is happening in other tornado-torn places too. Crisis brings out the best in people, I think.

9. My little house that I love - just the right size for me and my four-legged girl.

10. Living a sober life and all the gifts that come with it!

Have a good night, everybody - and a good week too!
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Old 05-01-2011, 05:22 PM
  # 290 (permalink)  
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HL, I now have 2 Japanese maples...i planted on about 10 years ago and it is so beautiful...i fertilized it too with those spike things.

the new one is a lace-leaf...and very small, the price at wally-world was only $37.00(grateful)...i still need more dirt and i planted 3 hot deep pinky-raspberry geraniums...and watered everything...all the neighbors are giving me many compliments...we have a very walker-friendly road..(it's a private development, i live in an end unit townhouse so i have a lot of garden footage)....i plant trees in the common area by my house is an older complex and very spread out, not cramped...and my backyard faces the woods.

Sneezy i thought you had many kids and pets? (that must be Reubie)? You go girl! and the garden people load the heavy stuff in your car!...nothing like pretty flowers and shrubs outside to spruce up your homestead....keep us posted.(get some Miracle Grow Bloom-booster)

grateful we do not have snow on may 1st! but i have had both the AC and the heat on this past is about 60 now and going to rain the next 3 days...good for the new plants.

grateful for my contractor who is really under charging me because i am like family to him. His GF is my BFF...and lives across the street....wonderful talented man...he cooked me a hamberger tonight, i had dinner with them.

glad to hear that HL now knows the true meaning of "cat-racing"....mine like to do it at 3AM...the thundering herd on hardwood floors.....

grateful for still having a good weekend despite my mother's downhill slide...grateful to do lots of planting (sunflowers too) is very relaxing.

grateful for open windows and fresh air in the house after a long cold winter.
grateful for my deck and lots of critter watching..all the boyz are on patrol and drooling for the birds..the dog could care less...he is above all that until the squirrels are out.
grateful that i am reasonably content and almost happy...that "fake it until I make it"stuff takes the pressure off.
grateful for both physical and mental energy another perk of sobriety.
grateful for not making drama, there is no need for extra goes on.

see everyone for morning grats and kona coffee.
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:54 PM
  # 291 (permalink)  
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I am grateful today for my sore muscles.

I am grateful for exercise tapes on Netflix.

I am grateful to begin a schedule back on my treadmill.

I am grateful for baseball and all the fun its attracted into our lives.

I am grateful that the snow has stopped and we are suppose to hit 80 by Friday.

I am grateful that God and Mother Nature have a sense of humor.

I am grateful for Japanese Maples and people that plant and love them.

I am grateful for having a day to crash except for the exercise.

I am grateful that I can get back to the painting when I'm ready.

I am grateful for having choices in life.

I am grateful for being sober most of all! Best choice I've ever made with regard to my well being.

I am grateful for husband and son.

I am grateful, very grateful for the grat pack that continues to come back here and pour out their gratitude and love.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:43 PM
  # 292 (permalink)  
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shortMonday grats:

the rules
the people, both IRL and here
the pets
the plants...i planted my first Angels Trumpet patio tree today...lets hope i keep it alive!
grateful for good weather, it was 48 this AM
grateful my brother took mom duty today so i could clean out the bathroom and get ready for contractor who begins tomorrow
grateful i have time to relax tongiht.

i have to unload the dishwasher and cook some dinner, back later if i can't sleep gratties....or see you in the morning.
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Old 05-02-2011, 05:23 PM
  # 293 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Horselover View Post
I am grateful for exercise tapes on Netflix.
Thanks for this idea HL... I never thought to look on Netflix for exercise tapes.... tomorrow that will be my mission.

Have a great evening.
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Old 05-03-2011, 06:11 PM
  # 294 (permalink)  
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grateful on Tuesday night;

to be very tired and hope to sleep...
the rules
the sobriety
the patience
moving forward

i will have more of a brain in the morning.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:21 PM
  # 295 (permalink)  
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Hey IWBWI - Did you try it? I'm still so sore, but I'm going to get into it again tomorrow probably. I have been sticking to the treadmill.

Grateful that Art in the School went well today. I had to lead it and do it myself today and that was nerve wrecking, but fun. Its over for this year!

Grateful for some interesting and positive news today. We heard we may have a new charter school brought to this community in 2 years! Its really awesome news and sounds like a top notch school and so . . . if we end up staying here not so bad after all. The school was part of the reason for the move. His elementary school is awesome, but the middle and high school not so much.

Grateful that as soon as I got that information my husband emails me that he got an email asking for him to apply for a job locally. He's doing it! What the heck! Maybe this will be our destiny. We'll take it if its more money that is.

Grateful for having a changeable plan. Can't get stuck on our plan because HIS plan is always better.

Grateful for my beautiful animals that are ALL getting along. It didn't take that much time after all.

Grateful for some popcorn this afternoon. I was really craving the popcorn and decided to pop some for myself. I don't usually do that.

Grateful that I don't have horses. Had another aquaintance lose 15 of his herd due to bad hay. You just don't know what you are feeding them if its not grown by yourself. I would be devastated as they are. They do have 50 head, but still.

Grateful for our beautiful weather! Its awesome!

Grateful for baseball and the fun we are having.

Grateful that we'll be able to enjoy our hard work on the painting and stuff.

Guess that's it. OH WAIT! Grateful for sobriety and SR!!! Love you guys and gals.
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Old 05-04-2011, 02:19 PM
  # 296 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Horselover View Post
Hey IWBWI - Did you try it? I'm still so sore, but I'm going to get into it again tomorrow probably. I have been sticking to the treadmill.
Yes, I did HL and it did motivate me and I used muscles I am not use to using. I am a little stiff, and will probably be stiffer tomorrow. :-)

I also went to the mall to do some speed walking with hubby. We do this together twice a week, if the weather is too bad to walk outside. Today, the winds were out of control. Hope the weather is better tomorrow because I do like to walk and run outside.
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:27 PM
  # 297 (permalink)  
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Thursday grats:

grateful that i had a day to decompress before the funeral,
grateful for a quiet day
grateful for rest, an appetite, and a very simple day....the worst thing is a sna-fu with B&N over a download.
grateful for my loving pets
grateful for friends IRL who support me
grateful to be financially stable
grateful for no problems with taking a paid leave from work and the great compassionate doctor i work for..."take whatever time you need Fandy....we will cover it"
grateful for being able to sleep and actually feel more relaxed...because i know my mother is at peace.

see you all in the morning for coffee and grats.
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Old 05-05-2011, 07:19 PM
  # 298 (permalink)  
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Grateful for my friend, Fandy. Glad you are doing okay. We're here when you need us though. Sending you lots of love and support for the next few days.

Grateful that even though my plans were changed today I felt I made the most of the change. Locked my keys in the garage or so I thought, then time to pick the son up after school and what do I find in the kitchen drawer? My keys!!!! Oh well!

Grateful that I am exercising and watching what I eat.

Grateful that husband asked for a bag of Starbucks coffee for his birthday. That's about all I could afford.

Grateful for my husband that was born 47 years ago tomorrow. Ooooh . . . he's going to kill me. I'm such a young sprite at 44 turning 45 in August. There I ratted on myself.

Grateful for my son that needs a thump on his head at times. I need some advice on building some self confidence/esteem with this kid. There's kids at school that have treated him really crappy and yet he still wants to be their friend. Breaks my heart! I'm working on it though.

Grateful that God will lead when I "let" Him.

Grateful for my animals.

Grateful that even though husband and I were down today about the jobs we keep picking one another back up. I feel for him the most of course. It'll happen. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the journey. I'll just keep repeating that.

Grateful for being sober and knowing that its helped our lives in so many positive ways. I can't imagine going back now.

Grateful for SR and the brilliant people I've met here. Love you all. Good night!!
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Old 05-05-2011, 07:27 PM
  # 299 (permalink)  
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Hl, i've got 10 years on you.....but still have the heart of a 16 year old...somewhere, i think it's tampered by spontaneous maturity.
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Old 05-05-2011, 10:46 PM
  # 300 (permalink)  
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Grrrr.....woke up at midnight and can't sleep.....maybe a dose or two of gratitude will help?

Grateful tonight (uh - this morning) for:

1. Fandy - thinking of you and your mom's service tomorrow. Grateful she is at peace and you are doing okay.

2. HL and your son who sounds like a very cool kid - he's got a big heart and is full of good will! Bet he'll be a great spouse/dad one day.

3. That things are looking better at work. Yes, I've been worrying again about a couple of things I feared I had mishandled but they seem to be working out (one has totally worked out) and the other one in a better place than it was a few days ago. So I'm trying to turn my worry over, put my trust in God, and BREATHE.

4. Chocolate ice cream. much caffeine is in chocolate ice cream, anyway?

5. A gorgeous day here today - azure skies, temps around 70, bright and sunny, just perfect.

6. That I lost 5 pounds without even trying! Got on the scales for the first time in a couple of weeks and voila! Hoping I can keep it up because I'm aware now that I really have been snacking less - yay!

7. That it looks like I only bruised my toe and didn't break it, as I feared. Note to self: Try not to trip over the laptop power cord.

8. The free breakfast sandwich at the coffee shop this morning - yum! (What did I say about snacking?)

9. God's love and care. Remembering that my plans are not necessarily the same as his. As American Girl said in a post tonight: grateful to know that though life might be as unpredictable and out of my control as the ocean, thanks to recovery I can at least see the waves.

10. The GP - love you all
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