
Class of February *2009*

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Old 02-23-2009, 09:23 AM
  # 121 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by HardwiredFlaws View Post
OK so Sunday morning coming, lets take roll call.
HF going on 23 days.
what is every one going to do? Sun morning there is a 7 am meeting I will try and make, 7am is hard.
Hi Darlin'!!! And all you all out there in my cyber home!

There's a 7am mtg in my lil town/city... and I just can't make those mtgs like I could 5 years ago! I'm still a morning person but OUCH!!! I'm still too vain to be able to go fresh outta bed donning a baseball cap! LOL... actually still do that - just not a 7 am and w/out a lil make-up!

Day 5 for me and had a very busy weekend! My body is sore from all the physical exhaustion.... The pay-off??? Right in my wallet and going to the bank! Can't do massages drunk or even smelling like booze, huh?!! YUCK!

Have a great day!! As Verizon Wireless has "their people".... I've got mine with all you at SR! Luv ya!

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Old 02-23-2009, 11:58 AM
  # 122 (permalink)  
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This cyber home is the BEST!
Maybe I can't make the 7am mtg but I can wake up to SR!
Look at that I wake up now, I used to come to. I used to pass out and come to, now I go to bed and wake up.
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:30 PM
  # 123 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by least View Post
Day ten today and feeling a bit better.
I'm sure there's more than me that had been praying for you! See how prayer works! It's awesome!

Glad you're feelin' better today

Sending good thoughts to you
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:45 PM
  # 124 (permalink)  
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Another day 1 for me. It's hell out there. The only thing I remember about last night is driving drunk to get MORE alcohol. I feel like someone slammed me against a wall. I'm typing this now because my hands are shaking too much to eat the soup I just made(my first meal in days).Serves me right. How did I possibly convince myself (Again) the there is something good in those bottles? Sheesh. Anyway, it feels good to be typing in the S/R forums again! Hello to everyone here. and a shout to least and nikishine, good to see you guys!
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Old 02-23-2009, 04:25 PM
  # 125 (permalink)  
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the important thing hadit is you are back here.

that indicates a desire to stop poisoning yourself.

and it is poison. mine was vodka. in large quantities. mondays were hellacious for me.

and 3 mondays ago my hands were trembling as i typed onto s.r. asking for people to think of me and pray for me to get through day 1. soup was always my monday lunch as the thought of eating anything else repulsed my stomach.

stay with us in the class of february.
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Old 02-23-2009, 09:09 PM
  # 126 (permalink)  
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Just wanted to say "Good night" to all you alkies and addicts out there!

Putting a close on Day 5 and feel great---well maybe not great, but good!

Glad we have this place to build bridges and create friendships and family! I am sooo grateful for you all!

Peace out!!! xoxox
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Old 02-23-2009, 09:20 PM
  # 127 (permalink)  
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Just beginning day eleven. I'd rather begin it after a good night's sleep but can't get to sleep tonight, so I'll start the day very early.
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Old 02-23-2009, 09:55 PM
  # 128 (permalink)  
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Least, days seem to be flying by, your doin a great job!
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Old 02-24-2009, 05:43 AM
  # 129 (permalink)  
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Thanks fallen man, poison is correct. What else besides poison can make me this sick? Yesterday, when I was crawling out of my own garbage pile, I remembered how GREAT it is to be sober and healthy and how there is no NEED to feel this way again ever. I'm still in a fog today, going to have to take it slow for now. Thanks for the invite to the class.
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Old 02-24-2009, 06:51 AM
  # 130 (permalink)  
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Funny thing about Time... today I feel like I've either had 11 minutes of sobriety or 11 years....
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:26 AM
  # 131 (permalink)  
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Great job on 11 days least! You're doing great. Hope you doing okay today!
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:48 AM
  # 132 (permalink)  
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Great job to all of us who MADE IT THROUGH ANOTHER DAY... SOBER!!!

Just as I started posting this, the sun moved and has shown right through my window!!!! I can SEE today.... with a new set of eyes!!!

Day 6 and am feelin' good! Glad I'm a part of all ya all and you're a part of me!!! We are doin' this thing together, ya know!

I hope all of you have an awesome day today!!! :ghug3
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:00 AM
  # 133 (permalink)  
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Great job at day six Nicki! Keep it up. You're an awesome person and hope you have the most wonderful day you can.

Everyone else have the most wonderful day possible, too. Don't dwell on the negative and look for the positive and make it the best day you can. As Nicki already so wonderfully said, "Great job to all of us who made it through another day sober!!!" It's something to be happy about and proud of because for us it's a great accomplishment.

So Great Job Class of February!!! Keep it up all. And I'm glad to be here in the class with all you great people.

Now Hardwired....get in here and teach us our lesson today! lol
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:20 AM
  # 134 (permalink)  
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Good morning class, Nicki awesome 6 days, Wes as always good to see you!

OK a Lesson, Hmmm,
What other people think of me is none of my business.

When I say that I think about how much time I have wasted on what other people think of me, too much is the answer. Before recovery I had no boundaries, no sense of self, and how I felt about myself was determined by weather or not someone else approved.I used their opinions as what drove me emotionally, It was very exhausting.
Now a saying I heard comes into play" put down the magnifying glass and pick up the mirror".
What that means to me and I have already started, do not worry about what others think we, or at least I, have done enough of that.
We are on a new page here and not only not drinking but relearing how to live.
I say lets live for us and not others. We are who we are and I accept who I am.
I Vow to live for me and not the acceptance of others, for I am an individual and I LIVE FOR ME!
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:24 AM
  # 135 (permalink)  
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Something to attribute to that is "When you're pointing the finger at someone else....Remember ---- THERE'S 3 POINTING BACK AT YOU"!!!!

Love this class and my teacher! I've got an apple for you & some xoxoxo!!!
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Old 02-24-2009, 10:02 AM
  # 136 (permalink)  
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'Allo Class!
Hope all is well. It is a warm--albeit--foggy day here in the valley. I think spring is really trying to get out.
That means I'm another day closer to hitting the rivers. Just waiting on February to wane so I can get my new fishing license.
Hope all are well.
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Old 02-24-2009, 10:25 AM
  # 137 (permalink)  
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February's not over yet, is it too late to join? Day 1 (again) for me.
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Old 02-24-2009, 10:51 AM
  # 138 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by cscs View Post
February's not over yet, is it too late to join? Day 1 (again) for me.
Welcome, welcome this class is open to everyone!
day 1 is tough, stay with us and let us know how your doing.
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Old 02-24-2009, 11:42 AM
  # 139 (permalink)  
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Going ok so far. Have painful arthritis (I am only 35! in my lower back and got home from chiropractor last night in terrible pain. Had made a week sober before that! Now I have to go back again today and Thurs (and 3 more weeks of 3 times a week!), but hopefully I can be stronger this time! A little depressing going from young and active, to suddenly feeling ancient.
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Old 02-24-2009, 11:55 AM
  # 140 (permalink)  
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Hardwired, thanks for that lesson today. Time to quit worrying about what others think. I'm gonna take that vow with you and I vow to live my life for me and I'm very happy with me. You can like me, hate me, oh well...(supposedly) free country right? Guess it's not my place to worry over the little things.

And welcome to the Class of February CSCS! Hope the chiropractor helps and you get to feeling better soon. Congrats on day 1! Keep it up one day at a time and I believe you can make it.

Hope all of the Class of February is having a great day!
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