
Hen House Talk -All Are Welcome-Part 37

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Old 11-28-2012, 04:26 PM
  # 41 (permalink)  
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TOD, did I post an article a while back about the chicken rescue people who knit these little sweaters for chickens? Maybe Maria could use one. They looked fairly simple, like an opened ended sock. maybe something could be rigged for her?

I'm going to see if I can find that article.

I decided to quit the estrogen patches, with doctor approval, as I'd been on the synthyroid and nothing was changing. My GYN said the estrogen and synthyroid aren't good. that the estrogen cancels out the synthyroid. Believe me, I feel significantly bad enough to try most anything.

Love from Lenina
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Old 11-28-2012, 04:38 PM
  # 42 (permalink)  
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(((amy)))oh my what great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
It just happens, and you never know when, this job stuff- they know a good thing when they see it. I can't wait to hear all about it
I know you will find a way to still love your friends at the center. they mean so much to you, and you to them. sometimes , we are all we have.. together we make it through. friendship.. makes me think of a song. If our beloved (((tb))) was here, he would find a video for us to enjoy. love to you, ((tb)).

Ah, n((Lauren)) so good to see you here.. I hope that you know just how much you are loved and appreciated here. We all have enjoyed your presence here, from day 1, and we are richer for it. you always validate and encourage. you share wonderful , warm, and cozy things with us. that brings comfort to me, so many times. I have gotten so busy, and so depressed, to be honest, to enjoy many of the things I used to love so much. I know that I need to get back to find the joy that many things gave me. I need to find a way. with your sharing, I got back into my knitting, crocheting, and trying some new recipes. (((lenina))) also inspires me. Her tuna casserole recipe is just Heavenly....... you all must try it, if you have not. easy, delicious, comfort food. not your typical tuna casserole, I promise. my son and I ate till we could not eat
((Lauren))Your strengths are such that the world would be a safer, happier, and more satisfying place, if your strengths could be gotten from a bottle. Do not underestimate yourself. Don't doubt your worth, ever.
(((tpa)))I have always wondered, is your avatar of the sun, or of the moonlight? I love it.
I hope you are feeling better today. less sore? maybe some nice soaking in epsom salts would help?
tomorrow I will be thinking of (((hazel))) girl. I take (((domino))) in tomorrow as well. He gets a two week checkup, on that broken leg. good grief, it seems so much longer than two weeks.
picture my bedroom, with clothes plugging every nook and cranny that dom could possibly try to hide in. picture too, the living room, with cushions used as steps, in front of the hassock that he likes to lay on, by the window. I heat baby food, and give him anything he will eat. I have to help him use the litter box, if I see him. as he cannot quite move the splint out of the way . I was holding his tail too, since it was broken as well, but horray, he seems to be holding it up a bit on his own, out of the way, meaning it might be healing and he might not have to have it taken off-I think it would be too late to change his name to Pouncequick, (((Lenina))), but maybe it does not matter when you change the name of a cat , since they never answer to them anyway. I think they laugh at me, giving them a name. I am sure they have their own names.heehee.

(((lenina))) I read something the other day, about lime disease, and I wanted to ask if you have been checked for it? i know that may sound silly, but many people have gotten it, and did not know how they could have. it can cause swelling , and I just wondered if you were checked out for any thing like that. I would not settle for no diagnosis on those ankles sweetie. i know it must be tiring, as you have gone through much with the doctors. the glassses may not be right. they can make mistakes too. are you wearing them everyday? it does take time, with lineless bifocals, if that is what they are. that is what i have.
I bought a ticket, too, lottery. that is.
I checked out my upper lip in my magnifying mirror, to my horror. I forget to get something for my mustache. and where do those stray, foot long neck hairs come from? when did I ever grow a foot long hair on my neck or chin? argh.plucking is the way to go,. since it makes the hair follicle weaker, and the hair grows back finer, and eventually they stop growing. I tried it on my legs, but it was so freaking painful that I had to stop. i also discovered that I do not have any hair on my legs if I do not have my glasses on........

(((bloss))) hi dearie, thinking of your sweet (((blossom))) and hoping that her eye does fine. (((Jay))) had a good thought on that, saying that dogs will adjust well, if they lose sight in one eye. that is comforting. our jay is a sweetheart, is he not?

missing many HH'rs, hope they will check in soon. ((( dreamscape, 40, norty, med, tb, cangel, windysan, jay, tbeit))), and if I forgot anyone, it is cause I am old, not cause I dont love all of you.
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Old 11-28-2012, 04:38 PM
  # 43 (permalink)  
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Watching a repeat of PBS' "American Masters" series -- Judy Garland: By Myself. Mesmerized.

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Old 11-28-2012, 04:44 PM
  # 44 (permalink)  
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Tod...I am not down "All" the time..far from it. I think I am mostly'
a positive person and my life is wonderful and perfect to some.

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Old 11-28-2012, 04:47 PM
  # 45 (permalink)  
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Yes, often people have depression, even with the best of home lives. it happens to some, and not to others. I get it, I sure do, (((Lauren))). you are not alone when that happens. I am seriously going to look for a sun lamp or what ever kind it is. I need sunshine, and surely am not getting much of it. the vitamin d3 helps me a lot.
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Old 11-28-2012, 05:17 PM
  # 46 (permalink)  
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Chicory..vitamin D is essential as it also helps to absorb calcium that
we either take in by a pill or otherwise. As we are so far north it is
almost insisted on here for all ages.

And yes about doesn't matter how great or wonderful
a persons life sneaks up and does it's business.

Sometimes I believe that this is also something that could be hereditary
I've never checked it out..yet do know it is powerful ... it can depend
on so many factors other than lifestyle. I am always happy that I can
mostly see/feel it is happening and address it with natural remedies such
as quiet times..herbs that help..tea's that calm..herbs also in teas rather
than look for alternatives.. it isn't an easy world to live in and I also respect
it when others suffer as it involves many factors.


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Old 11-28-2012, 05:38 PM
  # 47 (permalink)  
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(((chicory))) I am convinced that retired Tooth Fairies are flying in and pasting these extra long hairs on faces! I have three on one side of my lip that are channeling Pancho Villa.

Glad to hear our Dom is doing better. you are a good kitty nurse! The FuzzyB always needed a quick hiding space. he had his "bolt holes" figured in. Woo boy did he hate cleaning days when everything got moved around! I surely miss that little Freak.

((((Lauren)))) I second what our dear chicory said. Youve been a warm and sweet presence in our HH. I take the D3, sublingual with my night time calcium. I'm indoors, in the dark often. I struggle against depression myself. none of those pills from Big Pharma helped me, only gave me bad side effects. I'm better off with my herbal stuff. I did quit taking it since I've been off work just in case it was conflicting with the synthyroid. I think I do feel a little perkier today.

oh and HOLD THE PRESSES!! I've lost SIX pounds since since the day before Thanksgving. So maybe the synthyroid is kicking in!!

Much love from Lenina!!
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Old 11-28-2012, 05:53 PM
  # 48 (permalink)  
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WooHoo ((Lenina))!! Would be VERY nice if the Synthroid has kicked in and makes you feel better!

I agree about the depression. I can get that way even when stuff is going fairly good, but it usually doesn't last. I think it does help that I'm out in the sunshine or can at least see it through the windows, a lot of time. At the sr. center, there are several French doors that lead to the patio and it's nice

((Chicory)) - YAY on Dom lifting his tail and feeling better!

Mots now bellers to get in through the sliding glass door, 5 minutes later is bellering to get OUT the back door. Poor challenged kitty - I think he still thinks it's 2 different yards?

I can't find the darned TB test paper I got 3 weeks ago - have SO much paper, everywhere, of school stuff. Am hoping the health dept. can just print me another copy, so will go by there in the morning. It does NO good to call them, as they don't answer the phone.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-28-2012, 06:27 PM
  # 49 (permalink)  
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Channeling Pancho Villa...good gosh, you have me laughing out loud, (((Neeners))). hope you did not miss the part of my post about Lime disease... just in case. leave no stone unturned, no urine untested....I am so glad you are feeling better, what ever the cause. you know, you can foster some cats, and sometimes the place who sponsors them will provide the health care. something to consider anyway. if cats are good medicine, then i should live forever.

if you cant find the tb test (((amy))) the people hiring you should be able to call about your results. they probably know how to reach them, I would guess?

love and huggies,
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Old 11-28-2012, 06:36 PM
  # 50 (permalink)  
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(((Lenina))) wow, six pounds is awesome! makes is so much more fun dressing ones self, when the clothes feel like clothing and not bandages. keep up the good work, that in itself would cheer me up

love u mucho,
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Old 11-28-2012, 06:38 PM
  # 51 (permalink)  
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(((chicory))) Lyme disease is from ticks or fleas? I get mosquito bit and spider bit. Is it a blood test? I'm suspecting maybe an environmental pollution/fumes I'm frequently exposed to. I'll ask my doctor next visit.

(((Ames))). you know very well cats are about proper procedure and protocols. I'm sure Mots just wouldn't be right if he had to use one door for coming and going! Ohh the trauma! LOL.

(((bloss))) Does your tummy bother you? I'm supposed to see a nutritionist about possible food allergies.

I made a pasts salad for dins but we may need more than that. I could make an omelet. hmmm.

Love from LeninaB
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Old 11-28-2012, 06:57 PM
  # 52 (permalink)  
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(((LeninaB))) lyme disease is caused by a bite from a deer tick, which is smaller than the usual tick. about the size of a sesame seed, they said. they can be anywhere, in grass, under trees, etc. I would guess a blood test, but not sure. it is treatable, and some of your symptoms made me wonder. it was a talk on NPR, actually, all about it. I think some unbelievable number of people these days have it.
pasta sounds yummy, so does omelet...mmmmmm.
nighty nite, my little online family. have a wonderful rest, and a beautiful tomorrow.

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Old 11-28-2012, 07:01 PM
  # 53 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Taking a break from Vacuuming and laundry!

Lenina: Lyme Disease is from a Tick. There was a guy that worked on building my younger sisters house that died from it. Nothing to mess around with. You could have an internal parasite. You travel all over the world. Something to think about!

Chickory: You will for sure die one day and go to cat heaven!

Lauren: Nothing bad intended your way. It was just puzzling. I guess we all can have our bad days.

Best Wishes
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Old 11-28-2012, 10:01 PM
  # 54 (permalink)  
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((ALL)) Thanks for asking about me....I'm fine just super busy!!!! Hopefully I can come up for air and contribute this weekend. I am reading to keep up to date on all the happenings!
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Old 11-28-2012, 10:09 PM
  # 55 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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I forgot to mention this news to all those folks that just love the sand on the beaches. I watched several shows last night with fish in the sea. And one of them was a huge purplish colored fish with huge front teeth that looked just like humans. The thing is though? These fish eat coral. When they poop that coral out, it comes out as fine sand. The sand eventually ends up on those beaches y'all just love to walk on.

Just thought I'd share this info. There were some beautiful, facinating fish on these shows.

Best Wishes
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Old 11-28-2012, 10:39 PM
  # 56 (permalink)  
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I guess we all need roughage! Even the fishies. LOL. I suppose I should ask my doctors about the parasites and microbes. I don't usually eat much off the streets, I have certain foods I rely on for my room. Yogurt, milk, fresh fruit, salads and sandwiches. And juices.,Unless the hotel is feeding me, I shop at the grocery stores.

Could be Lyme. Something is provoking an immune response. Could be the fibro. I will take this on as advisement.

Cangel!! Good to see you, doll! Are you on solid ground up there? we've been worried about the possibilities of flooding up your way.

Actually I know a guy who is still recovering from Lyme disease. he had some rheumatic affect? joints and such.

still raining.

Much love to all!

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Old 11-29-2012, 01:09 AM
  # 57 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Lenina: Roughage! That's funny. At least it gets washed by sea water before it gets to the point you are able to walk on it and lie in it. LOL

Does the motel by chance get their produce from the area - Fresh. Even though you don't buy it yourself? They just might and be serving it to their guests. So you are still being exposed to it. There are all sorts of stories out there about things people get while overseas. I don't want to scare you here. I just want you to get throughly checked out.

I get checked for parasites myself due to the chickens getting them and our close interactions with them. None yet for me!

Best Wishes
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Old 11-29-2012, 03:27 AM
  # 58 (permalink)  
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Wow..we had a snow dusting during the night..I can see little jack
rabbit snow paper guy's erratic driving skills on the front
drive..and the strangest shuffling marks on the roadway..could be a
I love the snow as it makes
everything clean and fresh..a good beginning of a day.

Miley loves to go out in fresh snow. She stretches then rolls
and does these lovely high back always amazes me
how high she can jump.

Hubby is having a heart day today already .. also he is coughing
up and asked me to make his ginger tea .. honey
seems to work well for him as it seems to relax his tummy muscles
after coughing. When I say heart day it means that he needs extra
rest, nothing that will place strain on the heart and a very calm
atmosphere with soft music a good audio book and doggy snuggles.
Miley knows what is up with his health, she has taken him under her
fur wing so to speak..she checks him constantly as I see her go
very close to his nose very carefully and quietly. She just sniffs
and lets him be...she is doing this during the night now as well.
Sometimes I wish she could talk..she does get me up once in awhile
and takes me to his room..I check also and then tell her it is alright
and we go back to our room.

Amy..hope your aunt is doing alright..there will be a lot of adjustments
once she gets home.

I plan on doing some serious thinking about which cookies to bake
for Christmas..

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Old 11-29-2012, 04:50 AM
  # 59 (permalink)  
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((Lenina)) - It is a blood test for Lyme disease. From what I read, they do one to check for antibodies then another to confirm? Will send you a link that I read about it.

((TOD)) - I still like the beach I didn't like dealing with the sand when I lived near the beach, but it wasn't so bad that I didn't walk on it every day.

((Chicory)) - thanks for bringing up the Lyme disease - something I would have never thought of. I don't even know of anyone that's ever had it, even though we certainly have the ticks around here. Would be GREAT if we could heal our ((Lenina))!

((Lauren)) - Miley sounds like a "medical dog". I had to look up what they are called, but we had a guy in my old restaurant that had a little Yorkie. The dog could sense when his heart was "acting up" as well as when his blood sugar was out of whack (diabetic). Guy's wife was a nurse, said the dog did a WAY better job at sensing changes than she ever could.

I knew dogs could do this, but never realized a 5-pound dog could!

I haven't been able to sleep much. Sm has the heat cranked up, I've turned it down twice. Got my window cracked, fan on me and she's covered up in blankets and coughing. I would love to just take my eyes out and rinse them or something. Rather tired of the itchy/watery eyes but people at the sr. center said they were going through the same stuff.

Finally found my TB paperwork, about 5 minutes ago Had stopped looking for it and voila! Got some reading done for school and what little I did sleep, had Elvis on me, Patches beside me and Tinker at my feet. Mots just finally came back in.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-29-2012, 04:53 AM
  # 60 (permalink)  
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wow, its a challenge enough t find nice safe veggies and foods here at home, let alone while traveling, huh? grocery stores would seem the best bet to me , too, (((leninagirl))).

ah, snow! we have not seen a flake yet, here in Ohio. Cold out this morning, with frost all over my truck, but no snow. Guess I should be glad, but nothing seems as peaceful as a big fluffy blanket of snow all over. it softens the noises around us, and boosts my mood.

I think I will begin making Christmas cookies early this year. it would be easier, more relaxed, to give them out as the month goes along. how nice to sit with a fresh goodie and cup of coffee, as we relax from a busy day, or after shoveling snow, or while watching our favorite show. I make an orange cookie, from a recipe I got *cough*cough* 40 years ago....soft, aromatic, small hand chipped pieces of orange peel in the soft cookie and the orange/confect sugar icing. if any one wants it, i will send it. it is time consuming , but oh, so worth it. and I dont like orange stuff! the childrens dad's neighbor, Mrs. Kesselring, made them for him when he was a baby boy. who knows how old this recipe is? and it makes about 6 dozen, and keeps wonderfully in alum. foil wrapping. they are sort of like those Loft House cookies, in their fluffyness...but better by far. they are perfect for christmas. we used to laugh when I was young, that someone always got pregnant when those cookies were made.. and it was fairly accurate, because between me, my sisters, and our best friend, we had 8 children in about 10 so make and bake at your own risk

(((Lauren))) I hope your hubby is doing alright. I know that he is going to have a nice, comforting day, with you and Miley taking such good care of him. sounds cozy and warm.

well guess I had better get ready for Dominos check up. its cooold outside
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