
Hen House Talk -All Are Welcome-Part 37

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Old 11-27-2012, 11:40 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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((Bloss)) - Big prayers coming your way for Blossom's eye to heal. Mots had an eye injury, years ago. It healed up, but there is a part of his eye that is cloudy, sort of like a cataract but it's from the injury. The vet says he can see, partially, out of that eye.

Well, I think I have a job! Interview wa a piece of cake, they don't do credit checks At the end of the interview, was handed another pack of papers to fill out up front and she said "can you be here for orientation on Thu. at 11?" Um, yeah! I get up front and realize I have no idea what they pay as that's just not something to ask in a first interview.

Though they will do a background check, all she asked was if I had a felony and I don't! Got home, looked up reviews for working for the company and apparently, it's easy to get hired and reviews were mixed.

I don't care - I want to work, and if they give me the opportunity, I will! Even minimum wage, at this point would be better than nothing.

I stopped by the sr. center, as I was hungry - Chef B said her chiropractor is still wanting to hire someone part time, he asked about me and she said "she's going to school for what you need" and he said "ask me again Wed. I'm going to work the center, tomorrow, will take her a copy of my resume to give to him.

Would be cool if I could do BOTH jobs! I'm not going to do the happy dance until I have an employee badge in my hands, but it all sounds good.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-27-2012, 11:46 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Amy: so good to read your happy news!

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Old 11-27-2012, 11:48 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Go Amy! Go AMY! GO AMY!!!!!
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Old 11-27-2012, 02:36 PM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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All, especially ((Chicory)) = my computer is breaking down, Chicory, I got your PM, sweetie, but the "enter" key doesn't work, along with some other issues, will try to reply later after I reboot. Bloss, prayers for your dog, I hope she heals, and I'm glad she has your loving care to rely on. Amy, Congrats on the job, I'm thinking positively, that you will get it. TOD, got a good laugh out of attack chickens on watch. Jay, so happy you're happy with your furbaby family, Moose and Sasha are adorable. OK, not going to push my look with this POS computer, let's hope this posts. TPA
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Old 11-27-2012, 03:47 PM
  # 25 (permalink)  
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Oh, (((amy))) this is such wonderful news! gonna wait and do the happy dance with you maybe two jobs, would nt that be great? will say a prayer and keep positive vibes going that direction. Oh, it is not so bad here in ohio, about 50 degrees today and sunny this afternoon. it may be down to freezing tonight but not so bad. glad aunt M is still improving. she is in my prayers, too.

(((bloss))) I am so sorry to hear about little ((blossoms)) eye. she is your sweet girl, and I know she is getting the best care possible. I will be thinking of your little girl, and sending good wishes and prayers. you are such a good momma. keep us updated when you can. I am sure you are busy with her, taking such good tender care of her.

(((tpa))) good to hear from you! i did not see a pm when i logged on, and was worried. I hope you get this problem fixed soon, and that you dont have to be away from the HH.
my day was the same. fixed linguine for dinner. ate more than I should have.

nothing more interesting than that to say. how pathetic
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Old 11-27-2012, 03:55 PM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Chickory: You gave me a laugh at the last sentence and the little person's reaction! I'm sure you have more interesting stuff going on. Just hasn't entered your thoughts at this time.

I've just put the small kids outside in their heated pens. Got the Pit crew cleaned up and headed inside to do the crates. It's going to get down into the 20's tonight. So I need to do a rush job and get them back inside. It's 42 now. Gotta get Magnum fed too. He's bouncing around my feet outside and tripping me up. So I KNOW what his agenda is! FOOD!

Amy! Congrat's on getting on the job clock!

Best Wishes
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Old 11-27-2012, 04:02 PM
  # 27 (permalink)  
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((((((bloss)))) I hope pup's eye heals quickly. Poor thing!

((((Amy)))). Congrats on the news! Double blessings! I hope you'll find time to visit at the senior center once you get on the jobs! I know your friends there will miss you but you'll make such a big difference in your new clients lives!

(((chicory))). Are you feeling a bit down? I love linguine!

((((TPA))), computer problems? I hate that!

((((JayBird))). I believe in power naming!

Oh dear, I have to run, be back later!

Much love from LeninaB
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Old 11-27-2012, 04:03 PM
  # 28 (permalink)  
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((TPA)) - Hope the computer issues resolve soon. If I can't restart the laptop and fix whatever, I'm pretty clueless.

((Chicory)) - Mm, linguine sounds good. I'm eating leftover mashed potatoes and dressing for like the zillionth time? You'd think I'd be tired of it, by now, but I'm not

((Love to everyone))!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-27-2012, 06:05 PM
  # 29 (permalink)  
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((Amy)) - Congrats on the job . That's awesome!!

((Bloss)) - I really hope Blossom's eye heals up alright, but dogs will adjust just fine if it does so happen that she loses sight in the eye. They're very adaptable. It'll be alright no matter what happens
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Old 11-28-2012, 02:50 AM
  # 30 (permalink)  
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Hi all. Computer issues fixed for now, but it's apparently on its last legs. Think I will have spouse buy me another one when we get back.

Found a new, large lump on Hazel yesterday. Called the vet, and vet went back through her chart, to see if she'd tested it before. Nope. So, off to vet's on Thursday for a needle biopsy. Vet is off today. She's such a great vet, how she ended up here puzzles me, but I'm so grateful. And it's terrific to have one vet continously caring for my animals, she knows their personalities and physical condition very well, and I absolutely trust her. She said it's probably a fatty tumor, but we had to check it out. Will let y'all know.

Trying to get moving this morning,
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Old 11-28-2012, 07:15 AM
  # 31 (permalink)  
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((TPA)) - Prayers that the lump on sweet Hazel is nothing serious.

I'm about to head out to the sr. center but just checked FB - aunt M is finally off the ventilator and is "making progress" My cousin accidentally texted me last night - something about his jam session the night before. I replied something like "think you sent this to the wrong person - love you, cousin Amy" and got back "oh ****". Well, at least I now know he does have my phone number, right?

Finally got some sleep, on and off, but allergies still kicking. Mots is sitting next to the laptop with that "don't leave me mom!!" look. They are going to have some major adjustment when I start working, huh?

Love to all!!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-28-2012, 07:47 AM
  # 32 (permalink)  
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(((tpa)))sending loving good wishes for ((hazel)). so many fatty tumors on our critters, but good to have such a caring vet. I have one, and I am thankful. there are some people who do not think of their paycheck first.

i have spent all morning doing nothing. looking at middle aged women talking stuff. mostly political stuff. I wish money did not rule the world.

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Old 11-28-2012, 11:55 AM
  # 33 (permalink)  
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((Chicory)) - I wish money didn't rule the world, too

Just got home, Patches and Mots sacked out on my bed, dad on the couch, sm in bed. Let Elvis outside so he can suck up some sunshine.

Got an 800 phone call as I was sitting down to eat, didn't answer it as I figured it was about a bill. It was the lady I talked to yesterday reminding me that "new hire orientation" was tomorrow so I guess I really do have the job My old boss also called, they had called him as a reference and he called me back after talking to them. They told him I was coming in for orientation and they felt I would be a good employee SOOO guess I can do the happy dance now?

Orientation only lasts about an hour, so will have time to run by the sr. center on my way back. My 95-year-old buddy was NOT happy, but I assured her I will still be coming in when I can.

Got the book I need to read for my humanities blog and it's "only" 300 pages, instead of the 600 I thought, but itty bitty print. Good thing I found my favorite pair of reading glasses.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-28-2012, 01:23 PM
  # 34 (permalink)  
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Hi everyone..I know I've been missing for a few days.

Chicory has made an impact on me and thought I would post

Every once in awhile a huge wave hits me and it feels like I'm
slammed into the sand and being dragged out to sea and drowning
all at the same time. This actually happened to me in Maui,not so
dramatically yet it gave me a respect for the sea and the power
it has.

Well I suppose it is depression and who knows all about it either?

So-- I do a reflection or meditation, it really doesn't matter what you
call it.

I am a very quiet person and I tend to become more quiet as in creating
a bubble around myself. I'm not unhappy, I over analyze and the world
becomes too big for me. It makes me wonder where I belong on this old
planet and my worth.

So I do a self search next and an internet search as well.

It comes down to this. My Worth..
I am loved -- this is something I need to dig deeply about at times.
I have value- .
Well I don't like this one...Admired..the way my dog looks at sure shows. lol

Anyway I've been going through all those little parts of why one gets these down
and out feelings.

I've concluded that my strengths may not meet the criteria of the world yet
in my world I am just right for the people who love, value and admire me..

So there..I am beginning to feel better already.

For what it is "worth" this is where I've been lately..

Strange I suppose to some..who knows the mind and how it all works..

Hugs to all

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Old 11-28-2012, 02:21 PM
  # 35 (permalink)  
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Lauren, you are very valued here, as well as admired - your stories of your life and Miley and all the good food add something intangible to the mix as well. You have added so much to the HH since your arrival, and I, for one, am delighted you're here. I have my quiet moments, too, with way too much reflection sometimes, but then, I'm standing on the edge of eternity and it does give one something to think about.

Amy, congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you.

Chicory, unfortunately, money has always ruled in most societies, ever since humans moved away from what one contributed from one's hands and heart and mind to what one could contribute materially - "I raided the next village over, whacked all the men, and brought back all this loot." Grace Slick said we lived in technologically marvelous time but - we have Cro-Magnim (sic) brains. She's right. Our brains are wired for flight or fight first and foremost, and hey, money buys the most destructive weapons we rationalize as protection. Oh well, getting off soap box, and embarrassed I can't remember how to spell Cro-M, but it's been a long time since I studied anthropology.

Hope everyone has a good night, and hope Bloss' dog is recovering, I'm sending prayers and good thoughts to both. TPA
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Old 11-28-2012, 02:21 PM
  # 36 (permalink)  
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((lauren)) - makes sense to me! Good to see you back posting, here, but I do understand needing to do a little self-introspection sometimes.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 11-28-2012, 03:10 PM
  # 37 (permalink)  
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TPA, you remind me of my sister, a mentor, her outlook was somewhat
like your own..she had a great respect for each day given and each day
that she could give someone else a feeling of worthiness.

I hope all goes well for Hazel tomorrow, it is such a worry about our
little love givers.

Bloss..I am so sorry to hear about blossom...hugs for you both as you
truly need each other right now.

Chicory..I don't think you realize the power of your value at times. Believe
in yourself as you have strength.

Amy..until you have that first assignment and tell the tale..well that's when
I will do the biggest Happy shout..this city has heard for awhile..

Lenina..always thinking about you..I guess my nature is to want you all
better and happy all the time..when I stopped taking estrogen my
whole world went to he!! in a hurry. Actually I'm surprise I'm still married.
Are the glasses getting any better for you. the family stories about you..Sasha..and Moose! are missed as did your T'giving dinner go..I know
it had special meaning for you..would love to hear about it and all the
lovely cooking you did.

Tod..hope those chicken bums aren't smarting from the swatting!

Well it will take me awhile to come into the gratitude feeling of coming into
myself again..but I am here.

Hugs to all..

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Old 11-28-2012, 03:40 PM
  # 38 (permalink)  
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(((lauren)) I was getting worried about you but I know I don't always have much to say. I'm glad you joined us here!

I hate the glasses, they make me feel dizzy when I walk. I don't know what the deal is with me. I think it's a bunch of stuff. menopause and the thyroid thing, chronic circadian rhythm disturbance, I quit smoking ciggies just over two years ago. I'm coming up on five years sober on the first. I miss my cats. Slumbaggy is on his box again. ARG! And I think a possum or raccoon is under the house. I can hear it scrabbling around and I think I can smell it too.

And this swollen ankles thing scares me. Three doctors have said its not circulation or blood clots. it doesnt hurt much but looks scary to me. I am a mess!

((((chicory)))) Im with you, The money thing is something I don't fully understand. I mean, I like having enough to be comfortable and worry about choosing between food or heat. To be able to afford a treat from time to time. like you, I have always worked for my money. I don't care about fashion labels or flash cars, that stuff is unimportant to me. My husband and friends are the most important to me. and once I know the scoobie doo here, I'll want to get a pair of cats but worry I can't afford their medical care should something come up.

((((Amy))). I am so happy to hear about your new job! I just knew something better was up for you. Hugs and love!!

Oh and I told Hubert to buy another lottery ticket. As the moon starts to wane, I'll remember to keep my thoughts on the decrease of stress, the disappearance of needs. hmm, wonder if I can diminish my mustache? I'm going to bleach the sinks today. The porcelain is so worn and stained scrubbing doesn't get it. Don't worry, I have proper mustache bleach and won't be doing the Chorlox on my face. LOL

I was also wondering where (((Cangel)). Is and what she's doing.

now it's raining here. I hear it's persisting down up north. I hope everyone stays warm and dry!

I am keeping all the hen house critters in my thoughts. Please update us! ((((JayBird))) I watched a cute YouTube of BorderCollieNana and Bengal Cat Kaiser. you might give it a search and see some fun with a dog and cat!

I send all my love and best thoughts to all my Hens and Roosters! So check in and don't,ale me fret. ((((norty))) This INCLUDES you, girlie!

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Old 11-28-2012, 04:13 PM
  # 39 (permalink)  
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Lenina: I don't need to BLEACH my mustache, but I do have to pluck a few of the BLONDE ones from time to time. LOL And it's amazing when I find one under my chin that has it's own zipcode. It's called: Pluck that sucker FAST! Did you talk to your doctor about getting back on the Estrogen tablets? I'll fight my doctor to the end to stay on mine. There are good things about being a patient in the VAH. We get fairly stubborn and stand our ground.

As for that sink? Get some of that purple colored cleaner thats used on the toilet. It should take it right out!

I managed to get all the kids outside for some out, time and got everyone's stuff cleaned up and got them all back in before it got dark. I had 1 1/2 hours to get this done too. There was only one crate that held me up - Maria's! She's molting and Jethro wants the feathers saved so he can one day make himself a pillow. Argh! We have bags/sacks of feathers all over the place. He fussed at her for molting this time of the year. I reminded him she sits in a heated house, so she doesn't know it's in the 30's outside. LOL

Lauren: I really don't know what to say about your situation. You live with a wonderful husband, in a wonderful home, have lots to eat and have a loving dog. So why are you so down all the time? I just don't get it!! Sorry!

Bloss: I've been meaning to say I wish you luck with your dogs eye problem. They are pretty resilient though. She'll bounce back when she feels better and she has already been in her surrounding area so she knows the area and won't be running into things.

TPA: Sounds like it's time for a new computer. Those are so much fun to learn though. LOL Dang it on the tumor too. Hopefully it's the same thing as last time.

Chickory: Hello!

Amy: Whoo Whoo Finally a J O B! Be glad you've been "V" because it's got you in the habit of getting up and getting out!

Jay: Not to bring up dark moments here, but it's coming. Isn't the Court day around the corner? Have you been working with your therapist and others to get ready for this day? The Court system are sly and underhanded folks. I don't want to see you be taken advantage of.

Best Wishes
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Old 11-28-2012, 04:16 PM
  # 40 (permalink)  
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Hello to all:

I guess I've been feeling sad the past few days. It gets harder for me to do what I know I should do, reach out, instead of isolate. Blossom may need surgery, depending on how meds. work. Likely she will need new lens, complicated. I don't understand half what the vet said. I'm just sending out positive thoughts to the universe for healing.

Lenina: hope you feel better, I'm feeling off lately swollen ankles though, but a swollen stomach from too much eating

Lauren: I am glad you posted today, I tend to put myself away, alone when I feel overwhelmed

Amy: Nice, position post...hope orientation goes well

TPA: Healing thoughts for Hazel, interesting perspective about us humans, values, society

Chicory: I agree, our pets deserve good care, the best we can do for them...vets are expensive, but love of our pets is more important than dollars in the bank

Jason: thanks for the kind words

TOD: hope you're staying warm in the cold weather!

Each of you have a calm, safe evening
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