
Class of August 2012 Part 3

Old 09-01-2012, 04:54 PM
  # 1 (permalink)  
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Class of August 2012 Part 3

we continue from here

carry on the great work everyone

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Old 09-01-2012, 05:08 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
One Foot in Front of the Other
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First! Hahahaha! We've had some great new people join right up until the end of the month. I'm beat, so I think I'm going to get in bed and read for a while. Catch you up on my day when I wake up tomorrow, but not to worry, it was all good stuff! Good (early) night, fellow classmates! Hope all of you are doing great!
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:38 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Good morning all and welcome to the newbies! Not hung over and so im hugely grateful for that. I don't have anything to say so instead having a quote fest instead.

“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn't end there.”
― Bucky Sinister, Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks, and Weirdos

'We waste half our strength in a useless regretting;
We sit by old tombs in the dark too long.' ELLA WHEELER WILCOX, "Resolve"

'When you quit drinking, you stop waiting' Caroline Knapp.

This one isn't helpful, it just made me chuckle:
'Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.' AMBROSE BIERCE, The Devil's Dictionary

Today I'm not going to drink- I'm sending you all good vibes to not drink either
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:14 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Good morning to you all. good morning day 15

I've been up since and have even put a wash on. Sorry I missed you all last night, the other half was using to laptop and by the time he had finished it was really late and I was too tired. We do have a p.c but it's disconnected at the moment due to all the decorating we've been doing.

I'm feeling fine this morning, bit tired but I'm enjoying waking up hangover free and guilt free and not panicking about trying to remember where I've hidden my empty wine bottles!!

There is a definite slow thaw on the domestic front, he came in from work yesterday, went up and got changed and actually came back down and sat dowstairs, in the same room as me all night. Okay, he spoke very little to me, but it's another baby step forward, hopefully. He does always make a point of making a big fuss over the live in g.son and plays with him. He is really good with him. I just don't know what to say to him and I am really hurting because of what I've put him through, he just looks so sad!

I'm going out for the day today with my lovely friend, who also happens to be my daughter's mother in law. We are going to do a spot of retail therapy and be 'ladies that lunch'. She doesn't drink so we can find a nice little restaurant to eat in.

Anyway that's enough of me.

Firstly a big welcome to our newbies, well done for the last minute jump onto our wagon.

HFA, you're doing so well, be proud and keep it up.

MartMc, welcome to our group, glad you've joined us. Did you manage to get to an A.A meeting? Re your g/friend, you are in the same boat as me and as the kind people on here have been telling me, actions speak better than words. So go do it. xx

Stevie, hope you're not missing the wife and kids too much. Bet the peace and quiet is bliss though. Are you in the gym today ( Sunday)?

Alaska, so pleased you're being strong, being sober does take some adjusting to. For me, keeping busy, busy. busy is the answer. You can so do this.

Erica, you're entitled to have a bad mood every now and then. It's probably all the stress you've gone through the last couple of weeks, plus giving up alcohol. You've been incredibly strong. How is Cole doing, have they discharged him yet?

Jojo, you are doing so well too, keep at it.

Panacea, love that phrase 'jonesing', it made me laugh, never heard that one before.

WTH. you are so strong and focused. You are becoming a bit of an inspiration.

LSC, I'm glad you're getting some sleep now, it does come, it does get easier.

Wecome too Goastyle. Glad you've joined our wagon, WWT is a good friend friend to have, so supportive.

Applecrumble, I LOVE that Ambrose Bierce quote, that really made me laugh, so true too.

Well anyway, here's wishing you all a blessed and sober day.

Catch up later

Big hugs


Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires, I will take my 'luck' as it comes and fit myself to it.
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Old 09-02-2012, 01:51 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
One Foot in Front of the Other
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That's right Grace, "just for today". I'm glad things seem to be thawing out with your husband, and hope that it continues. Keep the faith. I know for me personally, I didn't damage my relationship with my wife overnight, and so I can't make it all better overnight. Sometimes we get so hung up on perfection that we fail to see the incremental progress we're making. Well, turn around and add up those baby steps after a bit, and see that you've actually walked a mile!

I appreciate your compliment as well. It is both kind and humbling. If anything I've said has inspired you, well, great! It is the least I can do, because you all inspire me and keep me going as well. When we can lean on each other effectively, that's how we know this community is working as it should! As for the focus, I have no choice. Slips happen, but I know that if I fail to change my lifestyle over the longer haul, I stand to lose everything that's important to me: my wife, job, driver's license, maybe even my freedom or my life! There's no going back to the way I was.

Well, it's early on Day 7 (hey, that's a whole week!) for me. Up early this morning because I went to bed so early last night. It was a good day. Practiced my motorcycle riding in parking lots, and I can really see my skills coming along. That's probably one of the top things I want to do with my sobriety is learn to be a competent and safe rider. It's been a dream of mine since I was a young boy, for almost 30 years now. I can make it happen for myself, if I want it.

I also had my first outpatient treatment session. It went really well...I hardly even noticed an hour had gone by. The lesson was all about the progression of my alcoholism, tolerance, and consequences. When I take all of that together, it's not hard to see that I was setting myself up for a huge crash not too far down the road. I was never much of a hard alcohol drinker, but lately I had switched from beer to rum and vodka to chase a bigger and better high. Wake up call, anybody?!? My counselor and I get along great, I earned praise for my homework assignment being honest and well thought out. We have our next session Monday afternoon.

Given the ambitious long weekend I carved out for myself, I decided to split the days up by themes and tasks. Yesterday was motorcycles and treatment. Today will be getting things done around the house, and a date night with my wife. Tomorrow will be the work I brought home, and more treatment. I think doing things this way will help to keep me better focused and productive.

Well...on second thought...I may sneak in some more motorcycle rides over the next two days. Feeling that wind in your face is SO addicting, but in a good way.

Have a great day everybody! Stay strong, and keep reading and helps you, it helps others, and I know for sure that it helps me. I'll be checking in throughout the day, so if you need anything, just ask.

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Old 09-02-2012, 02:00 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Day 15 here for me...Already been out with for 2 hours with the dog,it was great that I didn't have to rush to get back for the wife and kids....No gym today as I'm still ruined from yesterday,back in the gym tomorrow to train chest and biceps....I'm still loving the peace and quite but missing the hustle and bustle of the kids....Just had a bacon sandwich and slurping down my 4th pint of tea....Gonna have to make a nice Sunday roast just for one lol...Can't believe we had new members joining up right up to the end of the month,a big welcome to all those new members....I hope everyone is having a great weekend and I'll check back in later.....Take care all....Steve....
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Old 09-02-2012, 02:03 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
One Foot in Front of the Other
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Have a great day Stevie!
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Old 09-02-2012, 02:16 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
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Good morning all, start of day 9 for me,

Spent some time procrastinating yesterday when I should have been studying, need to get a move on, back at work tomorrow so won't have much time during the week to catch up.

One of the things I spent some time worrying about (when I should have been studying) is how I am going to cope when in Italy next month, I am sure some of these fancy restaurants will think its weird if I don't order wine. I even then thought perhaps I could say I'm pregnant - yes I did actually think this, lying to a stranger I will never see again, what's the harm - except it could descend into dr pepper 'what's the worst that can happen' style farce! Anywhos out of boredom and still trying to avoid my assignment I did a bit of googling and found a recent study suggesting here in the UK 36% of women are non drinkers and I am sure most of them don't feel need to explain away their non drinking, I think I need to start seeing my sobriety as my new 'normal' and who cares what anyone else thinks anyway. On a positive note, it's good that I am thinking "how will I cope as a teetotaller with this situation next month?", rather than "will I still be sober next month?" (note to self - do not get too confident!)

Grace - great news that your husband is slowly thawing, it sounds as though he wants this to work, and you sound wonderful so who can blame him, x

Steve - no gym but still two hours walking with the dog, you put me to shame . . .

WTH - congrats on the week and so glad your outpatient session went well,

Have a great Sunday everyone, x
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Old 09-02-2012, 02:24 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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You definitely owe nobody any explanations Veggiejojo - any more than I have to explain why I don't drink tea or coffee

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Old 09-02-2012, 02:25 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
One Foot in Front of the Other
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You're doing great Veggiejojo! Wow, a trip to Italy...that would be the trip of a lifetime for me! Don't worry about people thinking you're weird (we're all weird to some degree, at least I know I am). Wouldn't it be more weird to take that first drink, and then maybe another and another, until you lose control? I'm part Italian, so I can tell you what I'd be concentrating on if I was over there...the FOOD!

In any case, don't get too wrapped up in it now...there is time to figure a few more things out, and build your skills in staying sober. Keep doing that and I think you will have a great time!
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Old 09-02-2012, 03:35 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Morning ya'll...
Day 26

Have a wonderful sober Sunday everyone. Life seems to be pretty good, when I'm not hiding from it.
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Old 09-02-2012, 06:06 AM
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Morning guys. Still in a horrible mood. My cravings were out of control yesterday. I think it was the worst day yet. I guess it goes to show that this race is a marathon and not a sprint.

I'm off to AA. Catch you all later.
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Old 09-02-2012, 06:18 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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Day 4 for me. Really happy i found a site where I can relate to others going through the struggle. Day 2 and 3 were really hard due to the lack of sleep. The anxiety and depression have waned a bit because I found this place. This is a really positive, supporting site with great people. Thanks for making my struggle a little bit easier.
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Old 09-02-2012, 06:45 AM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Really glad to have you here, GoaStyle. I for one hope you'll stick around. A more encouraging and accepting group you would be hard-pressed to find. To quote Ben Franklin, "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." The strength in numbers only gets better the more we can connect with others who are facing the same challenges. I'd be lost without this.
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Old 09-02-2012, 06:54 AM
  # 15 (permalink)  
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hello all of you.......I actually slept through the night.....fell asleep early and did not wake up till 6:30 this morning (except for that run to the b room) was able to get right back to sleep after the run.......going to have a quiet day and figure out what to take with me tuesday when I leave for the 1000 islands trip......looking forward to going and that I am sober to pack my things......everyone have a good day, evening or night wherever you are and the ones that are struggling with day 2 or 3 does get better....2 weeks yesterday for me.....I am also trying not to be over confident and seem to be in a stage of crying for just about everything I see or hear
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Old 09-02-2012, 07:11 AM
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my goodness.......ruby tuesday just came on the radio and can't stop crying......I heard the words differently even though it is a song I probably cannot count how many times I have heard it in the past.....fighting the tears has been giving me a headache so I am going to let them flow.......
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Old 09-02-2012, 08:00 AM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Good midmorning all!

I actually sleeped until 4 AM! Longest in awhile. I got up puddled around for a bit and then went back to bed until 9:30.

Daffodile, turn off the Ruby Tuesday song and listen to the Blues Traveler song that WTH posted again! It is beautiful. I have downloaded to my iPhone for the one the spot inspirational intervention.

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Old 09-02-2012, 08:07 AM
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Day 3 - Keeping busy....

It is amazing how productive you can be when you don't drink. I am a whirling dervish of activity. Is this how "normal" people live? Unbelievable.....

I hope all of you have a restful, productive, fun Sunday filled with babysteps towards repaired relationships and health.

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Old 09-02-2012, 12:35 PM
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hey folks

I'm glad you are all doing so well.

I have been unemployed for the last eight montsh, heartbroken and I have been living with my parents which have their own problems. I've spent those months day and night drinking and it's taken two months just to get to day one. Currently day five here.

I'm trying to start an application for a job that has came up at last that is suited to my profession and I could really have a chance with, could be a way out at last. So frustrating, Been staring at the wall all day! I'm so shakey I feel pathtic and weak! I can't get a grip and write this thing out, it feels so important. I'm clenching my fists to sopt shaking. I could down a bottle of whiskey quicker than you or I could blink right now. I keep telling myself, the MOST important thing is not to drink. phewww. got to make it to day six...
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:49 PM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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Stay strong against the alcoholism JimJim. You've done so well so far and keep it up. Suggest you keep browsing the SR forums this evening for positivity about how it gets easier and for suggestions. You can do this!
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