
July 4th Holiday Wee!kender Thread! Movie Quotes Fun!

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Old 07-02-2014, 10:11 PM
  # 61 (permalink)  
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Thursday morning here in the UK ,

Got a lot on my plate today , apply for mortgage , go to post office , nip into the bank .
House purchase is going forwards , had a few bumps in the road . another offer on the house ( go away whoever you are ) so i just bumped up my offer by a pretty penny , as although i don't like to pay over the odds i also don't enjoy protracted wrangling .

Then i got to go to work and carry on with commissioning a £120m plant for a bunch of argumentative tantrum throwing engineers who drive desks rather than come and get their boots muddy helping deal with issues . Somehow i always end up being the man who makes the decision , stands up and is counted , sorts things out .

Hmm i think i need to work out how to capitalise on that as some of these people are earning 3, 4 or 5 times the wage i am .

Ah well just let me get through till the end of the day and i'm sure i'll have achieved something
The sky is blue , the sun is shining , there is a world of sober opportunity out there ,

Lets get through thurs , see ya friday morning , m
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:55 PM
  # 62 (permalink)  
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... Chicken dinner. kill bill and leaving Las Vegas ?
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:04 AM
  # 63 (permalink)  
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The Shining is not Scary, LTV....this is...
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:34 AM
  # 64 (permalink)  
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Morning all, arrived at work in sunny Ireland, I'm working today and tomorrow and off the whole weekend, plenty of things to sort out though on my days off, plus the World Cup kicks off tomorrow evening again with the quarter finals, looking forward to that.

I thought I'd go with a quote that always inspires me this morning:

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes"

For me when I decided to be Sober, I really had nothing to loose and everything to gain, and for any newcomers you have everything to gain too, but I needed to decide whether to continue with the blue pill, continue the pattern of life I'd carved out around alcohol, wake up with yet another hangover the next day, tell myself all the excuses and believe my own reasons as to why I couldn't be Sober that I'd convinced myself of.

. . . OR take the red pill and try something new, sure it's gonna be scary, new things always are, but only by a leap of faith and taking a chance on Sobriety will we truly know how far does the rabbit hole really go?!!

Let's make it a Sober one Weekenders!!
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:35 AM
  # 65 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by mecanix View Post
although i don't like to pay over the odds i also don't enjoy protracted wrangling .
Wait a minute, we're supposed to haggle.

I never liked it either. I've spent considerable time in places where haggling is the norm, but I still never took to it. Just tell me the price! Good luck with the house. Is mortgage paperwork in the UK as laborious as it has become in the US?

Woke up early this morning. Thinking about work, of all things. There is some restructuring of our organization and impacting how we do it in a way that is advantageous to my division is on my mind quite a bit.

Enjoying the movie quotes.
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:58 AM
  # 66 (permalink)  
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Trust me, it's paradise...
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Old 07-03-2014, 03:11 AM
  # 67 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Ruby2 View Post

One year I swear whomever picked the movies must have been going through a major depressive episode. We saw Sophie's Choice, Das Boot, The Tin Drum, and The Shining all in one semester.
The only movie I've ever seen in my life that deeply disturbed me for days was Sophie's Choice.
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Old 07-03-2014, 03:30 AM
  # 68 (permalink)  
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Non ,

It is horrendous , i last bought a house in 1997 and it went swimmingly . Now there just seems to be paperwork and people involved who are skimming left, right and centre .

I've taken the morning off work and now the bank's computer isn't working … i need to get to the post office but am now waiting next to the phone to hear from the bank who may or may not be able to help me .. and who don't seem to know about the products they are trying to sell …


Maybe i should just crowd source the funding for the purchase .. Gah bah humbug .

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Old 07-03-2014, 03:54 AM
  # 69 (permalink)  
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My name is Inego Montoya,you killed my father, prepare to die (Princess Bride)

I amuse you? (Goodfellows)

They f*** you at the drive through ( Lethal weapon 2)
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:06 AM
  # 70 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by mecanix View Post
i need to get to the post office but am now waiting next to the phone to hear from the bank who may or may not be able to help me .. and who don't seem to know about the products they are trying to sell …
Similarly irritating experience when we purchased our home in 2012. The property was in forclosure and was owned by Wells Fargo. After 3 days of price negotiations (via our real estate agent) we had an agreeable price, but were notified the next day that the person at Wells Fargo with whom we were negotiating was not authorized by Wells Fargo to negotiate the price of the property.

Back to square one...several weeks later we ended up at the exact same price we had previously negotiated with the unauthorized person. It then took Wells Fargo 60 days to close on the property. Our agent told us that 2 other couples had previously offered more money for the property than we were paying, but they became so frustrated with Wells Fargo that they gave up and moved on. Amazing to me that a bank would be so inefficient with a dead asset.

All's well that ends well - as they say. We got the house we wanted at a good price and we are very happy there. As fate would have it, though, guess who our mortgage broker sold our loan to for 30 years of servicing? You guessed it - Wells Fargo!

Stupid is as stupid does, mama always said.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:22 AM
  # 71 (permalink)  
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Tiptree, I thought of that Goodfellas scene, but I couldn't remember the exact words Joe Pesci said.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:43 AM
  # 72 (permalink)  
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Cross over, children. All are welcome.

This house is clean.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:46 AM
  # 73 (permalink)  
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LTV "say hello to my little friend" is a classic Pacino quote from Scarface. In my top 5 movies of all time.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:47 AM
  # 74 (permalink)  
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Water's wet, the sky is blue, women have secrets, who gives a f*** ( the Last Boy Scout)
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:55 AM
  # 75 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by cardoon View Post
... Chicken dinner. kill bill and leaving Las Vegas ?

IMDB lists "21", "Mother's Day", and "Tin Cup" as using that line. "21" is a movie about Las Vegas casinos.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:57 AM
  # 76 (permalink)  
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Surely Leaving Las Vegas is one of them?
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:58 AM
  # 77 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by trachemys View Post
ding-ding-ding "winner, winner, chicken dinner!" originating in the casinos of los vegas, this phrase is in two modern era movies.
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Old 07-03-2014, 05:02 AM
  # 78 (permalink)  
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Thanks PK. I always liked that. I never related it to the choice to quit drinking before. It's a good metaphor.

M. good luck with the bidding on the house. Go away other people! You could try a little of the mind control from Star Wars on the other bidders "this isn't the house you're looking for." I went through that when I bought my house. Nerve wracking. I like your idea of crowd sourcing. I'm amazed more people don't try it.

Laying in bed trying to muster enthusiasm for the day. So cold and dreary out I just want to stay warm and cozy. I experienced a non summer like this a long time ago and it sort of disappointing. On the bright side, I won't have high electric bills from running the air conditioner.

Roll out, autobots! Time to start my day.
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Old 07-03-2014, 05:11 AM
  # 79 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Weasel1966 View Post
Cross over, children. All are welcome.

This house is clean.
"The Stand"?
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Old 07-03-2014, 05:17 AM
  # 80 (permalink)  
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Some of my favorite lines come from Quentin Tarantino films and are not suitable for quoting in a public forum. There is an amazing scene in True Romance between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken where Hopper knows he will be tortured into divulging his sons whereabouts and uses Walken's prejudice to goad him into killing him. The film includes terrific acting by Gary Oldman and the late James Gandolfi. Great soundtrack too.
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