
bring it on day 5

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Old 06-03-2010, 02:50 AM
  # 61 (permalink)  
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Morning Grace, ooh i see we having a healthy breakfast! What a long day u have! I am glad you are enjoying your new lifestyle, worth every effort u made! Sometimes we have to go through bad times, to really fully appreciate the life we have been given. Heard from Dream, she is Ok, Day 4 no Opiates, and got a new job starts next week, Congratulations Dream... Almath, hope u well, thinking of u all. xxx
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Old 06-03-2010, 03:49 PM
  # 62 (permalink)  
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Hello to you all. P.c is working o.k now. Hurray! It's 11.46 here and bedtime. Friday tomorrow and I will be strong.

Glad to hear you are o.k Dream!

Good night to you all. Speak tomorrow.

Grace xx
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Old 06-04-2010, 12:30 AM
  # 63 (permalink)  
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Morning Grace, I am so happy you are doing so well, also glad you got your PC up and running again, that is really not nice. Have an awesome Friday. Thinking of all of you today, be strong.
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Old 06-04-2010, 12:37 AM
  # 64 (permalink)  
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Top of the mornin' to you ladies :-)

Hope you're having a fabulously sunny day as I'm having over here in Brussels!!

I'm so glad it's Friday as it's been a very long week here in the office...roll on the weekend!

All is going well with Mum for the moment thank God - she's in good spirits and getting back to her normal self and was even out for a while yesterday. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the results on the 15th but we are very hopeful!

Glad to hear the PC's working Grace :-) I'm very impressed that you're managing to communicate with your son's girlfriend!! I'm sure you'll pick up a lot of Spanish before she goes back!!

The excitement is building up here for the World Cup :-) I have a Dutch friend who's gone to work as a volunteer in SA so will be hearing all the news from him when he gets there! I'm sure the excitement must be intense for the moment! Unfortunately Ireland are not in it this year (due to the Thierry Henry Hand of God incident!) but I'll be supporting Greece who are in and will adopt a few other countries for the fun :-)!

Well, the boss is around so I'd better run along now! I hope you both have a lovely day ahead and will drop you a line soon :-)

Big hugs,

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Old 06-04-2010, 11:55 PM
  # 65 (permalink)  
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Morning Ladies, a beautiful warm day here in South Africa, yes the fever is finally starting to hit here, everybody is buying all the flags and socks for their cars, buying shirts, everything one can find that has SA on it, even tatoos!

Glad mum is feeling in good spirits that is the best step to any healing.

I hope you all have a great week end planned. Thinking of you all.
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Old 06-06-2010, 03:13 AM
  # 66 (permalink)  
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Hi all, cold and miserable day. just got back from a awesome church service, to a really bad mood H, how does one deal with the irrational moods of the A. I am not sure if he has been drinking, but it wouldnnt surprize me, he has usually had a tot or two by now. Just makes me so sad. Anyway how you all? Grace been having a good week end with the family? Almath keeping strong? have a good rest of your week end.
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Old 06-07-2010, 12:19 AM
  # 67 (permalink)  
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Morning, it is a cold am here in SA, only 3 days to go before Soccer starts. How was everybody's week end? A thought for today: ''We never know what great things GOD may do in our world because we pray!'' Have an awesome day, everybody!
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Old 06-07-2010, 04:52 AM
  # 68 (permalink)  
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Hello everybody. Hope you're all good and well!

Three weeks today!!! Whoo!

Not been on here much as v. busy at with family matters. Feel like I'm living in the Big Brother house at the minute.

Mamm. I'm sorry to hear that your lovely start to the day was spoilt slightly by your grumpy H. lets hope he manages to turn his life round again, he's done it before. I know when I've had a drink I can be a right monster and my family doesn't need it. Your H is obviously not v. happy at the minute. I really, really hope he gets over this bad patch.

Hope you've had a good w.end Almath.

Speak later hopefully

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Old 06-07-2010, 05:20 AM
  # 69 (permalink)  
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You are really doing great with sobriety. I am proud of you. Lots of alcoholics has no big brother and live alone and die alone. You and me are lucky. Big brothers are our HPs.

Do you have no depression? Hope you have a good day!


I am sorry for your AH. Grumpy feeling of alcoholics happen always especially in the morning. Have a good day!
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Old 06-07-2010, 06:46 AM
  # 70 (permalink)  
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Go Grace! I am so proud of how you just took your will power and made it this far, it is just awesome, thinking of you in the big brother house, are u enjoying your family? Hi Ninja so glad u could join us today for a cuppa, how are you keeping? remember we are here, you are not alone, keep joining us here. Keep wll.
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Old 06-07-2010, 07:09 AM
  # 71 (permalink)  
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Hi Ninja

Thanks for that, you are right we are luckier than a lot of people.What is HP?

It is early days with my sobriety compared to you. You are amazing.

No, I don't really get badly depressed. I do have times when I feel bad, but that is mainly due to feeling guilty about the things I have done, I call them my 'black cloud days', but I try not to dwell too much on the past. Not always easy! Things are not perfect with my partner, but he is still there, and what can I expect. He finds it difficult to show his feelings at the best of time and he is not the worlds best at communication, but I am trying hard to prove I can be trusted. My parents don't know about my A.H problem, they are elderly and could not cope with it.


thinking about you. Can you talk to your husband about what is happening or is he in complete denial?

Love to you all

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Old 06-07-2010, 11:17 AM
  # 72 (permalink)  
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Hi Grace, I wish I could, just don't know how, it took me two years the last time, to get all my facts and proof, then one night by the grace of GOD (HP - Higher Power) he had been drinking very much and i just got the right timing. He promised to stop, I think it lasted all of 4 days, then I noticed slowly but surely the pattern start again, but this time very secretive. So now I think I went through hell and devastation to bring it in the open and he just went straight back to lying and drinking? where is our marriage/partnership gone? As I mentioned to Sesh, I think since his early adulthood he has had 8 sober years and is now in total denial. He came from an A home, really bad childhood. I have left it up to HP to deal with him and now I concentrate on myself and my 2 girls. love M xx
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Old 06-08-2010, 05:01 AM
  # 73 (permalink)  
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HP (higher power) is something greater than myself. Some people think HP is God. I think HP is my ancestors. It is a term used in AA.
Do you keep sobriety with active alcoholic husband? If so, you are very strong woman. I am very proud of you.


Your AH has once kept 8 years sobriety. It is amazing. Hope it might be a small period of relapse and your AH soon get back to sobriety! There are a lot of news in Japan about succor world cap game in SA. I hope the competition going well!
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Old 06-08-2010, 06:13 AM
  # 74 (permalink)  
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(((NINJA))) thanks for the confidence, I know it can happen again. Soccer World cup starts on Friday, schools break for a month holiday tomorrow. Keep well all. How u doing Almath?
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Old 06-08-2010, 06:25 AM
  # 75 (permalink)  
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good afternoon

Hi all

hope you are all doing well.

Ninja, I think we have some confusion, my partner ( no husband!) is not an alcoholic. He hardly drinks at all! I know what you mean now by High Power, thanks. I think mine is my family!


Hope you are o.k and looking forward to the world cup. Our office has been split into teams (mine is switzerland) and we have flags and banners everywhere.

I'm sorry about your husband, it's hard when communication is difficult and you are right to concentrate on yourself and your lovely girls. I think you have to do this for your own sanity! My granny always said 'things have a way of working out' and I truly believe that. Gxx

Almath. Hope you are enjoying life.

Almay, where are you? Get here for coffee, or else!

love to you all. Got to dash, in work here and shouldn't be doing this!!! xxx
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Old 06-08-2010, 06:49 AM
  # 76 (permalink)  
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Hi ((GRACE))) I think thats cool your office really going all out to support soccer! I think Almay may have had a relapse, I am sure I saw one of her posts the other day. Well here is a lovely strong pot of coffee and milk tart for tea. Are you learning some spanish? hows the baby? chat soon.
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Old 06-08-2010, 07:54 AM
  # 77 (permalink)  
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Yes our office always supports the world cup etc.

Yes Almay did relapse on hol, I've spoken to her and she's started afresh so lets give her our support.

The family is fine thanks, things are a bit hectic. The baby is gorgeous, he six months old and is really good, sleeps all night. Loads of black hair and big brown eyes. I did a course at night school with my daughter when my son moved to Spain, so I know the very basics, such as where is the toilet and where is the pharmacy! ha ha. I will miss the baby when they go back. My son is living with us at the minute. Spain is having a serious credit crunch and there is no work there. He is waiting for g.friend to get Spanish nationality (she's Dominican) then she can move over here with him. Her application is in its final admin stages. He has been lucky and got a job here so he needs to save hard and get his own place!

Hope everying is well with you.

Oh and the coffee and cake was scrummy! Gx
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Old 06-09-2010, 12:55 AM
  # 78 (permalink)  
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Good day ladies,

Sorry for the lack of contact and the short message (have to run to a meeting on the other side of Brussels!) but I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.. Mamm, I'm really sorry to hear about the situation with your can't be easy for you and the kids.. Are you able to confide in anyone about this in your family or with close friends or your Pastor/Priest?

Grace you are doing GREAT!!!!! Look how far you've come!! You'll be hitting the big 1 month landmark very soon and we'll all celebrate that!!!

Big hugs to you both and much love,

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Old 06-09-2010, 01:07 AM
  # 79 (permalink)  
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Daily Inspiration

There’s a code that unlocks the secret to lasting and inner peace.
It has no number or letter combinations. It lies simply in being kind to yourself and to others

Kindness to yourself,
kindness to others.
This is the best peace there is.
The code’s easy, but it takes time to crack.

Lasting and inner peace lingers,
catch it before it inches away.
Grab the code and lock it,
it is yours forever to keep

Have a wonderful day all. xxx
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Old 06-09-2010, 04:30 PM
  # 80 (permalink)  
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Hello All

It's a very late post. Half past midnight here and all are in bed apart from myself. Just enjoying a peaceful hour. One month for me next Monday hopefully. Can you believe it. I love this site, all the people on it and all the support and empathy received.

Anyway, just a short one tonight, it's been a long, busy day. Night night! xx
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