
Class of 2008

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Old 04-13-2010, 09:02 AM
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Class of 2008

Did you join one of the "Class of ..." threads in 2008? Wasn't it good to have a group that had that starting at the same time together thing in common? All of us going through those first weeks at the same time and hitting that rough 90 day mark together etc. Then we'd be missing people that dropped off and happy when they dropped in on us months later. Now that it's been 21 months since the Class of July 2008 started the "Class of...." ball rolling (thanks to Time2Surrender, AKA Mikey, for starting it all) and it's been 16 months since the Class of December 2008 so the max difference of 5 months is not so much now that we've been at this a while.

Let's try taking the concept of the Class of "A Month" to the next level and also have the Class of 2008.

I don't know if any of the 2008 monthly classes are what they used to be and I'm not at all suggesting we dump them. I know I'll always go back to my home in the Class of July 2008, It would be good to have another place to hang out as a bigger group since we're likely having some of the same experiences. I don't know about everyone else, but SR was a bit more fun and more helpful for me when I had a thread that was really active that I could check in on and see what was going on and so forth.

We could also be a help to others that are following close behind us time-wise as well as those that are just now starting. I know if there was a class of 2006 back when I joined in '08, even if I didn't post there I would have at least read what they were saying so I could learn how they made it that far.

Anyway, thought I'd see if there was any interest in seeing what it would be like having a combined '08 group.

Thread hopping is better than bar hopping, especially the next morning.
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Old 04-13-2010, 11:02 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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i'm here....I got sober in 2007, discovered SR shortly after...relapsed this past fall and now have a sober date of Dec 31, 2009...yep new years eve! lol lol lol

but it was the year 2008 that was so full of sharing in the class threads...i posted to July 08 and to Nov 08. both threads are sadly slow....

I'm going through a reflective period at the moment, so i may be slow getting started here, but jee i sure would like the giggles, laughs..moments of fear and pain expressed like we did back in the day (jeez an SR back in the day moment (snirkle))

anyhows...i'm putting together bookcases and preping for my son's art exhibit i best get to work.

Pixie, CG, Dee, fizzy, Alley LB, wibbles, wonky, jiggy, timmy...i hope you will all join us and if i missed anyone i'll be kickiy my own ass for a long time!

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Old 04-13-2010, 11:41 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by ananda View Post

I'm going through a reflective period at the moment, so i may be slow getting started here, but jee i sure would like the giggles, laughs..moments of fear and pain expressed like we did back in the day (jeez an SR back in the day moment (snirkle))
You got me on the word snirkle so I had to google

Candy Yum Yum!: Every heard of Snirkles?
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Old 04-13-2010, 12:11 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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wow...and i thought i made it up

I'm sooooo disappointed.....can't you hear me snirkling JT lol
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Old 04-13-2010, 03:21 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Hi everyone,

Thanks JIT, I'm sure you will entertain on this thread too. I am also from the class of July 2008. I don't think I could have stayed sober without this web-site. I did not join until October 2008 but you would now believe the relief I had when I found this site. And to actually have a thread with the same month as me. I was about 3 months sober at the time and was unsure if I would ever be able to laugh again. I do not attend AA so this was truly a godsend. I also do alot of reading about recovery. The only obstacle I have not hurdled yet is a wedding. I have one in the beginning of June and another in September. We have some high end weddings here with martini bars (my favorite) and top shelf open bars. See I don't come here ofter but it seem like when I do I am always rambling.

Again thanks JIT for now I have 2 threads to check out when I do get here. Hope things are ok or at least tolerable on the home front. At first I think it was harder to deal with "things" when we were first sober but for me anyway it seems to not bother me as much.
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Old 04-13-2010, 06:32 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Hi everyone,
Yay, a new thread! I'm from the Class of November 2008, but I could probably be in pretty much any month's thread since I joined here about two years ago. I've had some stretches of sobriety in that time but still struggle to maintain it. Today I have 58 days, which is my old record! I've gotten through a few things this time that have tripped me up in the past - a work event with an open bar, family drama, pet illness, etc. Sometimes I'm not sure how I made it through, but I did.

Next up - a trip to Canada next week

Welcome everybody!
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Old 04-13-2010, 10:25 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Philly, you've been an inspiration to me because I don't do AA either so it's good to see another person being successful. AA is absolutely great for some people. No one thing will work for everyone. I've never really been a joiner....yeah, I know "hey joinedintime, you've never been a joiner, huh? I loved baseball as a kid and still do but I never wanted to play in Little League. So it was an even bigger deal that I joined SR and yes, I still do think I joined in time. I was careening all over the road and could have gone over the cliff.

I did a double take on this line of yours.

Originally Posted by Philly View Post
The only obstacle I have not hurdled yet is a wedding. I have one in the beginning of June and another in September.
For a split second I thought you were getting married twice this year. Just for a split second, but do you have any idea how scary that is to me?

Colagirl, congrats on the new personal record. Good to see you here.
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Old 04-13-2010, 10:45 PM
  # 8 (permalink)  
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I can consider myself a member of the class of 2008 since that's the year I joined here, trying to get sober. Like colagirl, I've had stretches of sobriety but struggled with maintaining it. Now I'm close to my longest stretch of over six months and feel certain this time is "it". That I truly "get it" this time. It's a good feeling
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Old 04-14-2010, 04:12 AM
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I wrote a long post and lost it. I say long it was a few words but took me ages

Anyway hey all what a great idea!

I usually post (not as often as I should) on the November 2008 thread. Thats the good thing about having a home thread, it's always there. Nands, CG we need to keep our eye on it girls or the boys could take over and start talking about football and stuff

I joined in march 2008 but didn't get sober until 7th December 2009. Although I have tried AA, it wasn't for me. I haven't gotten this far on my own though, this really cannot be done alone. Also having sr to fall back on has really helped. I don't always post but I read most days.
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:06 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
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Joined in September of '08 although I got sober in June '08..... lurked but was to afraid to post. Which as I think about it, pretty much sums up my life. Everything scared me.

It doesn't any more. I guess not much bothers me, and that is a good feeling. I finally feel like I have my act together, and it feels so good.

I also didn't join any of the class threads (again, to scared!) this one is really exciting me. It will be nice to see how the last 2 years has been for people. I love reading about recovery.

In very early 2 months....I had a huge wedding, huge business trip and huge birthday. I think facing those things sober, helped show me I can do this...and do it sober. A big vacation coming up this summer.....SR is going with me!

I use SR and only SR. So, so very grateful. Like others have said, you can't do this alone....or maybe you can, but not for very long. Hmmm. I do know that I would not be sitting here today without it.

Good way to start the day! Thanks!
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Old 04-14-2010, 10:29 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Pixy, I hate it when a post just get's lost like that. I had one that was long and I had struggled to try to get the words to match what my issue was at the time and finally did. So when of course it was lost....ARRRGGGHHHHH
Since then if it's kinda long, now if I think of it I copy before hitting the post button.

Hey, anybody ever heard that people's mental state when they first wake up is medically close to being drunk? Today after being awake for all of 3 minutes I filled a glass of water, got an allergy pill, put pill in mouth, raised glass, only to find that I had not filled the glass, I had apparently had rinsed the glass. Reminded me of stupid things I did while drunk that somehow seemed funny at the time.
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:14 PM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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Wow I'm here on SR 2 days in a row. Welcome to the thread coffeenut. I see you post on SR alot. I don't always have access to the computer so I don't post all too often. I work and then go to the gym and then I am just too tired or too much to do when I get home. At my last job I could at least get on once in a while but at my new job I can't get on. I have a job with the government and they can see everything. I see we have alot in common including our ages. I am from Philly on the east coast.

With 2 threads to look at now maybe I'll be anxious just to see if JIT posts. lol

Sorry JIT I never heard of that mental state issue. I guess the pill didn't go down very well.

But I sure don't see humor in some of the people I used to think were so funny when I was drinking. Who knows what I was laughing at it really only sounds stupid to me now.
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:49 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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my HP...the internet

I wrote out a long 4 or 5 paraghraph post full of meaning and insitefulness...and the computer shut down

I figure you guys must not need to hear my wisdonm.....guess i'll go caste my pearls before all are too good for it
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Old 04-14-2010, 08:15 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Philly...yeah, I guess I do post a lot! Serious when I say SR is huge to my sobriety....either that or like Ananada said, it's the internet that's my HP!

Joined...never heard of that mental state. I know that I usually lay there for awhile and stretch before I get up....I thought I did it just because I'm old...maybe there's an underlying reason!
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:44 AM
  # 15 (permalink)  
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Philly, 2 days in a row huh, yeah I think I'm at 4 which is really rare for me lately.
Ananda, I knew something was missing in my day today. Now I know it was that wisdom you wrote but then lost. We're all empty now and it's your computer's fault.
Hey coffee, I like the new name you gave to Ananda. How much coffee did you have when you were typing?
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Old 04-15-2010, 01:38 AM
  # 16 (permalink)  
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Morning all

JIT I have to be awake for at least 30min before I get up never mind pour a glass of water within 3min lol Having said that the best feeling in the world is opening my eyes knowing that I don't have to face the day with a hangover!

Nands we always need your wisdom!!
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:24 AM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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alright...tomarrow night is the big "do" !!!!!!

I'm off to an AM meeting that I LOVE...there are usually only 3 - 6 of us and we often break into free expereince sharing outside the general meeting format and share what we are learning today and what our struggles are...yet bringing it back to solid AA concepts for recoveery that aid us in clearing away the confusion of our own minds to clear thinking and the action (bleh)

been thinking already this morning (are we suprised lol)

I think taking a little time to "follow orders" might be good for me....I love my free spirit and my way of life, but i struggle and just taking a week off to just do what someone else tells me to do..a vacation from running the whole world might be good....and i might just find out i don't realy have to spend hours planning what i'm gonna do and how it will work out for the next 15 minites
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Old 04-16-2010, 05:11 AM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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I'm a little confused (no surprise). Who is this thread for? I remember Time to Surrender and hope he is doing well. I would love having a "home thread". I joined in April '08, and although I had stretches of abstinence (joined "the month of" so many times, I probably qualified for a record), didn't get sober until May 21, 2009. I've always been a slow starter , but I couldn't be happier now. Yes, there are days, but Thank God I no longer have that knee jerk reaction to drink over them.
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Old 04-16-2010, 05:41 AM
  # 19 (permalink)  
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Hi Hide and Seek,

Welcome and I'll try to explain. JIT started this thread because our class of July 08 thread had very little activity. He thought if we included the whole year of 2008 there would be more action. As with all the threads everyone is welcomed. Some of us were coming here very rarely because of no action. Whether you have been continuously sober or are just getting sober it really doesn't matter. Our July 08 thread was down to about 5 people so JIT started this one. We also thought that maybe someone could use some advice from others who have been sober since 2008. If you go back to the beginning there were a ton of people that belonged to the thread. Some just went to new month threads but are still around and we like to hear from them also.
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Old 04-16-2010, 08:40 AM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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nightmares...mostly about my inability to reach out for help when i need it, my fear of rejection, and being paralized unable to move my arms or speak...struggling...and getting better a little when I decided to only count on me....WHAT AN ILLUSION....also in the dream i was being told to ingore the voices in my head which were obviously warning me of huge danger...

It was mixed up as all dreams are...i'll chew on this one a while i think...

So result..i overselpt and am now hopelessly behind in being ready for the big "do" tonight...but...i'm just gonna plug away...may check in later.

Oh the dream i didn't drink....that is great...but without a drink...well there is more to sobriety than not taking the drink and if i don't get the rest of the deal i assume i will likely end up back at the bottle.

random just woke up thoughts....
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