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Old 11-10-2009, 07:04 PM
  # 1 (permalink)  
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Hi my name is Jenny. I am new to this so bare with me. I was a heavy drinker until Oct. 25, 2009 because I was involved in a car accident. I don't even remember driving my car. I hit a parked car and I broke my nose and some ribs. The scary part is that I don't even remember driving my car and I don't remember the accident at all. I woke up in the hospital with the doctors yelling at me to wake up. I had no clue what I have done at this time. When they told me I started crying and they had to calm me down. I am in a lot of trouble with the courts but that is alright because I deserve whatever they want to do to me. I am here because I don't know where to turn to. I want to stay sober and I am dedicated to that.

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Old 11-10-2009, 07:21 PM
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Old 11-10-2009, 07:36 PM
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Old 11-10-2009, 07:55 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Welcome. Please keep reading and posting!
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Old 11-10-2009, 08:07 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Welcome Jenny

You'll find a lot of support, help and understanding here
Please keep reading and posting.

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Old 11-10-2009, 08:23 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Welcome to SR, Jenny

If that's your goal, this is a good place to be--lots of support here. Keep reading/ posting.

Take care,
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Old 11-10-2009, 10:01 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
The New Me starting 1/11/09
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Welcome Jenny.
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Old 11-10-2009, 10:34 PM
  # 8 (permalink)  
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You will find a LOT of support here. I am relatively new as well. I joined in October, had 17 days without drinking and relapsed twice in one week. Am now at the end of day 5 on my "do over." When I first became a member, I didn't post much at all -- still don't compared to a lot of people. But I READ A LOT. Reading other peoples experiences, especially in the Newcomer's Threads, is a really great way to keep those awful effects of drinking too much fresh in my mind. Being that you are laid up in the hospital, and assuming you have internet access, I can heartily recommend spending a lot of time on this site, just reading about others experiences. If you feel you have something to add, helpful or just an experience of your own, please share it. I found everyone to be very understanding. Probably everyone has gone through most of what you have. Maybe not winding up in the hospital, but most of us have found ourselves at some point in our drinking careers not remembering how we got where we were. Don't be embarrassed. I care what happens to you. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Do your best to get out of the hospital. Last time I was hospitalized (not for alcohol issues amazingly), it was such a depressing place. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Hang in there!!
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:22 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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I've been there, Jenny. See my post in Kjell's DUI thread. Like you, I was determined to do whatever it took to get and stay sober. I was willing to work as hard as I needed.

Well, that's not exactly true. I said I was willing, but when it came to taking AA's 12 steps, I figured I didn't need to go that far. They didn't make sense to me, and I figured I was smart enough to get by without it.

After months of drinking from what was supposed to be a one time relapse (or a break from sobriety), I got another DUI. You would think that would sober me up, but it didn't.

What I learned was that the consequences of my actions were not a sufficient deterrent to keep an real alcoholic from drinking. It works for a lot of people. They get scared straight. But for an alkie like me, that fear faded over time, and I was once again defenseless.

I got real open-minded in a hurry about seeking a spiritual solution to my problem. That solution (AA's 12 steps) has been working for me for a long time now.
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:31 AM
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Welcome Jenny You came to a great place here at SR. Keep coming back.
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:43 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Hi Jenny,

Sometimes it takes a crisis like that to make us realize how bad things are.

We do understand and please know that you can get through this.
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:50 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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HI Jenny,

you and I have the same clean date! I binged like a mofo on Oct 25 and that was bottom for me.

I've been in a recovery I am living a recovery program. No more of that for me, ever.

Being here, and working like mad...I've uncovered some of the last places I was hanging on to my old life and ways.

Stick around, be open to what you read, even if it makes everything inside you cringe.

get involved on the boards.

and lets live sober
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Old 11-11-2009, 08:15 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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Welcome Jenny.

Blessings come in many disguises...this may be yours. You hurt no one but yourself. That is your first blessing. You had good people at the hospital who took care of you, that's blessing #2. You have found this site, that's 3.

Most importantly, you have looked into and reflected within yourself and want to change and are dedicated to it...blessing #4.

Sometimes bad things happening in reality are the best thing that could have ever happened.

My heart, will and strength are with you.
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Old 11-11-2009, 08:26 AM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Welcome! :ghug3
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