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Old 11-11-2009, 07:46 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
same planet...different world
barb dwyer's Avatar
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I'd print out nandm's response....
and tape it to the bathroom mirror...
and another one on the fridge....

I had lost everything when I finally got sober.

I had to come to the point that everything ...
and I MEAN everything ...
just had to be in Spirit's hands.
I couldn't do it by myself anymore.

i've learned for the first time
what a waiting list is like
I've learned
the demoralization put upon us by
our own Social Security
when we actually NEED the
benefits they took money out
of every. single. check for....

I know how demeaning it is to not be able to go to a coffee clash
because I'm too broke to buy coffee.

I know everyone at the food bank.

And I know the times I said "WHY am I staying sober for this?"

I understand you can only be kicked so many times when you're already down.

But all these things -
not one of them would have been helped
by my drinking.

Because if I had give up and picked up ....
it would mean that I'd lost the last chance I had...and...
'they' ... would have won.

It took TIME
for me to re-establish myself as a sober person.
It took TIME for
people to understand that I am committed to a sober life.
It took TIME
for me to gain a resource circle of sober firends to rely on.

I *still* don't make enough $$$ to make my bills.
But I've established that as a sober person
and people let things slide for me.
Not because I'm so special in not drinking ..
and certainly no one OWES me anything ...
but I've learned that people respond to honesty.

And yes there's many times I pray to what for all the world feels
like a silent empty sky....I'd be a liar if I said I just threw it all in God's lap.
But I DO let Spirit guide me.

And it takes TIME to estabvlish a trust with our inner guidance.
And if you're using inner guidance ...
and nothing is working -
then that's NOT the guidance we're talking about listening to.
Try another way.

Being sober is no ticket to anything
other than one more chance.

I hope that makes sense.
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Old 11-12-2009, 05:16 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
Grateful to be free
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Well, that whole addiction thing wasn't working out for me, seems like I should give sobriety at least 1/10 the time and effort I gave addiction in my life...just to see if it has anything to offer far, so good.

All my problems haven't gone away, but some real big one's have...the wasted time, energy, money, health etc that went into my addictions. Now I can use those resources for the rest of my life, that's a good thing.

I really like not being hung over. I really like having detox behind me.
I really like having something in front of me other than a binge and the inevitable sh***y feelings that go with it.
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Old 11-12-2009, 05:58 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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You have been in my thoughts the last few days so I was glad to hear that you got your "happiness" back and hope that you are doing well today.
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Old 11-12-2009, 06:24 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
Follow Directions!
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TB there is a saying in the rooms which when the crap hits the fan I hate to hear! "This to shall pass." I hate it because it is always true as long as I do not drink!!!

The Serenity prayer is such an awesome tool at times.

Is there anything at all I can do about a situation or a person?

If not then I simply have to accept the situation or person for what it is, that is not to say I have to like, but if there is nothing I can do to change it or them why let it eat me alive.

Now if there is something I can do, an action, then I am left with a choice, DO SOMETHING or wallow in my own misery and self pity.

ACTION, but for me only taken after prayer and meditation will lead me to relief for those things I can change.

You took an ACTION that was thought out and you are beginning to find releif.

Hang tough, you can not change the room mate from hell, but you can change YOU and the situation you find your self in right now. You took action and you found support and hopefully some one who can either get you out of this or get you pointed in the right direction.

Have faith that if you are doing the next right thing no matter how tough it is to do that eventually things will change.

Now if we drink.............. well we have just compounded any problem we have, we can drink until the cows come home and nothing will improve as we slide in and out of oblivion.
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