
Class of October 2013 - Part 7

Old 12-29-2013, 05:11 AM
  # 221 (permalink)  
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Day 76 here, wow when I started this journey I was thinking 30 days were going to be hard but you if you truly want something you will find a way of making it happen
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Old 12-29-2013, 05:19 AM
  # 222 (permalink)  
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Not had much to say. Been really sick ( at least kids aren't). Had a good Christmas. Been on antibiotics and had a fever since Christmas Day. Too wonky when I have a fever. I drank a shot of some "moonshine" w peppermint oil or something in it. Can't really remember. Feel like I've been down for a week. Give an alcoholic a remedy ! Haha. Still sick, but getting better. Back to work tonight. I'm sorry for the few slips, and proud for the successes. Just kind of suffering through right now.
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Old 12-29-2013, 05:38 AM
  # 223 (permalink)  
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Good for you HD...and hang in there JL....we are all getting "there"...wherever that is...and we all have our own journey....All the best...
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Old 12-29-2013, 06:13 AM
  # 224 (permalink)  
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Congratulations Rosebud! ! Get well, JL! !! Anyone heard from Whodey? ?
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Old 12-29-2013, 07:53 AM
  # 225 (permalink)  
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Hi all. I am finally back on dry land, pun intended. The cruise was a success, I ate too much food but didn't drink. There were temptations of free shots of liquor on the islands but I remained strong. They even had free champagne while boarding but I refused it. It is nice to be able to read everyone's stories and to have SR once again. I will now attempt to catch up here.
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Old 12-29-2013, 07:58 AM
  # 226 (permalink)  
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Happy to have you back all in one sober piece, Bilr!!
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Old 12-29-2013, 08:32 AM
  # 227 (permalink)  
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YAY, Billr! Welcome back!
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Old 12-29-2013, 08:40 AM
  # 228 (permalink)  
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I had an eye opening moment while on the cruise. The first morning I woke up and went to get coffee at 8:00 am. A guy, who looked like he needed a drink, walked up to the deck bar and ordered a double shot of tequila. That just reaffirmed with me that I can't have even just one drink because I never want to become that person. I was always an "after 6:00 pm" drinker but could see progressing to this point. I believe in fate so it was probably meant for me to see this.
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Old 12-29-2013, 08:54 AM
  # 229 (permalink)  
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Posts: 1,443 probably were meant to see that...gotta say, that even though I usually drank after work....those hours got earlier and earlier...then, after retirement...with no get the idea
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Old 12-29-2013, 09:01 AM
  # 230 (permalink)  
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DD sent me a PM so I suppose I should check in. I'm doing fine, but haven't had much time for posting. I had my share of wistful thoughts about drinking over Christmas, but stood firm. Not so much temptation as thinking it would be nice to enjoy a drink. I know, however, that I wouldn't stop at that one or two drinks. I'll post more in the days to come and catch up on everyone else's experiences.
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Old 12-29-2013, 09:15 AM
  # 231 (permalink)  
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Glad to see you back here, WD....DD's post reminded me too that we haven't heard from you in a while....
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Old 12-29-2013, 12:21 PM
  # 232 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Bilr44 View Post
I had an eye opening moment while on the cruise. The first morning I woke up and went to get coffee at 8:00 am. A guy, who looked like he needed a drink, walked up to the deck bar and ordered a double shot of tequila. That just reaffirmed with me that I can't have even just one drink because I never want to become that person. I was always an "after 6:00 pm" drinker but could see progressing to this point. I believe in fate so it was probably meant for me to see this.
Welcome back Bilr! Glad you had no problem keeping your sobriety on the cruise ship.
Definitely nice not being that guy at the bar at 8am. Unfortunately, I've been that guy during several benders. It's definitely not a road I want to go down again. Its like a feeling of pure helplessness where the only thing you can do to function is get a drink...and then usually several more. It's a terrible cycle. Hate it and glad to be done with it!
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Old 12-29-2013, 12:29 PM
  # 233 (permalink)  
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For those contemplating a cruise while sober, it isn't easy unless you are steadfast

Day 1 - got on the boat and was greeted with free champagne. My FIL handed me a glass which I just held. I poured it into my wife's glass. Everyone was in the holiday spirit and drinking was heavy on day one. I say heavy but probably less than 10% of the adults were drinking.

Day 2 - arrived at Turks and Caicos where the 10%ers all seemed to head to Margaritaville to get their drink on. A couple at our dinner table apparently were in that group and the wife was pretty wasted. She was actually falling asleep at dinner.

Day 3 - Dominican Republic, our tour ended up at a touristy shop where there was free rum. At this point of the cruise I noticed that most people slowed down big time with drinking. There was still the small percent (me last year) holding their own.

Day 4 - Curaçao, this time our tour took us to a distillery where they made the islands spirits. There were half shots of about 10-12 different flavor. This was an awkward moment for me as my son almost insisted that I try them. I told him that my stomach didn't feel well. Apparently I hid it pretty well during my drinking days.

Day 5 - Aruba, no temptations to drink here as we just did a cave tour.

The next two days were sea days and at that point I was a bit tired of seeing other people drinking. I could pretty much pick out those that had a problem. I heard a guy bragging about getting a shot and a beer at every bar (15) on the boat. His wife did not seem real happy with him.

Overall I was surprised that not as many people drank on the ship as I thought. My wife had one cocktail the whole cruise, and a couple of free glasses of champagne. Her bar bill for the week, less than $10. Considering after taxes and tips each tropical drink was about $10, I would have dropped a fortune had I been drinking.

The bottom line is if you are the least bit on the fence about drinking, I wouldn't do a cruise. Too many temptations and it is real easy to get caught up in the moment, especially on a holiday cruise.
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Old 12-29-2013, 12:39 PM
  # 234 (permalink)  
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WOW...your wife's bar bill was $10.00???!!! Sheesh....Good advice, though (about avoiding a cruise) though....I am always amazed how many people drink so little...I always thought that they drank as much as I did....until I got sober....
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Old 12-29-2013, 03:09 PM
  # 235 (permalink)  
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DD, sorry I missed your 90 day milestone. It's good to hear you survived Christmas in one piece. That must have been an interesting few days. Luckily my family doesn't have a lot of drama, I create it myself.
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Old 12-29-2013, 03:19 PM
  # 236 (permalink)  
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I once heard that alcoholics create their own drama....hmmmm.....
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Old 12-30-2013, 05:30 AM
  # 237 (permalink)  
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Young man from this area got married yesterday. Him and his beautiful young wife had their reception, partied it up ( known for that and driving really wildly), left their reception and got into a wreck, killing her. No word on him. I read that being an alcoholic makes you selfish due to addiction. I think about driving drunk when I was younger. No one could tell me any different. This terrible tragedy could have been me, many times, yrs back. I don't know how to get the message through to my upcoming children. I know I'd not pay a luck of attention at the age this guy was either ( early twenties).
Man what an ugly horrible reminder of what could happen to any of us. Somebody please slap me if I get back on here in the future and type "well I slipped up and got blasted again"
So thankful to be alive it's not even funny.
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Old 12-30-2013, 06:04 AM
  # 238 (permalink)  
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Wow, JL, that is so tragic. When we are young, we truly believe we are invincible. I behaved so haphazardly from my teens to my thirties giving it very little thought. Something deep inside of me finally pushed me to my senses. I copied this post from SR a few weeks ago into my sobriety journal because it resonated with me so much:

I also have been dogged since right before I quit with an overwhelming feeling that my next time is going to be my last in some form or another. I know that sounds hokey, but I don't mess with intuition. I don't know whether it means my demise or the demise of someone else but that awful sense of foreboding scares me silly. It's poison, plain and simple. Poison to our minds, our bodies and most importantly, our souls.
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Old 12-30-2013, 06:05 AM
  # 239 (permalink)  
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Wow...JL...I think you just shared our biggest fears...being an alcoholic and also having one daughter who is an addict...scares me to death! I do remember driving drunk when my girls were very stupid was that?! In 1984, I had 2 DUIs....ugh...had to attend alcohol school while pregnant! But, did it stop me??? Noooooo.....finally got sober in 1991 and have been fighting this battle ever since...Hang in there...we can be sober together!
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Old 12-30-2013, 07:37 AM
  # 240 (permalink)  
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I did my share of drunk driving in my life, so I am no angel. It is so much better living free from the chains of alcohols grip. Life has so much more freedom, and we can now enjoy our days rather than white knuckling it until the first drink. I never want to say never, but I have no intention of going back to that life ever again. It was more like being in prison than living like a free man. I'm not sure why we all crave going back to that lifestyle. Feeling horrible the whole day for a few minutes of pleasure is no way to go through life.
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