
One Year and Over Club- Part 10

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Old 02-27-2013, 05:24 AM
  # 421 (permalink)  
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Morning Overs,

Itchy thanks for the how to video'. When I went on-line I found a few sites that said because it stops flickering when you are pushing on the backside of the top that chances are it is either your inverter or it could be as simple as to many electronics in the same room hooked up. So I have experimented and that might be the cause when I shut off my WiFi for my tablet and m TV is off everything seems fine. I turned it on today and so far so good. In the same article it cautioned us about taking it to a place where they will try and tell you its the LCD screen or the video card because those 2 are expensive and that is how a lot of places make their money.
I am not 100% certain that I feel comfortable taking this apart as God only knows the damage I could do to it I am not exactly mechanically inclined if you know what I mean?

R&A how exciting you must of had a blast playing. We seem to have a lot of music wonders on this thread you all should start an Overs band.

mirage what were the rules of how to play the Oscar's pool? Sound like the party was a hit.

Manz I am not sure of this but I kinda think you may be able to purchase a descent-ed skunk somewhere? Although I really have no clue just saying lol. Hope you feel better soon.

RZ & Instant hope all is well with you guys?

There I think I covered everyone and if I didn't oops. Have a great day overs.
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Old 02-27-2013, 11:46 AM
  # 422 (permalink)  
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It's a good day here Newby. It's 6.20 am and still very dark- the seasons are starting to change- we have had some rain, such that I had to clean out the gutter on Monday night- I usually do this over Easter. There is no snow however.

Had an attack of the cranks at work- sometimes I feel like I work with imbeciles who get paid to pass their work onto me. There is no doubt I am getting better at being assertive, and getting strategic with regard to my work issues. It is interesting when I feel everyone is trying to make their issue my issue. Anyway I knew it was happening and all things considered I handled it so much better than I would have two years ago, but I felt aroused for a few hours despite implementing my techniques for settling myself down at work.
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Old 02-27-2013, 05:57 PM
  # 423 (permalink)  
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all's good here newb, thanks for ask'n

just never enough time in the day

yeah, Mr Busy! lol

it's all busy good though
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Old 02-27-2013, 07:00 PM
  # 424 (permalink)  
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Well very excited to say I'm using my new little tablet and loving it! Feels good to treat myself to a new nit of kit.
Newby pretty sure its not a good idea for me to get a skunk, but ta anyway.

Having the day off today and tomorow but still feeling bit guilty, sheesh when will I cut myself some slack?

Instant......good for you, looking at how far you have come instead of how faryou have to go!
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Old 02-27-2013, 09:03 PM
  # 425 (permalink)  
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Great to hear all the over getting over!

We knew you'd do well, really! Congrats!

Be aware that passive and aggressive people need an equal or opposite role to function in conflict avoidance by any means. Many will misconstrue assertiveness for agression. So they will get angry or feel threatened. Just remember you don't have to own their problems. Be kind as we were one or the other or both too.

Great! Just stash those links as they are for when all else fails and it requires replacement. I always say if it is already broke, I can't break it any more than not working, might as well try. I can fix two out of three, but with laptops I strip all the good parts and put them in my spares bin. I only keep drives, RAM, and good screens and batteries for laptops. Desktops I only keep RAM, maybe drives. If it gets to that point tear it down after you have to buy a replacement. If you manage to fix it you can sell it or keep it as a spare. Glad you are solving an rf issue. Hope that was all it was.

Manz great going all round! I haven't had a chance to look up the whatsawhosis, but it sounds like an interesting ritual.

Hey nice win Mirage! It sounds like you throw a great party sober! The world needs more like you.

RZ! (tips my Stetson)
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Old 02-27-2013, 09:53 PM
  # 426 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Itchy View Post
We knew you'd do well
Thanks, Itch! I think I mostly did well in terms of doing something that was new, challenging, and a teeny bit scary. As for the performance itself, no major flubs... but I don't think anyone in the audience questioned my need for a day job.

Speaking of RAM, I just upgraded on my notebook, all because Adobe Premiere is a greedy little processor hog. It was bringing everything else to a standstill—even checking email was a production. Anyway, wow, what a difference. Not just with Premiere, either. Everything is so much faster. It's like a whole new machine.

But I bet everyone except maybe Itchy is more interested in the latest news on the skunk. So here's the exclusive skunk scoop (try saying that three times fast): He lives!!! The lil' stinker pushed his way through one of the chicken wire barricades I put in front of my foundation vents. And when I say pushed through, I mean from the inside out. He's denned up down there.

This aggression will not stand. And yet... I admire his pluck. He shall make a worthy adversary.

PS: I hope he's a he. Apparently males tend to go solo, while females will den in groups as large as twelve. Researching skunks on the internet is a lot like Googling medical symptoms. Every click brings an even more horrible worst-case scenario...
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Old 02-27-2013, 09:54 PM
  # 427 (permalink)  
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glad things went well R&A.
Hope everyones having a good week

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Old 02-27-2013, 10:27 PM
  # 428 (permalink)  
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Hi everyone,
Just trying to keep up with my work for the last two weeks of classes. Not getting too stressed out which is nice for a change. Just not even going there.
My internship is getting closer and I'm getting more nervous! I have to remember though that they are happy to have me.
Off to bed for me. Night everyone wherever you are.
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Old 02-28-2013, 12:19 AM
  # 429 (permalink)  
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RA compurt problems, work issues, people dramas may fade into insignificance when challenged on a deeply personal level by a skunk.

do you have a local skunk control expert you can call? Here it is illegal to catch and move a possum without a proper authority
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Old 02-28-2013, 04:30 AM
  # 430 (permalink)  
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tips back my fedora itch
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:28 AM
  # 431 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by instant View Post
Here it is illegal to catch and move a possum without a proper authority
Move him? I plan to tame him.

If it comes to it, I will bring in a pro to trap and remove. (Trapping I can handle with a $15 cage; it's the removal that seems trickier.) But I am hoping to simply lock him out by arranging the wire over the vents so that it's fairly easy to get out, but harder to get back in. Hopefully he'll then return to the canyon across the street...

Possoms creep me out. I'd rather have a skunk, stinky or not...

Have a great day everyone!

Tip of the ratty old baseball cap, RZ.
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Old 02-28-2013, 06:58 AM
  # 432 (permalink)  
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I am with Instant since you live in an urban setting. Here when I couldn't trap some Armadillos that were burrowing under our house and tearing up the yard I just told my immediate neighbors that I was going to have to give them a sudden case of traumatic lead poisoning, because they only came out around 9-10pm and I didn't want them calling 911.

Armadillos carry leprosy, I kid you not! Skunks as I am sure you already read are a major vector for rabies. We actually rescued a baby skunk that still had its eyes closed in 1971 and raised Tinker who ran away from home after six years or so. We thought she was safe until adulthood then brought her to the vet for her vaccines and blood tests at about age six months and found they can spray from birth, and all the tail raising mock play fights could have escalated at any time. Thank goodness she thought we were her parents. We had her descented and she was housebroken and went outside.

Anyway, while I love tame descented skunks, when they are under your house and children are there, even if only part time, it is time to call pest control. I leave all animals alone that don't endanger us. I love my snakes and other wild animals here. But not under my house, or in it.

Exciting times making your way into the wide world. It will be challenging and likely a lot of fun with some occasional conflicts to deal with. Good luck on your internship. Yes they likely expect less of you than you can deliver. Surprise them! Instead of going in hat in hand, remember it is your internship, the start of your professional life. If you don't worry about your fears and just live up to your own expectations you will be fine. Just remember people in work situations tend to live up to, or down to our expectations. Including ourselves. Expect great things from yourself and your peers. If your peers won't live up to them perhaps it isn't you. Maybe your peers are in senior management. Find them, don't settle for mediocrity! I envy you the adventure!
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:00 AM
  # 433 (permalink)  
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R&A-so you have a skunk living in your house? That's awesome--you'll always have the best skunk story to tell. You are now officially a "skunk expert". (Have you ver noticed that everyone has a story/opinion/theory about skunks?)
Possums are totally creepy, there was one that hung out on the roof of the house I lived in in western Australia. We could always hear him walking around......
Good luck with your plan! It sounds kind of tricky honestly, you truly will have to outsmart this guy I think!
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:23 AM
  # 434 (permalink)  
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If you think it is fast now, try a 128 GB SSD to replace your mechanical drive. Then put the larger mechanical drive minus the operating system in an external USB drive case to hold your data files etc. Just go to any online store and you will see they run about 15 bucks for a nice one. Email or pm me if you have any specific questions on how to do that. I just sold my netbook and laptop to get a top line tablet with keyboard. I had done that with the laptop installing a Crucial M4 128GB SSD, and 8 GB of RAM. It booted from a cold completely shut down condition in under 10 seconds. Not from sleep or hibernation, completely shut down! Anyway, I have to return my desktop for a new processor under warranty, and to fix the botched motherboard replacement by the local in home repair person they contracted with for this area, so gotta go get my personal stuff saved and do a factory restore on it if it will take it. I don't travel like before so am downsizing before my equipment is too old to resell. They sold the first day! The laptop to a close friend when she found out I was selling it. Anyway gotta run. TTYL!
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Old 02-28-2013, 07:54 AM
  # 435 (permalink)  
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Hey Overs,
I've been absent from this thread in a while. Pop in to read, but rarely post. Today's an exception.

I've been cruising in my recovery, the obession lifted...until last night. I'm having house breaking problems with our Shih Tzu and last night when I found out she peed in the bedroom, I lost it. Rage time. Like 30-days-sober rage and I immediately wanted to drink.

Very unsettling.

I didn't drink. But more unsettling than the urge to drink were the thoughts that sober time doesn't matter. That relapse, for me, was inevitable. Not last night, not tonight, perhaps, but some night.

Broke out the recovery tools. Set to making things right. Journalled for about an hour in the hope that I could identify the "real" reason for either the rage or the urge to drink.

Felt better this morning. Then minutes ago, my wife called. She's been laid off of a job she had for less than two weeks. They say she's not a good fit. Second time this has happened this year, being let go suddenly for "not being a good fit." For the bulk of the past 12 months, she's been unemployed.

Today's news troubles me. The way my hands are shaking, I think I have identified why my recovery is suddenly shaky. Uncertainity. Fear. Loss of control. Anger. All the alcoholic buttons.

I have to tell myself what I tell the newcomers, stay strong, Carl.
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Old 02-28-2013, 08:22 AM
  # 436 (permalink)  
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Carl...You post lots of good advice to newcomers. You are tough, but let people know the road while not an easy one, but worth it.

I wish you and your wife the best. You provide lots of support to folks like me on SR. I hope my few words give something back to you.

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Old 02-28-2013, 08:49 AM
  # 437 (permalink)  
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Welcome back buddy! I am so sorry you are struggling with very real distress. I would be pretty unsettled too. All I can say is that relapse is not inevitable, but like staying sober, is always possible. I know you know all the platitudes. But truly, I have never seen any problem that drinking won't make worse, much worse, catastrophic in our cases.

I remember us both struggling in the beginning, and that you and I seem to be the only remaining members of the September 2010 group. I can only tell you that I had no control over my drinking when I could not stop. I tried daily and it took a week in a hospital for detox for me to get free. Free it is. The amazing freedom I discovered is that relapse is not inevitable. I can control my sobriety as long as I wish to.

Carl I get angry, and for good reasons usually. I also have a counselor I go see when I need a sounding board to cash my reality check. It doesn't make dealing with painful situations any less painful, just confirms I am slogging along in the right direction. Then I can put my head down, get some steam up, and keep repeating "I think I can, I think I can."

You may think you can't for a period. I think you can. I hope you will. I like knowing I am not the only one of us left. Besides Carl, we might not survive a relapse. I can't make bad things better for myself, let alone another. But I can remind you, of a universal truth that is indisputable. All things pass. Things get better again when we do what we can, and accept what we can't. Bad things eventually go away, if we are doing what we can.
Guy hugs and fist taps your way my friend.
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Old 02-28-2013, 10:04 AM
  # 438 (permalink)  
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BTW Carl, you are the only one I don't have to ask how long because we started out here on SR together and both of us will have two years and six months next month! I remember how you grieved over each of the members of the class as they disappeared. It really got to you remember? If I found myself planning a relapse I might lie, declare a relapse, tell everyone I had a night out drinking, and reset my sober time. That way I get the same regrets but avoid the actual pain and hangovers of an actual relapse. If I do, I kid you not, it would be suicide. Problems and pain are temporary, drinking felt like forever in bondage last time I tried it. I not only don't think I would survive a relapse, I honestly don't think I can plan and stage another prison break from drink again. It is so much easier not to break my self proclaimed parole from self imprisonment. Decide to stay free, k?
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Old 02-28-2013, 10:37 AM
  # 439 (permalink)  
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Sorry you're going through a rough patch, Carl. I think you know that drinking can only make things worse. Stay strong!
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Old 02-28-2013, 11:03 AM
  # 440 (permalink)  
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Carl... for what is it worth...challenges are everywhere and life throws us curves. You love your dogs. I do too. This we have in common. I found out yesterday that my beautiful Greyhound 'abbie' has cancer in the upper part of her mouth. I thought it was her gums, and the vet told me yesterday she has cancer and it is inoperable. So I have maybe a few months with her. (he told me she is not in pain as that is very important to me).

Ofcourse I am struggling in maintaining sobriety, but I have made a decision to not let this be a reason to stop at the liquor store.

I have to focus on the positives. This is a special dog to me. I rescued her when she was 3 and she is 7 now. I have to take comfort in the fact that she may have been killed several years ago but I have been able to give her a safe comfortable environment.

I will miss her.

On top of this my father passed away in December.

I can list all kinds of reasons each day for picking up the bottle. Each day I have to stay focused on the important reasons not too.

Take care of yourself and take itchy's advise.

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