
Cold Turkey v gradual reduction to zero

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Old 06-28-2010, 08:34 AM
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Cold Turkey v gradual reduction to zero

Which is the best way? I'm not sure what is best.
I have heard that it can be dangerous to go cold turkey even fatal.
It is not so bad for me but trying to stop after a binge feels really hard both mentaly and physically. Is it better to reduce over a couple of days to ease into the start of it?
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:38 AM
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The best thing is to talk with your dr, and if you get his okay, just stop.

Reducing the amount you drink, is something many of us, including me, have tried. It's REALLY hard for addicts to cut back on drinking.
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:45 AM
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It is a catch 22 as I am functional, drink a lot but control it so I can function (but as a friend said drinks in the morning are not normal) but when I am controling it I feel good so don't really have the desire to stop, It's only after serious binges when I feel the guilt and desire not to drink but trying to quit those times is hard and I know a just a drink will make me feel better, It doesn't set me on to a binge just heavy controlled drinking to function.
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Old 06-28-2010, 09:58 AM
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Talk to your doctor.. I tried to cut back for years. In my experiance, the best way to quit drinking is to stop drinking..along with medical care to see you through. Continuing to drink can be fatal too!
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Old 06-28-2010, 10:10 AM
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I don't have anything to say about the physical ramifications that should involve a doctor, but mentally, for me, it only seemed like it would work if I went all out on the quitting and not even bother with aspiring to reduction as an option. That was based on the fact that I had never attempted to quit for more than 7 years and, with rare exceptions, had been drinking every day.
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Old 06-28-2010, 03:37 PM
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I never made it through the first day/night I tried the "taper off method." I was medically OK to quit for good and I knew that was my only option. Tapering off never worked once, in my experience (ie... for me).
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Old 06-28-2010, 03:43 PM
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Yes, best to see your doctor first.
My sister decided she'd go from champagne, bottles of wine to the 4ltr cask wine (cheap version) as she believed she was cutting back?? It would take her longer to get drunk you see, but she died last Nov.
If you truelly want to stop, see your doctor and get support first.
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Old 06-28-2010, 03:49 PM
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If you're that worried about cold turkey Wilson - see a Dr.
I know I tried cutting back (several times over for 20 years - it never worked)

As for 'control' - every one of my 'controlled' periods ended in a bender...from this vantage point, I don't see those periods as periods of control anymore...more periods of dumb luck.

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Old 06-28-2010, 07:26 PM
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By cutting back I didn't mean reducing the amount of drinking to just be a sensible drinker. I meant cutting down to zero and staying stopped. I think it is good to see a Doctor because just suddenly stopping can be an allmighty shock to the body.
Anyway I think I am ok just stopping, vitamins help.
It is funny how people talk about cutting back as I have said some crazy things to myself like to drink this 50pecent proof drink because I can drink it like water and I said to myself I should drink whiskey which is stronger as I would drink it slower because of the stronger taste! You get used to the stronger taste very quickly.
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Old 06-28-2010, 07:32 PM
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I tried the cold turkey method once before, and had absolutely crazy withdrawals to the point where I was convinced I wasn't going to live to see the following week.

Then again, I was on a 12-pack a night for a number of years. I eventually started drinking again for a few weeks and then gave it a serious go to quit after that.

I did a taper down for about close to 2 weeks, which actually worked for me.

Strangely I had numerous beers on hand, and didn't want to have more until I got to the point where I only had a couple a night. Then a couple of days later I just stopped completely.

Anyways, I am currently on Day 50 or so of sobriety.

If I did it, so can you. I meant the quitting drinking part, not which particular method.

If it is which one is better suited for you that you are curious about, the people above have the right advice. You should see a doctor...I feel like a hypocrite b/c I never did, but I'm sure the Doctor can give you a great gameplan tailor made for you.

Good luck and well wishes to you. You are in for a fight, but believe me when I say it gets better.
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Old 06-28-2010, 07:33 PM
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I find being functional I feel I am very good at walking this fine line of keeping my wife sweet, work and finances in order. By no where near the best I could be but enough to get by, enough for some people to be jealous of even. So I tell myself sometimes what's the problem. I feel I am wasting potential but that could just be my arrogance.
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:08 PM
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Well.. if just getting by good enough is all you want from life, what's the issue? And yes arrogance is a mighty big roadblock in life. Wish ya luck with that as well.
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:15 PM
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I used your teminology Wilson but yeah I meant every time I tried to taper my alcohol intake off, it never worked (same goes for moderating my intake too anyway).

As for potential...I always considered myself highly functioning too...until the end, when I wasn't and I didn't care....

But even comparing myself now to my 'best' then? I'm a better worker, I'm a better partner, I'm a better citizen, I'm a better friend, I'm a better musician, I'm healthier....I'm just a better man.

Why wouldn't anyone want to go for that?
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:18 PM
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Well there is my health as well, if that goes I won't be getting by!
Does anyone understand what I mean about walking this line? I walk this line when things are good, I have been a lot worse in the past so there is a worry if conditions change what I will be like. I do lie and conceal drinking at times too. All part of walking the line to me.
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:23 PM
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I walked that line for many years.
I eventually fell off the line, as most of us do - alcoholism is prgressive.

Regardless of that - there is a better way to live than balancing on that line, and I'm living it now.

That's all I was trying to say Wilson...

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Old 06-28-2010, 08:28 PM
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Dee, Of course I want to be better. You know I am still having problems accepting that I might have to be teetotal, it is crushing the ego. I know I shouldn't be so pathetic. I know it isn't true but still there is the school of thought that alcoholics are weak people. Sometimes there is a perverse pleasure in walking the line, look at me I can do all this yet still be moderatly succesful.
I would say drink isn't the only think I have abused. I used to smoke cannabis from morning to night, this was years ago at university and I got good grades, people were amazed how I did it.
It is really pathetic I know.
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:35 PM
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and the fear comes of trying and failing or even succeeding maybe there is an underlying issue there but.. I am only feeling down and introspective with this cold turkey. I don't usually feel like this.
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:45 PM
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I don't see any weak people here, Wilson, only addicted ones

Pride nearly killed me - I got a first class honours degree and a University prize, all the while smoking weed and drinking several nights of the week.

I accomplished a lot of other things in my life too - but it was in spite of the drugs and I look back and think what could I have done if I'd been sober?

I used the memory of those accomplishments to insist for years I could beat this drinking thing....

I couldn't...I nearly (literally) died trying tho.

It's fighting's drink and lose, or don't drink, be miserable, and lose that way...until you give in...and drink and lose again...

I think the smart money is trying on a new way, Wilson.

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Old 06-28-2010, 08:52 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
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I think I need to focus on what can I do from now.
Re-focus my energies and keep busy is really a key for me.
Keep learning and moving forward.
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Old 06-29-2010, 11:57 PM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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Ok, This is day 4 and have failed this time before. My body is feeling better, still jittery but I still have the urges and cravings. Because my body is feeling better and my head clearer it lulls me into just having a drink (and this could be anytime of the day when most sensible people wouldn't) I'm thinking no problem and I am fearing failure because I start to feel good. Is this common?
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