
Hello all to my thread.

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Old 02-25-2010, 03:51 AM
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Hello all to my thread.

well, i am halfway through a second beer, after telling myself i would not drink tonight. Been looking up information on alcoholism, and i basically know i am an alcoholic. No doubt. So why have i joined this site. Well, to find like-minded people who realise they have a problem, and maybe start here online and then maybe venture into the realm of reality with an AA meeting or something (which i am scared ******** of).

So what can i say about me? Where did it all start? I wont use this thread as an ego page or anything, but i can say my alcoholism has gotten worse over the past two years. One of my main goals is to just make 3 months without a drink....but maybe i need to actually achieve a year. It's a long story, and probably many of you will understand the connection to alcoholism and depression- but i dont feel as depressed as i used to, and yet, i still drink frequently. i feel disconnected, and that alcohol may reconnect to a thought pattern i used to have. i use it as an excuse to sleep, to think, to ponder or to become more socialable (but i usually drink too much at parties and end being a freaking ******). ANyway, there is more to this thread, and i will try and update my thoughts in a sober state.

Right now, i just feel i need to join this community. Make it official and try and get some online encouragement, or at least have like-minded people who understand what it is like to be this way.

Hope you are well.

I will write more tomorrow, and will not get drunk tonight.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:22 AM
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Hi and welcome.
Drunk or sober, joining SR was a great decision. You will find lots of advise and support here.
Once we think we might have a drinking problem, chances are we do. Our mind let's us know. Like doing wrong and having a bad conscience.
Depending on how much or how long you drank, it might be a good idea to seek medical advise from a professional, especially if you are also depressed. BTW it's not unusual for you to feel that way. Alcohol and depression are tight friends so to speak.
Others with AA experience will be along shortly I'm sure and they will take the fear away.
Keep coming back.
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:08 AM
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Mybody, I recognized a lot of things I have thought to myself many times. "Starting out" here sounds like a good decision to me. You will find a lot of support. You won't be alone in the process. Maybe you can start out "small" instead of planning specific lengths of time that you need to be away from alcohol. If you give yourself a few days and just listen and interact here, take notice of how you feel in comparison to when you wrote your post and see what you think.
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:09 AM
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Welcome to SR Body and mind.

There is plenty of support and knowledge here if you choose to take it.
Good luck in your quest.
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:36 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
bona fido dog-lover
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Welcome to SR! I hope you can get the support and information you need from this site to start your sober life. It takes some effort but it's really worth it.
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:18 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Fighting my Demons
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Good decision, bandm, for me joining SR was an eye opener. Depression and alcoholism often walk hand to hand, in my case, i can only wonder what came first. They feed of each other, u feel depressed, u drink. U drink, u feel depressed that u drunk. It's a vicious circle.

Even though I never was a on daily basis drinker, now, after only 6 days since coming to my decision to stop drinking, I feel, mentally So much better. Wish u good luck!
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:23 AM
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There is a wealth of information about alcoholism on the forum, so be sure and check out the stickies!
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:44 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
Forward we go...side by side-Rest In Peace
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When I was diagnosed with situational depression
my doctor suggested AA. It's been an awesome
adventure in living sober.

Who are in the rooms of AA? People just like you
alcoholics working om becoming non drinkers....

Welcome to our recovery community....
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Old 02-25-2010, 01:14 PM
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hi Mybodyandmind

Good to have another Aussie here

I hope you make it to a meeting soon, but maybe there's something in this list that can help you out as well

welcome to SR!
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:54 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
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thank you all for your kind welcomes.

i said i was going to write more on the 26th, but well, i got distracted. tonight i am staying sober. and it's probably a good thing considering the fortnight i have either gotten drunk or had a drink or two.

In my teens, i drank on and off, did the usual stupid embarrassing stuff.

Most of my early 20s, i was pretty much a staunch non-drinker. I would rarely drink. I was too rigid, and wanted to remain in control in social situations. Occasionally (going by a vague memory), i think i may had drank a whiskey or two to get some sleep, but it never became habitual, and i did many an all-nighter back in my Uni days so i couldn't really drink. i remember my younger brother's 21st, and i had a few too many drinks then, but those were always in social situations, and it never ever followed with two weeks of continuous drinking. the habit really started around 2004/05 for me.

So, i am around the six year mark now.....but the past two years, i think it has gotten worse. though in 2007, i did try and stop drinking for three months due to a mental breakdown and severe depression. drinking didn't cure it, and i thought that being sober would cure it. It didn', i went back to drinking. Got into a bad relationship, and drank on that too. i still cant believe how much time ive spent dwelling on things and drinking to dwell on them more. Several times last year, i would actually get drunk during the day almost as a compulsion to thinking about the past.

Im pretty out with my drinking, and i dont know why. i use humour at work to proclaim myself as the drunk- self-depreciative humor is not only attention-seeking but invalidating myself too. it's stupid. im going to try to not mention it anymore at work. get a better reputation.
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Old 02-28-2010, 12:38 PM
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So what's your plan MBAM?

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