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Old 12-26-2009, 12:21 AM
  # 41 (permalink)  
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Hi fellow Aussie!!!! I am also planning my new years eve alcohol free, which sounds bizarre because to me, NYE = drinking....sort of like Melbourne Cup = drinking (I know you understand!!)

But I want to wake up on Jan 1 with no remnants of the night before and start my year out on a awesome natural high!!!! So you in Sydney, think of me in Qld.....sober and changing our lives...
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Old 12-27-2009, 01:46 AM
  # 42 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by lagirl310 View Post
Yay! Not only did I make it through my poker game today, but I went to a crazy party last night where wine was flowing. I wasn't really tempted to drink at either of them. The party was kind of sad because everyone was drinking but me. They started drinking at 5:00p. We played some games which was really fun! And then started a movie. Most of them passed out by 10:00p before it was over. It made me really happy to not be in those shoes anymore.
Wow - awesome for you! That is massive girl! Well done Sounds like you are enjoying it too!

[/QUOTE]The poker game was a bit different. Everyone was so loud and even though there were only a few people drinking, the ones who were were drinking a lot. It was kind of embarrassing for them. Did that used to be me? Oy. The only thing is, I got such a headache from listening to them all day that by the time I got home I really thought a drink might help sooth me. But I came to the message boards instead. :-) And now I'm going to bed sober and getting up for a hike in the morning. Weeee! [/QUOTE]

Another woohooo for you! You sound so confident now, especially compared to a few days ago - I wonder if thats what others say about the fog clearing and being clear headed?! I had the same kind of experience today with a family member getting smashed at our Christmas (yes Sunday, few days later to not be too busy for us all) and he looked like an idiot and I truly thought to myself, well last year I was with him, does that mean I was being an idiot too? I dont use the word idiot easily either, but it was strange thats for sure. And I understand the headache, its like at the moment, I dont mind noise but quieter places just seem easier!

[/QUOTE]Anyway, I feel completely confident that I can handle New Years Eve and I'm really looking forward to going out on the boat, which is something I dearly love.

How you doing, Lion?[/QUOTE]

WOOHOO, NYE here you come! Dont you love it when you get the confidence to re-do the things you love?!

Me? well, i am doing quite well, still no drinking. I have been tempted quite a few times and find its harder at night when I am less distracted. I am so very lucky that I have a VERY supportive partner who listens when I say I am tempted and chats to me about why I feel that way, how can we deal with it together, is there anything they can do for me etc...VERY LUCKY!

I think, the last 3 days have been around alcohol alot, and while tempted, didnt do it. I really do know that I am stubborn either way, all or nothing kind of mentality which is kind of good right now.

I have moment of confidence and moments of doubt. Today, I really feel like I am just a heavy drinker who can control all of this and from reading all the posts, I think that is wrong to think that but not sure because I am still on the path of discovering at what level I am at and what rings true for me. My head still doesnt stop but yet again, today was a day I didnt drink and that in itself is fantastic - tomorrow is a new day

Take care
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Old 12-27-2009, 01:49 AM
  # 43 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by sunshinebaby View Post
Hi fellow Aussie!!!! I am also planning my new years eve alcohol free, which sounds bizarre because to me, NYE = drinking....sort of like Melbourne Cup = drinking (I know you understand!!)

But I want to wake up on Jan 1 with no remnants of the night before and start my year out on a awesome natural high!!!! So you in Sydney, think of me in Qld.....sober and changing our lives...
Hey, and welcome! Oh yes, Melbourne Cup is always about flowing champange or beers or some alcoholic beverage! And yes, NYE too! I soooo understand...Aussies find any reason to bring out the drinks and I was the best one for finding an excuse!

Oh yes, in another state but def making a move for change!!
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Old 12-27-2009, 03:05 PM
  # 44 (permalink)  
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Okay my big plans for NYE - family movie night and family game night with popcorn and soda! Did the same last year and I loved it!! I know it may not be as exciting as going to New York City and watching the ball drop with a few million of my closest friends, but hey what can I say! LOL!
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Old 12-27-2009, 03:26 PM
  # 45 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Horselover View Post
Okay my big plans for NYE - family movie night and family game night with popcorn and soda! Did the same last year and I loved it!! I know it may not be as exciting as going to New York City and watching the ball drop with a few million of my closest friends, but hey what can I say! LOL!
I like your plans! LOL @ million closest friends - its like being in Sydney harbour for me with my million closest friends haha

My plan hasnt changed, chupa chup girl who will hold a drink in her hand, not drink, not have too many loud people at my house and know it will be ok...
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Old 12-27-2009, 07:58 PM
  # 46 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by lionheart View Post
Hey, and welcome! Oh yes, Melbourne Cup is always about flowing champange or beers or some alcoholic beverage! And yes, NYE too! I soooo understand...Aussies find any reason to bring out the drinks and I was the best one for finding an excuse!

Oh yes, in another state but def making a move for change!!
Melbourne Cup is the one that the entire country comes to a stop to watch or listen to the race, right?? The Kentucky Derby is big here, but nothing like that. I remember when I was in school over there, even classes stopped so everyone could listen to the race, that is if I have the right one!!
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Old 12-27-2009, 10:04 PM
  # 47 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by tyler View Post
Melbourne Cup is the one that the entire country comes to a stop to watch or listen to the race, right?? The Kentucky Derby is big here, but nothing like that. I remember when I was in school over there, even classes stopped so everyone could listen to the race, that is if I have the right one!!
Thats right - every single person in Australia stops what they are doing to watch/listen to about 24 horses run around. Its MASSIVE. My work organises a luncheon and chamagne and all sorts of things. I have missed being around that for the past couple of years with having days off work or something like that so drank at home alone..hmm interesting to say that out loud now!
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Old 12-31-2009, 07:27 PM
  # 48 (permalink)  
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Ok so update for those lovely enough to care and write on my post:

NYE, well, I had about 10 people here, most drank solidly. I had my plan in place and walked around most of the night with either the coke zero or chupa chup in hand/mouth. Between trying to cool down, be a host, and organising things, it wasnt until about 10.30 I reliased I had got through that much without a drink.

One person told me to have 2 and then stop and I said - thats the point, if I have one, I wont and will never just stop at 2, that politely shut them up. I dont want others to now bash down this person, we have been friends for years and doesnt understand (well didnt understand) the importance of this because I had not explained it. They now know and understand AND support it. I made sure I was still the life of the party by dancing and having fun, just this time without alcohol.

I went to a meeting on Wednesday night which actually scared me a bit more because the things I heard ALOT were relapses and I was like, oh shyte, what chance do I have. I was worried all day that I would not be able to do it.


I woke up, for the first time, in a very long time, without a hangover or blackout, guilt, remorse, embarrassment or any of those things.

For this being my very first serious attempt at kicking this thing, I am VERY proud of me. Ive tried before to cut down and out but never taken it serious like this and I have managed 12 days, and not easy ones but managed.

Today, I know, I am capable to do this and so very excited about the (hard) long road in front of me.

Today is a good day, I am blinded by it, but excited at having more good days rather than bad.



PS I just spoke as I thought and not going back over it so if it doesnt make sense or repeated, just ignore it haha
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Old 12-31-2009, 07:32 PM
  # 49 (permalink)  
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well done Rach
and happy 2010

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Old 12-31-2009, 10:29 PM
  # 50 (permalink)  
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Cool, glad things went well for you.

I don't think anyone would have problems with your friend, she just doesn't understand what we go through. Glad you held your ground though. Take care
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Old 12-31-2009, 11:53 PM
  # 51 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by tyler View Post
Cool, glad things went well for you.

I don't think anyone would have problems with your friend, she just doesn't understand what we go through. Glad you held your ground though. Take care
I have seen some say to people here that if their friends do that, then they arent friends. If those friends actually KNOW the full deal then I agree, but not all of mine just making sure any replies or comments werent about "walking away from that friendship" or anything similar.

All good though - she knows a bit more now and is ok.

No one, who doesnt go through what we do, would understand - totally get that now!

Hope your new years eve was great Tyler
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Old 12-31-2009, 11:53 PM
  # 52 (permalink)  
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Thanks Dee - heard a big storm came your way..hope it went around where you are!
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