
One Year & Under Club Part 12

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Old 03-25-2013, 07:51 PM
  # 361 (permalink)  
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WWG glad you're back, post away!!

Today was kinda blah, just hoppin on before bed. Had killer cravings off and on and just didnt feel motivated. Ended up getting some candy instead. So thankful for SR. Feel kinda lonely I guess at times with no real friends. A lot of times I don't mind being alone but every once in awhile it bugs me. Back to work tomorrow
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Old 03-25-2013, 08:24 PM
  # 362 (permalink)  
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I am in the dumps too. Wishing for an escape but I know it is a trap. There are no free rides. I am eating Cadbury chocolate eggs.
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Old 03-25-2013, 08:42 PM
  # 363 (permalink)  
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Hey everyone I'm new here looking for ppl to talk with it seems anywhere I post I might have 1 person say a few words and then that's it. I'm giving sobriety my all today is day 1 and I'm scared if the pain and strange things it will go through I have a pill sniffing problem and I need my life clean and sober I have been there and I want it again please help encourage me yes co dependency is shinning but hey it's not drugs
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Old 03-25-2013, 09:04 PM
  # 364 (permalink)  
Aka.. Indamiricale. :)
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Glad you found us.. This is a great thread to get to know some of us.. Also since today is your first day, please check out the monthly group of March...
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Old 03-25-2013, 09:21 PM
  # 365 (permalink)  
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That Jerry Garcia thing was really nice that u sent it my way bc ur holds a big meaning ...some steps I have to take alone! But I really need support and I think I'm in the wrong place it seems no one really gets back to me how do I find march group ?
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Old 03-25-2013, 09:46 PM
  # 366 (permalink)  
Aka.. Indamiricale. :)
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We are here.. The site can be kinda confusing at first.... Take your time...And browse around please.. And post enough to send a message.. And if you need someone to talk to , I would be more than happy to meet you in the chat room....

I bumped up your two threads in the newcomers forum.. So I hope you get some more responses..
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Old 03-26-2013, 03:23 AM
  # 367 (permalink)  
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08.15 Tue

Good morning Undies

In work again, top of the hill day for me. It’s bitterly cold and trying to snow again. Not sure what the temperature is, all I know is it’s bloomin’ freezing! I didn’t sleep very well last night, my mind was working overtime with one thing or another. I’m not feeling too bad at the minute but no doubt the lack of sleep will catch up with me at some point today.

Hi Bloss, you’re so right, it is a good thing we found this place, thank goodness we did, when I think back to this time last year I’m like a different person now, I even quite like myself these days. We can do this. Xxx

Hi Matt, I look forward to seeing more of you and thanks for those kind words.
You have to do this for yourself first and foremost, the big turning point for me was finally admitting to myself that I really am an alcoholic, not what I had planned, but such is life!
I don’t know anyone who posts more than me, well maybe HD3, lol. You can never have too much support, you need to read and post as much as you can and get any other help you may need. It’s not easy staying sober, but it can be achieved, as can anything if you want it badly enough and are prepared to go all out for it. As I’ve said before, we are all here for you, every step of the way, but only you can turn your life round. We’re all in the same boat here so stick close. Xx

Hi Gilmer, I hope you’re having a good day today.

TTBABP, I’ll second that!

Midnight, I’m chuffed off with this weather too, I’m desperate for some sun and warm, we must be due some soon, surely! Glad to hear your another one who enjoys a brew, of tea, lol. You make sure you wrap up warm and have a good day.

Wise words of truth there H.D3. You sound very positive and happy after your meeting last night, there again you always sound positive and happy. Xx Be careful in that slushy snow.

Hi Nicky, it’s so good to see you posting again, we missed you. I’m glad you’ve got a little break to look forward to, you deserve it. Your girls will be fine, I bet they are looking forward to it and they’ll appreciate you all the more when you get home. Stick close. Xxxxxx

Hi Nel, I hope you had a decent sleep last night and I hope you have a good day today.

Hi B.F. sorry to hear you had a bit of a blah day yesterday, it was your first long weekend off work wasn’t it? Maybe for the next one, plan something different today, maybe a day out or similar. Are there any activity groups or maybe even a gym you could join, somewhere where you can meet other people whose aim in life is not going out and getting smashed every week end.

Escapist, sorry you had a blah day too, but you know everybody gets blah days, whether they drink or not, ‘this too shall pass’ as above to B.F have a think about trying a new interest or hobby. Stay focused and stick close.

Percsagain, welcome to the ‘Undies’ as we like to call ourselves. You’ll get lots of support from the lovely people here. You may like to check out the ’30 days and under’ thread and the March thread, they are full of people at the same stage as you. These first few days can be very painful and emotional so please be kind to yourself, rest when you need to, eat as healthily as you can, drink lots of water to re-hydrate, do a little exercise if you can, even a short walk can lift your spirits, read and post here as much as you can. This place is here 24/07 and there is also the chat room if you need to talk. We are all here for you and know exactly what you are going through.
Have you spoken to your Doctor at all, or are you getting any other form of support, may I ask?

Well that’s enough for now, I better go and do some work.
Stay safe, clean and sober


Just for today, I will remember the little child within me.
Just for today, I will take that child out to play.
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Old 03-26-2013, 04:07 AM
  # 368 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Grace2 View Post
08.15 Tue

Good morning Undies

In work again, top of the hill day for me. It’s bitterly cold and trying to snow again. Not sure what the temperature is, all I know is it’s bloomin’ freezing! I didn’t sleep very well last night, my mind was working overtime with one thing or another. I’m not feeling too bad at the minute but no doubt the lack of sleep will catch up with me at some point today.

Hi Bloss, you’re so right, it is a good thing we found this place, thank goodness we did, when I think back to this time last year I’m like a different person now, I even quite like myself these days. We can do this. Xxx

Hi Matt, I look forward to seeing more of you and thanks for those kind words.
You have to do this for yourself first and foremost, the big turning point for me was finally admitting to myself that I really am an alcoholic, not what I had planned, but such is life!
I don’t know anyone who posts more than me, well maybe HD3, lol. You can never have too much support, you need to read and post as much as you can and get any other help you may need. It’s not easy staying sober, but it can be achieved, as can anything if you want it badly enough and are prepared to go all out for it. As I’ve said before, we are all here for you, every step of the way, but only you can turn your life round. We’re all in the same boat here so stick close. Xx

Hi Gilmer, I hope you’re having a good day today.

TTBABP, I’ll second that!

Midnight, I’m chuffed off with this weather too, I’m desperate for some sun and warm, we must be due some soon, surely! Glad to hear your another one who enjoys a brew, of tea, lol. You make sure you wrap up warm and have a good day.

Wise words of truth there H.D3. You sound very positive and happy after your meeting last night, there again you always sound positive and happy. Xx Be careful in that slushy snow.

Hi Nicky, it’s so good to see you posting again, we missed you. I’m glad you’ve got a little break to look forward to, you deserve it. Your girls will be fine, I bet they are looking forward to it and they’ll appreciate you all the more when you get home. Stick close. Xxxxxx

Hi Nel, I hope you had a decent sleep last night and I hope you have a good day today.

Hi B.F. sorry to hear you had a bit of a blah day yesterday, it was your first long weekend off work wasn’t it? Maybe for the next one, plan something different today, maybe a day out or similar. Are there any activity groups or maybe even a gym you could join, somewhere where you can meet other people whose aim in life is not going out and getting smashed every week end.

Escapist, sorry you had a blah day too, but you know everybody gets blah days, whether they drink or not, ‘this too shall pass’ as above to B.F have a think about trying a new interest or hobby. Stay focused and stick close.

Percsagain, welcome to the ‘Undies’ as we like to call ourselves. You’ll get lots of support from the lovely people here. You may like to check out the ’30 days and under’ thread and the March thread, they are full of people at the same stage as you. These first few days can be very painful and emotional so please be kind to yourself, rest when you need to, eat as healthily as you can, drink lots of water to re-hydrate, do a little exercise if you can, even a short walk can lift your spirits, read and post here as much as you can. This place is here 24/07 and there is also the chat room if you need to talk. We are all here for you and know exactly what you are going through.
Have you spoken to your Doctor at all, or are you getting any other form of support, may I ask?

Well that’s enough for now, I better go and do some work.
Stay safe, clean and sober


Just for today, I will remember the little child within me.
Just for today, I will take that child out to play.
Thanks Grace, I am determined to get sober. Now is the time to stop making excuses while I am still young. I am wasting my life and money on booze. I need to focus on the future, and not dwell on regrets.
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Old 03-26-2013, 07:29 AM
  # 369 (permalink)  
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Percsagain, look under the "Newcomers to Recovery" heading on the main page for the "March 2013" thread. The "30 Days and Under" thread is under "Newcomer's Daily Support Threads," just like this thread.
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Old 03-26-2013, 08:13 AM
  # 370 (permalink)  
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Percsagain, I second what everyone has said, SR is a wonderful supportive place. I joined the 'Undies' thread several weeks back, its great! Everyone is so wonderfully nice here, I feel I have made some new friends,we all have the same common thread (addiction) that makes us understand one another. Its so nice to talk to people that understand ......Good morning all, I have a busy day the family is coming in later. One thing I'm going to love is my husband will not drink in front of his family. That man is getting on my nerves in the evening when he is drinking! Good Gawd!.....I am thinking about making a cracked Easter egg cake, I will frost it with different colors and put peeps candy in the crack part of fancy, easy to make, I think I'm gonna take it tomorrow to my father inlaw Senior potluck. We did 60 cupcakes at Halloween and surprised them, they loved it. It was fun to do. If I get a chance I will post a picture....Well guys I hope you all have a great day!! I will miss posting and reading this week, I'm gonna try to peek in once in awhile.......Take care, Love & Peace Nell♥
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Old 03-26-2013, 08:34 AM
  # 371 (permalink)  
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Just cuddling cat, Blackwell, at the moment. As usual, B. is running late today.

Nel: I'd like to see the pic of the cracked Easter egg cake.

K., my son took a nice walk with Blossom and I yesterday. He seems to be reaching out to me more these days. Hoping he can find work soon, I know he is concerned. He's the type to hold in feelings. I'm the same, just want to say everything is fine even when it's not.

Grace, right on target with your post, surely if we all stick together, stay sober things will get better. Never too late to take care of ourselves, just don't pick up.

Back later,
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Old 03-26-2013, 08:57 AM
  # 372 (permalink)  
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Thanks undies I really am looking for some great support. The thread above this reply ended JUST DON'T PICK UP! Today is day 2 for me and I tell u that saying felt great! Just don't pick up!!! I'm strong I'm scared I'm living and I'm clean! Today I will keep the words true and dear! The scared part I wish I could let go but hey it's my reality !thanx bloss!
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Old 03-26-2013, 09:37 AM
  # 373 (permalink)  
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My new after work goal is yard work, instead of drinking. We had a lot of storms this winter, and I have a lot to do. Maybe I can even shed a few pounds. I want to give my wife a yard that we can be proud of.
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Old 03-26-2013, 10:37 AM
  # 374 (permalink)  
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Hi again Undies

I’ve hit that brick wall now, I’m so tired! Roll on 7 o clock.
I’m developing a nasty cold sore on my bottom lip too, bet it’s those icy winds causing that!

You’re welcome Matt, remember yesterday is history, tomorrows a mystery and today’s a gift.

Gilmer that’s a helpful post, I could have done with something like that when I started here.

Hi again Nel, I like your cracked Easter egg idea, I might have a go at something like that at the week end with my little one. Hope you have a good time with the family and at least you will get a reprieve from your husband’s drinking, does he know how you feel about this? We’ll miss you while your away, post when you can and look after yourself. Xxx

Sounds like you had a pleasant day with your son Bloss, I hope he gets work soon too, things are bad here on the employment front too, so many people out of work, it’s sad.
I’m not going to pick up, or should I say we’re not going to pick up, not now, not ever. Xxx

You can do this Percs, if we can you can, you sound like you have youth on your side too. One day at a time, baby steps remember.

Lots of love to you all

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Old 03-26-2013, 10:48 AM
  # 375 (permalink)  
Aka.. Indamiricale. :)
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I love just reading everyones posts...

Got to got to the market get things for the final orders for good friday..

Then my home group.. Love it..

Have fun, don't pick up for today, and remember Smile cause Sobriety Looks Good On YOU !!!!
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Old 03-26-2013, 11:22 AM
  # 376 (permalink)  
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Hi, Undies. Still in snow, still cold, but there was some sunshine. I'm going to make some blood tests tomorrow, just to check how I'm doing.

Percsagain - welcome! I second all that's been said above - it's a great, and defly the most supportive place I've ever come across. Congrats on day 2 - be strong, never listen to addicitve voice, stick here. I remember in my early sobriety I leterally lived in these forums.

Grace - get well and take care of yourself)

Bloss - I perfectly understand you - "I'm the same, just want to say everything is fine even when it's not." - And I an just the same way.

Inside my heart is breaking,
My make-up may be flaking,
But my smile, still, stays on!

BF - great that you didn't give up to cravings. Blah days happen, sobriety still goes on. I'm pretty lonely person myself, so I know what you are talking about.

Escapist - low mood is not forever. Don't push it, it will pass. Don't wait for someone to tell you nice words - do it yourself. You do deserve it.

My best wishes to all the Undies.

Have a great day)
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Old 03-26-2013, 11:42 AM
  # 377 (permalink)  
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Hi again

Only 30 minutes to go now and then home, woo hoo. O.H is home today and will have cleaned up and made dinner ( says she hopefully)

Good stuff Matt, it will be good to have a clean, tidy yard to sit in on a sunny day and I'm sure your wife and daughter will love it.

HD3, sobriety looks good on YOU too, so lets all keep wearing it.

Midnight, I'm not in the slightest bit ill!!! Just tired due to lack of sleep last night and have a cold sore from the icy wind I think, but thank you for your kind concern. We had a bit of sunshine too today, but it is still very cold. I hope your blood tests go well and I'm sure they will do, its a good thing to keep a check.

WWG, that is something you should think about doing, getting a health check and your bloods done, just saying!

off again, bye bye for now

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Old 03-26-2013, 12:08 PM
  # 378 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Grace2 View Post
Hi again

Only 30 minutes to go now and then home, woo hoo. O.H is home today and will have cleaned up and made dinner ( says she hopefully)

Good stuff Matt, it will be good to have a clean, tidy yard to sit in on a sunny day and I'm sure your wife and daughter will love it.

HD3, sobriety looks good on YOU too, so lets all keep wearing it.

Midnight, I'm not in the slightest bit ill!!! Just tired due to lack of sleep last night and have a cold sore from the icy wind I think, but thank you for your kind concern. We had a bit of sunshine too today, but it is still very cold. I hope your blood tests go well and I'm sure they will do, its a good thing to keep a check.

WWG, that is something you should think about doing, getting a health check and your bloods done, just saying!

off again, bye bye for now

I made a Dr.'s appointment, can't get in until May.
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Old 03-26-2013, 12:42 PM
  # 379 (permalink)  
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Hi Undies, BF 'I represent that remark' about being OK on my own, but I get lonely pangs sometimes also, and that gets my thoughts wandering into my spin zone where I wish for an alternate reality

escapist sorry you're in the dumps, looking at the time stamp on your post, at about that time I was eating the last of a few Reese's peanut butter cups that were sitting in my fridge. My ex used to eat them, not that I was in any way distracted by that, just saying.

Hi Percs, nice to meet you. Hope today is going smoother.

Hi Grace, wwg, Gilmer, nel, bloss, Midnight and all the Undies hope you are all well.
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Old 03-26-2013, 01:53 PM
  # 380 (permalink)  
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Afternoon all

Good vibes coming from the group, we're all on the same page. Doing the best we can today, staying sober. Most importantly, we're free. If we need to drive, don't have to worry if we've drank too much. We can be helpful to someone still struggling. Have a nice afternoon and evening.
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