
Hen House Talk -All Are Welcome-Part 37

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Old 12-04-2012, 07:30 PM
  # 201 (permalink)  
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((((Lauren)))). You are so kind! Thank you.

I'm like a jury duty regular. I swear, I get called for jury duty very often. there's next to no getting out of it. I've only sat for civil cases, I don't know why. now they let us do phone ins. you have to be available for 5 days and call twice a day to see if you're needed.

Los Angeles is closing a number of its court houses due to budget restraints. so, I get to go down town and it's just hateful. parking is poor, and oh the swarms of people! Horrid!

I don't think I could sit to hear about a pedophile. I did called for gang murder but got dismissed at the last minute. I was so grateful it got canceled or whatever. We never know, we just got released by the court.

I am having a lot of anxiety tonight, I don't know why.

Much love!

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Old 12-04-2012, 07:37 PM
  # 202 (permalink)  
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((Lenina)) - soothing, calming thoughts heading your way I would be dismissed, in a heartbeat, on a pedophile charge!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 12-04-2012, 09:49 PM
  # 203 (permalink)  
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Bee-bopping by. A story - Lauren's? - reminded me - and it's tangential to the discussion, falls under "One of those weird things" - and I have no idea why it popped into my head.

It's 1989, maybe 88, and our family is watching "Unsolved Mysteries" or something very similar, maybe American's Most Wanted. The boys were eight and five, and playing Pop Warner football, at the field just a block away, every afternoon. So we're watching a story about a pedophile, the man just "loved" little boys. I said, aloud, "I've seen that guy. I don't know where, but I know I've seen him." Spouse suggests I'm imagining it. I assume he's right, and we go about our family night.

Cut to the next evening, and the local Dayton news. Low and behold, the man featured on the Unsolved Mysteries story was arrested that afternoon, after calls poured in when the segment ended. Did I see him? I'm still not sure, but bear in mind, I hung out at my sons' practice, and what a fertile hunting ground for a pedophile - scads of little boys practicing football. All I do know is I had a feeling of absolute certainty that I'd seen him. On learning of his arrest, Spouse said, "Well, you probably did see him, hanging out at the field."

So not sure what sparked that memory, perhaps it was elder son calling, yet again, and waking me up. "I'm sorry I woke you, Mom." I reply, as kindly as possible, "Well, it happens when you call so late, knowing the phone is by my bed." He can't seem to connect the time difference, it happens over and over. And then I'm awake...sigh.

I'm in a reflective mood. Several friends from decades past have popped into my mind, and I've googled them. Know what? They all died in the past six months to a year. Don't know what to make of that. Anyway, I'm, in my imagination, sitting on a rock and looking across the abyss, unable to make out the other side.

Now my two watchdogs are barking, using their "Stay away, I'm on duty, and I will take your leg off at the hip" bark. Claire is running from the front of the house upstairs to down here and the door that opens on the garage. Guess I better check it out. It's probably the Witch next door returning home, or something equally innocent.

Anyway, welcome to the meanderings of my mind in the midnight hour, forming tangents from stories that lead backward in time, to my memories, and contemplation of that chasm that separates life from whatever comes next. And that I can trace, I hate to fly, so no wonder I'm staring at the abyss...

Shutting up now, this is too strange, isn't it? Dogs have stopped barking, but I admit, it gives me pause when they go off late at night.

TPA - whose loyal Claire still isn't settled down, she's pacing from upstairs to back down here, tail straight up.
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Old 12-04-2012, 10:35 PM
  # 204 (permalink)  
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Posts: 720 is so great that your store thinks of donating!! My company use to do a food drive for a local food bank but also the company gave employees some time off to donate time to work at the food bank. Once they get all the food (which is a lot during the holidays) they need to package and distribute it and are usually looking for help. One year we set up a competition between departments to see who could book the most hours!

I will say though my kids school did something I always enjoyed....buying a pair of warm winter socks and filling them full of necessities to pass out to homeless shelters. It's amazing how many travel size necessities you can pack into a large wool sock

Sounds like everyone is getting into the proper spirit! Cooking and Donating!!! That is all I am doing this year....well probably going to slip a little cash into the kids' stockings though. We are going stress free, gift free and expectation free this year. But spending Xmas with family.....eating, cooking, reading, dancing, talking, walking and just being. Going to be good......

About possums.....they just look like huge white rats with double size tails to me....I love animals and excepting of most but those guys are on my "No Way" list. I had a young one show up in my laundry room and I didn't go in there for weeks.....I still check and it's been years.

Lenina.....even thinking or being that close to a pedophile would provoke anxiety in me...not because of a direct experience but because the very thought is a trigger for childhood trauma.....for me that is an issue. I too am a jury duty poster child....called like clockwork every year and most times make it to the selection process. Last time....domestic violence case...I made it to the jury box and was excused. I can't tell you how happy I was about that because I just can't be impartial about some things. Anyway...give yourself room to feel the feelings....accept them.....breathe though the reaction....and hmmmm...relax and let them go.....
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Old 12-04-2012, 11:29 PM
  # 205 (permalink)  
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((((Cangel)))) I think they must "hot list" us out here in California. Of course I vote and have a drivers license but I think once we get on a list as active jurors, we stay for a long long time. I was called about 3 months after I had completed service in another juristriction and when I sent that in, I didn't get a call for like three years. Court is creepy. I guess it's all the vibes from all the unhappiness?

(((TPA)))) I sometimes have dreams about friends who have passed on. I have spectacularly real dreams about my grandma. I don't know what waits for us on the others side, but I feel sure we aren't alone. I've read so much about Near Death Experiemce I have to believe something is there. I think our soul continues on in some form.

I like the idea of giving self care kits to the homeless. I've had some heartbreaking experiences from talking to the homeless, and being reminded most of us aren't that far away from the streets. Being able to groom and clean up is so basic. So few public restrooms is just a shame. And I think it's harder to get back up these days.

Hubs made a nice pasta for dins. I hope I feel better tomorrow. This is getting so old.

I hope everyone has a good tomorrow.

Much love!

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Old 12-04-2012, 11:44 PM
  # 206 (permalink)  
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(((Lenina))) I am sorry you feel that way. I always feel empowered by the maybe I have a voice where it might actually matter. I had a great experience on a jury a few year ago where I felt like I could bring a more mature balanced voice. Good feeling. Doesn't go that way for the most part but at least I can participate. Really sorry this brings up uncomfortable stuff for you....never know what is going to do that but always best to respect it. (love you!)

All that are my meditation gratitude person tomorrow's all you get ready to feel loved!!!
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Old 12-05-2012, 11:44 AM
  # 207 (permalink)  
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Wow, I didn't expect a paycheck already! It's only 4 6 hours, but still

((cangel)) - Just wanted you to know I DID get a 100 on my resume you helped me, so much, with. She referred to comments, but I can't pull up the assignment, so will have to wait. She still has 400 points of stuff she hasn't graded, plus the other 300 from a test I've yet to take.

Cloudy, looks like it's going to rain. I don't know why, but I have been dragging, all day. May be the allergy stuff, who knows?

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 12-05-2012, 12:13 PM
  # 208 (permalink)  
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(((((Cangel)))). Thanks for the good thoughts. I do vote, I keep in touch with my congressman and senators. I pay attention to what goes down in my community and in the past have done volunteer work. I just hate driving all the way downtown for court. It's a mess.

(((((Amy)))). Whoo Hoo! Your first pay check!! I'm so happy for you!

Love from Lenina
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Old 12-05-2012, 12:29 PM
  # 209 (permalink)  
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((Amy)) that had to feel good..whenever I have a happy mail
moment..I take a copy and tuck it away somewhere to remember
the happiness it brought me.. my wee file is pretty is
a smile file..

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Old 12-05-2012, 01:02 PM
  # 210 (permalink)  
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I like that, a 'Smile File'. gotta get one of those!
today is one of those days when I belong on the Whiners thread....
but I will keep it to myself and share only good things today.

Yay, working woman (((amy))) isnt it wonderful to get that first paycheck?!

I bought some stuff to bake with today. not gonna go crazy this year, as we have all agreed to make each other something, instead of spending money. made oldest d two scarves, and youngest d a scarf and gonna make her some suet for her birds. really it is more for the fat little squirrels that eat it up. I make different 'recipes', of it and wrap it prettily. i did it for her birthday and she really liked it. son , well, dont know yet what he would like. maybe I can carve him a gonna be tricky. sons in law will get Buckeyes, and Peanut butter cookies.

of course the grandbabies will be shopped for, and my daughter gave me some money to do some shopping. she sold some calendars for her sons football team, and won some money. actually, they bought the calendars them selves, instead of having to find people to buy them. I offered, and she would not let me spend the money. so, they won, fivehundred dollars, for buying a winning calendar, and then they won, for selling the winning calendar. hope that is not confusing. she gave me the $125. they won for selling. i protested, but I spent it on her children already. my kids are really kind hearted, and they know I have been struggling lately . I hope someday to pay it back, ten fold. i feel badly for doing it. I was gonna buy stuff on my penneys charge for everyone, but she wanted me to do this, and gave me a list of what they wanted.

sun is shining today. finally. hope you all are not getting washed out, rained out, or snowed out. i want snow!

I really want to look in to getting some ear phones, with music, for people at nursing homes. I read an amazing story about this man who came out of a 'comatose' sort of existence, when they gave him music from his era to listen to with ear phones. he started singing , talking, and was happy, for the first time in years. amazing therapy. Actually, that might have been shared by (((lenina or lauren))),I forget, but not the story!

love and hugs
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Old 12-05-2012, 01:06 PM
  # 211 (permalink)  
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Old 12-05-2012, 02:14 PM
  # 212 (permalink)  
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Oh Chicory..I'm tearing, that was so alive..thanks you for letting
me see Hope for those that seem is the little things
and the taking notice that can make someones life have quality.

I surely hope that one day someone..somewhere pays attention to
what I may need on my final path..

Thanks for sharing ...


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Old 12-05-2012, 02:40 PM
  # 213 (permalink)  
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The last batch of the orange cookies are in the oven and my
house has this wonderful aroma of a orange grove which is
pretty much impossible in Canada..My version of what a orange
grove may smell like anyway..

I did get such a late start as hubby needed the oven for baking a
ham for the crepes we are going to the mean time while
waiting the bins had to go out back so ran into a neighbor and she
talked my ear off..the pototoes (how the heck do you spell spuds)
were almost cooked to death..the ham was a little burnt as the glaze
was on and it was I do need to do damage control..

The first batch (cookies) I took out too soon for fear of over doing
as I am not good without a visual..they were wrinkled up like a prune'
they looked so batch a little longer and they were just right.
Now they are cooling for a nice slather of icing tomorrow some time.

Miley and I tasted..well..hello dog loves orange cookies..and
so do I..I finally had to be very stern and chase her away..hairy beast.
I do have to super clean the kitchen prior to baking and she knows better
she just wanted more..

So..tomorrow we will do the icing..

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Old 12-05-2012, 03:42 PM
  # 214 (permalink)  
Clever Yak
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Congrats on your first paycheck ((Amy)). Good deal .

I have to get to work soon, but thought I'd pop in for a second and say hi. Moose and Sasha are hanging out on his dog bed again, oh yes, I think they will be good friends .
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Old 12-05-2012, 03:58 PM
  # 215 (permalink)  
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((Chicory)) - How nice of your daughter! I remember that video and thinking "music is the universal language". My g'ma used to LOVE "singing day" at the nursing home, when they would sing church songs. In fact, when I was up there and hadn't seen her in a few years, she came out of the room, greeted me, then told me I'd have to wait to visit until they finished singing!

((Lauren)) - Oh, my, Miley has a new favorite cookie, huh? Glad you like them, too, and can see the "battle of the cookies" going on in your house!

((Jay)) - So glad to hear that Sasha and Moose are good buddies.

My friend and I are going to take a test tonight, then "all" that will be left for that class is another paper and power point. Also have the comprehensive final for humanities left, but whittling (sp?) down the assignments, one at a time.

It never rained and is STILL a bit too warm for my taste!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 12-05-2012, 04:04 PM
  # 216 (permalink)  
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(((Lauren))) I remember how nice they smell. I can't wait till you taste them with the icing...mmmm. I bet they will make a nice picture too. I am sure you have made them perfection.

That film gave me chills, and tears of happiness. How Henry must have been taken back, to his days of the pleasure of music. Notice he said "Romance...dreams..." How sweet to be able to remember that feeling again.

((Jay)) it sounds like they are really friends already! that is wonderful!
I don't want to sound like a parrot, so I will just say your post is an answer to my prayers. not about the puppy or kitty, or your job, but that you are ok, and you are gonna be ok, and happy, and have good things in your life, and joy in your heart.
you are much loved (((Jay))).

love and hugs to all HH'rs.
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Old 12-05-2012, 04:18 PM
  # 217 (permalink)  
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O wow! That was a powerful video! Thanks, ((((chicory)))). I have tears rolling down my face.

I have to think on this. What a great idea for good works.

BBL. Much love to you all!

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Old 12-05-2012, 05:39 PM
  # 218 (permalink)  
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Chicory you have a fine generous of them to share with
their mom.. you did a fine job with your children when they can
give back to you for being who you are and how much you mean to
them. Don't take guilt on this, take a sense of accomplishment that
the lessons you taught have taken hold..Their generosity reflects the
foundation of your strengths.

Amy..soon you can give that huge sigh of relief.

Jay ..sounds like your family has found harmony..

To everyone .. have a good night.

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Old 12-05-2012, 06:55 PM
  # 219 (permalink)  
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Thanks (((Lauren))) my kids are always there for me, when I really need something. I just don't want to have to rely on them, I want to be the mom and take care of them. I do ok, but sometimes things get a bit tough.

(((Lenina))) I see kitties in your near future...... two of them... they are cuddling at your feet and playing with hubbies newspaper...
I hope you get to the eye doc soon. my doc told me that I had to wear the glasses a lot.. everyday, to get used to them. but best to make sure that no mistakes were made with your prescription. you poor baby, all this time and still not right... they are not easy to get used to , but you can do it. if they are right in the first place, that is.

hope everyone has a wonderful night, of restful sleep. where is (((tod)))? all you missing HH'rs, better check in. we worry you know we do!

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Old 12-05-2012, 07:27 PM
  # 220 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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TOD is playing nurse maid to Jethro! He's been eating jello and drinking broth all day. Many bathroom runs in between. He has an early doctor appt in the morning. Wanna take a guess at what he's having done with the info given above?

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