
Hen house talk..part 15

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Old 08-08-2011, 11:51 AM
  # 321 (permalink)  
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thanks Impurrfect. they told us to bring pictures tomorrow of things he knows to see what he recognizes, to assess his memory, this is all assuming that they will be able to lift sedation soon, which they expect too. the ICP is at 10 now, they just want him to rest at that for a little while and make sure it doesn't go back up.
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Old 08-08-2011, 12:54 PM
  # 322 (permalink)  
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Kirby, I'm still saying prayers for all of you. For Jay, I'm asking that he remembers all the good important stuff, and only the bad stuff that's important for his well being and ongoing recovery. I guess I'm asking a miracle, but I figure why not?
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Old 08-08-2011, 01:39 PM
  # 323 (permalink)  
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we hope so too Chino, don't think its going to work like that though.

the doctors just told us that they're going to start easing the sedation overnight, not taking him totally off it, but having him "less" sedated. depending on how he is in the morning, like if he's not trying to pull out his tubes, and his ICP and other vitals aren't having issues, they'll either hold it there or lessen it more and start to wean him off the ventilator, which they also told us could be slow going. we're happy with the progress though, very happy.
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Old 08-08-2011, 03:48 PM
  # 324 (permalink)  
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(((Lenina))) glad to see you checking in. Dad has talked about finding the money to fly me out to CA and though I don't want to DRIVE, not real thrilled about flying, either, due to all the changes.

Yes, something bit me 3 times on my hand and it got infected. The nurse practitioner I went to first at the CVS Minute Clinic, who told me to get to urgent care, called today to see if I was doing okay.

I checked the mail before I left, dad had gotten a check, so went by his bank, my bank, then the car finance company so only got 2 stores done. It poured for a few minutes, but the roads were practically dry only 30 minutes later.

(((Kirby))) - they are most likely gong to take their time weaning him off the sedation and vent. When I had surgery, I told them exactly what sedative I wanted (it stops working as soon as you quit it, no weaning) because if I woke up with a tube down my throat, I was GOING to snatch it out. It's human reflex.

A lot of people have to have their hands restrained in the weaning process, simply to keep them from pulling stuff out. It's not meant to be cruel, it's for his safety and the majority of my patients didn't remember much of anything while they were sedated.

They're just wanting to make sure the ICP stays down the more alert he becomes. He also doesn't need to move around much while the ICP monitor is in.

This is the part I told you that's so seems to take forever to see how he's going to do off the sedation and vent. I still feel he's getting excellent care and am praying for continued progress.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 08-08-2011, 04:34 PM
  # 325 (permalink)  
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I DO remember you. I love, love, love seeing familiar faces! Yay!

Originally Posted by Tryin2Recover View Post
CC GIRL! I always think about you, dont know if you remember me (I used to have forum tag Pete The Addict)...It is seriously so glad to hear you are doing well, and congrats on the 4 years! You helped me so much here in my early days, I can never thank you enough. Keep on keepin on girl! And keep on keepin in touch :P
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Old 08-08-2011, 04:42 PM
  # 326 (permalink)  
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Oh, North! I'm so happy to see you here. I probably won't have time to go back and catch up, so I'll try to catch up starting now.

Yeah, my girls can suck sometimes. Rachel's a teenager (14) and Anna turned 10 last week. Love em anyway.

So, I lost my pug, Doug about a year ago. I have a new guy named Forrest Gump. He's been horribly abused, they even branded him with a hot poker, grrrr. I've picked up another cat, one of our dogs got hit and killed by a car (absolutely awful) and unfortunately, mom in law is still kicking, LOL! Hubby is fine; our business, luckily hasn't been affected too badly by the economy.

Other than that, same old, same old. Staying clean although even now, all this time later, it still slams me sometimes. Man, I hate being an addict.

Well, off to yell at the kids and make them clean their disgusting rooms. They both went to camp for a month earlier and I took like five lawn and leaf bags and threw out crap; its BACK! So, time to crack the whip.

Have a great night all!

Originally Posted by northbelle View Post
Hey Housers...YAY!! Jayson is coming round!! I am just glad he is alive ! He is a pretty smart kid I bet he pulls through completly in TIME....!! I hope he will be back here and tell us all about it !!!

((Amy))) glad you are getting a break AND getting the kitchen cleaned must feel nice! I am the exact opposite of a hoarder. I can't stand to own too much stuff. When you get your own space you will probably be in BLISS!!!! One of the benefits to living alone!

((CC)))...girl what a delight to see you here! AND to hear the girls are fistfighting!!! Good to know all is WELL!!!!

Saativah had her kittens this morning under my bed. Directly under my head!! I awoke to little meows!!! She is really back in a spot where you can't get to her but all looks well with the flashlight..7 little bundles of pure cat heaven !! Gonna be so fun playin with the little tigers!!!! I am gonna teach em to jump through tiny hoops!! HEHE..of fire!!

Went and saw the Smurfs with Chance last night and he has been here all day...I am just glad to get two days off ! It was a massacre on the streets this past week. Literally..they found a body..a homicide ..about two blocks away in the alley saturday....was a bad way to wrap up my week!

Well over and out!!

love norty
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Old 08-08-2011, 05:33 PM
  # 327 (permalink)  
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(((Ccgirl))) - so sorry about ((Doug-the-pug))) but love the new one's name

Can't believe you have a TEENAGER, but then we knew it was coming. Glad your business isn't being affected by the economy too much. I still keep hoping dad will get a trip up there and I can tag along. So far, we've been to NY 4 times and Canada twice.

I'm starting back to school in two weeks so there won't be any long trips for a while.

It's really good to see you back.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 08-08-2011, 05:44 PM
  # 328 (permalink)  
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Got my dentist appt done and over with in five minutes. He took a ton of stitches out of the area. I'd already lost a ton of them, so there must have been a bunch I didn't know about. LOL
Dentist says it's looking much better and whatever I'm doing to keep it up. Peroxyol from walmart works great! I was telling his assistant about using vinegar in her washing machine to watch brightly colored clothes to set the dye so they don't fade so quickly. Out of the blue, the dentist starts asking me how to get deodorant stains out of his black t-shirts? I laughed and said to pour Pine-sol in the washer with his detergent. I'm always giving out great ideals or being asked how to solve a problem. LOL

Gotta scoot. Company just showed up and a storm is headed in on top of us too.

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Old 08-08-2011, 05:50 PM
  # 329 (permalink)  
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(((TOD))) - glad the appt went well and I really think you should charge for advice (expect to us)..I'm sure the dentist can afford it

Just made plans to meet with my SR friend on Sunday and go horseback riding and play with the dogs I had all these plans to spend more time over there this summer, but life kinda got in the way. I'll make sure nothing BITES me while we're out on the trails!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 08-09-2011, 02:27 PM
  # 330 (permalink)  
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Looking for an update on Jay!
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Old 08-09-2011, 05:33 PM
  # 331 (permalink)  
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(((DeVon))) - I'm sure (((Kirby))) will update us when she can. I'm hoping for good news, but I also know with head injuries, there are a lot of days where things just don't change much. It's an agonizingly slow period of recovery.

I got 6 stores done today, but short of a miracle, won't be finishing them up as I have no money to put gas in the car. Something I canceled months ago decided to suddenly bill me the $20 and it's going to take 10 days to get it refunded.

Got home and tackled the other thing that dad really wanted to clean off (but headed out to CA before getting a chance). I've been depressed about the shape of this house, but now I'm ANGRY. Every little thing I do, I see 15 more things that need to be done to do it right...and that's just in the kitchen

Dad will be home in the weend hours of the morning and said my cousin Gary is doing MUCH better.

I'm going to have a serious talk with him about when he's going to get stepmom. He's been talking divorce, forever, and I think he needs to live in this house, at least a week, without her and figure out how that feels. I'm also not going to clean up if she comes home..she literally undoes everything I do within hours or days.

Sorry for the vent, but I'm just pretty frustrated. Dad and I work all the time and we get left with a horrendous mess, while she's having a great time with family. Wonder what her sister would think if we showed up at her door with a semi-truck loaded with stepmom's stuff?

On a funny note, Mots became enthralled with a bag of potatoes. I took one out, he never touched it, but was jumping and pouncing around like an overweight kitten. Who needs cat toys when a potato will do?

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 08-09-2011, 05:49 PM
  # 332 (permalink)  
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Jay is doing okay today, still on the ventilator but they're working on weaning him off it. though he is still lightly sedated, he's conscious enough that if they can get him off the ventilator, he will be able to breath on his own while he sleeps and all that. he answers simple questions like "What's your name?," "who's the president," "where are you right now" by writing it on a little dry erase board they gave him (also proving that he still has motor skills enough to write). he recognized pictures of Goliath and Darby, of very close friends and "family", but was stumped on a few things like the "rat dog" that Ken and Sue own (Rusty) and even Holly, the cat that is technically Jake's (his roommate) pet (we were all surprised by that). overall though they said he was doing very well.

the only thing we were worried about is that he wrote down on his board that his fingers on his right side were numb...he can still move them, they're just numb/have no feeling. the doctors said it might be nerve damage from the surgeries or just from the swelling itself. If it is, it's doubtful that he'll ever regain feeling in his fingers. it's small and it could have been so much worse, but that still sucks.
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Old 08-09-2011, 06:04 PM
  # 333 (permalink)  
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i should mention he's sorta confused about what happened, he knows where he is but doesn't recall anything of the last week really. the doctors (and Impurrfect mentioned this too, i guess) said the haziness is normal and he may remember the timeline later, but if he doesn't, its not really important as long as he knows he had brain surgery and to be careful with his head!
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Old 08-09-2011, 06:25 PM
  # 334 (permalink)  
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Thanks for the update, Kirby. It all sounds very encouraging, although I know it's not happening fast enough! Still sending prayers for all of you. What a horribly trying experience this has been, and yet you have conducted yourself so admirably I can't believe you are 14! I hate what has happened to Jay, but am also glad we got to know you "in person" as a result. I know one thing for sure,,,I would be proud to call either one of you "mine." You and your brother are incredible people!

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Old 08-09-2011, 06:35 PM
  # 335 (permalink)  
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Oh, what are you going back to school for? That's awesome!

It's ok about Doug. He had one eye removed (cancer) and he was blind in the other one. Then the cancer spread anyway. He was almost 14. Forrest is 4 and he's really dumb. He's from Alabama. That's why we named him that. Plus, my kids love yelling "Run Forrest Run" LOL

Originally Posted by Impurrfect View Post
(((Ccgirl))) - so sorry about ((Doug-the-pug))) but love the new one's name

Can't believe you have a TEENAGER, but then we knew it was coming. Glad your business isn't being affected by the economy too much. I still keep hoping dad will get a trip up there and I can tag along. So far, we've been to NY 4 times and Canada twice.

I'm starting back to school in two weeks so there won't be any long trips for a while.

It's really good to see you back.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 08-09-2011, 07:22 PM
  # 336 (permalink)  
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(((Kirby))) - when I had surgery on my hand for MRSA, it took months for me to get feeling back in one finger. My mom had no feeling in her left arm from when they did a heart cath. I did get feeling back (though when it's cold, it goes numb again), and mom never did get it back but you couldn't tell it with either of us..we were able to function just fine. It just felt funny.

I'm surprised about him not recognizing Holly, too, but am totally happy that he is progressing so well, and really appreciate your updates.

(((40))) - so good to see you hear. Hope they're not working you like a dog, still.

((cc)) - going back for a Health Information Technologist degree. Got through the core courses with a 4.0, but was ticked that I had to take my science courses again. Two classes a qtr kicked my butt, and I'm about to take FIVE, but I'm determined. They're all online classes, which means many a late night studying, but I got pretty used to that.

Hopefully, in 9 months I will graduate with my 3rd associate degree and then can take the certification test. It's pretty good to know that the crack didn't kill all my brain cells I do get ditzy when I get overwhelmed with everyone and have to put sticky notes up to remind me of the basic stuff...sigh. Might better stock up on those when classes start.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 08-09-2011, 09:57 PM
  # 337 (permalink)  
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Hello to all the good folks here.
Trying to play catch up on house work and laundry.
Thank you Kirby for the update.
Hubby worked outside for hours cutting and trimming limbs today.
Gotta make a dump run with the trash tomorrow or Wednesday.
We had some cooler weather today with the storm that came thru, but then it got very hot and humid. I'm so ready for cooler weather. Hopefully it will get here before hubby has knee surgery on 2 Sep. I'll be in charge of all the care for all the kids while he's recovering. I can do way more in cooler weather.
I had Maria out doing her cricket hunt and came across one of the kids apple halves I threw out. It had so many large red ants on it, it was almost invisible. So I got hubby and the sprayer. Hubby held the flashlight and I took out the stingers. They were also all over some cashew nuts he threw out earlier. So we wiped them out too. It hurts to get stung by one or many, but it's horrible for the silkies to get them on their feathered legs and they start stinging them. So we do our best to keep them killed off around here.
Okay, got to get back to the grundge work.
Love you all
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Old 08-10-2011, 09:13 AM
  # 338 (permalink)  
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It's good to know that Jay is coming around a bit and the updates are very much appreciated. Thanks Kirby. Still sending him healing thoughts.

I've been frustrated lately. Absolutely powerless.
I've been having a huge amount of pressure in my sinus area on the side of teh extraction and running a low grade temperature. So I called up the oral surgeon and asked about an antibiotic just so I don't wind up with encephalopathy from this sinus not draining. The RDA took the info said she would call the oral surgeon's son who is in the practice ( my oral surgeon is on a month long cruise) and covering to see about calling me in something. Never heard another word. So I am really done with these folks. I called up my reg dentist and got something and if I need help later will go to an ear nose throat doc and forget this bad dentistry practice.
Meanwhile I got the female itch and I'm sure TOD has something useful for me a home remedy. Or I could get a rx for Diflucan from my reg dentist. The tooth that keeps on giving and giving and giving.

And on the job front... I was stuck the last 2 weeks because the HR guy was on vacation and he is the one that was going to give this the green light. Now he's back and the nurse manager is on vacation. Not much I can do just really want to go on vacation myself but finances say no plus the car needs work for any long trip, plus daughter is still on that heart monitor, plus I really don't feel up to a trip. All really good reasons.

So trying to stay upbeat and not a debbie downer though I am prone to situational depression. So I hope all the hens are doing good... I see TOD is still cricket hunting and Amy is going horseback riding... the rest of you guys, what is up with you? Much love
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Old 08-10-2011, 11:23 AM
  # 339 (permalink)  
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Jason is doing well in his "spontaneous breathing trials" though a little nervous/anxious, but hopefully will be off the ventilator soon.
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Old 08-10-2011, 12:07 PM
  # 340 (permalink)  
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Quick check in. Saw Dr. X today, it was my oncology records that got me in, he's rejecting 99% of Dr. Y's patients. As he was explaining his credentials - Georgetown for undergrad and med school, etc, he also said he's a deputy US Marshall. All in all, I was impressed with his thoroughness, professionalism, and spontaneous statement that I had been seriously undermedicated. He took my history, looked at PET scan, and says he's pretty sure it's mets, but of course, we won't know that until the biopsy. I am to hear tomorrow about that. I no longer feel hopeless, I feel in good hands with him, and hope the same applies to the doctor in DC doing the biopsy. At least I don't have anything to B**ch about, and he said he hopes Dr Y goes away for a long time. I just feel for those legit patients caught in this awful taint, who don't have oncology to back them up, who don't get a chance to present films because they are rejected as soon as it's seen they were Dr Y's patient. I am glad to hear Jason is coming around, what good news!!!! Take care, all, TPA
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