
Trip digs and some other random stuff

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Old 04-27-2015, 11:05 AM
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Trip digs and some other random stuff

Saturday, I think, was my 100 sober days mark. I'm not really too into counting my days, but that seems like a pretty cool milestone. So, yay me!

Found an old bottle of liqueur in my cupboard the other day. It's not something I would normally drink, which is why it was still around years after I bought it. I thought I would keep it around, in case I had guests over and they wanted some "adult" coffee. And since it wasn't even remotely close to something that I would consider drinking to get buzzed I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Except that I couldn't stop thinking about it. After a couple hours of the image of that bottle popping back into my mind I finally decided to dump it. I was truly amazed at what a hold it had on me.

I'm still smoking, but I no longer smoke indoors. Going outside to smoke is inconvenient and on colder or windier days it is also uncomfortable. Down to about 2 packs a week, and I'm hoping to cut it out completely over the next month or so. My SR participation has suffered, though, because I used to rip through cigarettes while sitting at my desk reading and posting here and I've tried to remove that trigger.

Had an interesting experience the other day. I was having one of those days where my mind kept wandering back to the drink. You know, long weekend coming up, you're doing well, maybe just chill out a little and have a few. No big deal, right? Of course I shut that down. But it sort of affected my day. I was miserable and cranky right up until bedtime after that. It kind of reminded me of how I used to feel most days while actively drinking, like EVERYTHING is stupid and NOTHING matters. I thought it was interesting how just the thought of drinking could revert me back to that intensely negative mindset. Thought I'd share that.

Finally got around to putting together my resume and have been looking around for work. One place has gotten back to me and I'm supposed to be doing a phone interview later today. It's a position as a guitar teacher so it's right up my alley. Not sure of the details yet, but I'm pretty excited about it.

Well, that's about it for now. Hope everyone's having a wonderful day!

Best to all,

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Old 04-27-2015, 11:25 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Good luck on the interview, hope it pans out , and maybe pop over tot he Sober Vapers thread , read around see what you think
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:26 AM
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Do your best
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Way to go on 100+ days of sobriety SDH73
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:36 AM
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This really hit a mark with me. I agree...just the thinking about having a drink is enough to bring back negative feelings. I blew my 28 day sober time last Saturday night, and in hindsight I recognize that the couple days leading up to the party were filled with negatively as I kept thinking about whether I could handle "just a few". I was actually feeling sorry for myself with the "why can't poor old me have a few drinks like everyone else". In hindsight the obvious answer to that is because I NEVER have a few drinks like everyone else. I wish I could but I can't. It would have been so much easier to not be obsessing over the Yes or No about having a drink. It should have always been a BIG no, and left at that. Plus I wouldn't have made a complete fool out of myself at the party. Have a good day all
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:48 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Yeah keep it a Big No and before too long , it will be a nah, and eventually a whaddyoukiddin' me?!
just keep truckin
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Old 04-28-2015, 07:49 AM
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100 days and counting, congrats, good luck with the job search
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