
The dreams!

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Old 04-27-2015, 10:23 AM
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The dreams!

Today I am six weeks sober and it's been tough. Not tough to not drink, but tough to think about not drinking. I KNOW that I am making the right decision for myself and I've been happy not drinking, but when I think about it sometimes it still makes me sad. I wish it didn't.

And I've been having the craziest dreams. I think they happen mainly when I've been thinking of drinking or just stressed out, but I've woken up POSITIVE that I broke my sobriety. It's not even like I wake up in a cold sweat or anything, but I feel really disappointed in myself. Then I remember it was just a dream and I am STILL disappointed in myself for wanting to drink bad enough that I am dreaming about it.

In other news, despite sounding a little down here, things have been going very well and I've had no problem saying no to the offer of a drink when I've been around it (although I'm still kind of avoiding those situations as best I can). My in-laws were in town and we had dinner with them a few times where I politely declined their invitations to a glass of wine. I mumbled something about having been sick recently (true), but I am sure my MIL will be thinking I must be pregnant. My husband will probably be getting some probing questions soon, but she will have to wait a bit longer on that front He said a little gossip wouldn't hurt her anyway.
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Old 04-27-2015, 10:36 AM
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Do your best
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Way to go on 6 weeks sober KeepTrucking really positive news

The dreams will calm down & are common

Keep on keepin on keeptrucking !!
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Old 04-27-2015, 10:55 AM
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LOL a little gossip won't hurt the mother in law! I like that.
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Old 04-27-2015, 10:58 AM
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I also have been having regular dreams that I was drinking ... I woke up this morning from one and my brain immediately thought I was drunk ... Took me until after breakfast to snap out of it
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:40 AM
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I've noticed whenever I quit a substance, Whether it was pot, or alcohol or pills or even tobacco, my dreams become very vivid, some even lucid . It's very interesting to me, I understand with the alcoho, aND drugs but I was surprised to learn it is also common with nicotine withdrawal
I had drinking and drugging dreams a lot in my first year. They've dwindled off. Have u considered keeping a dream journal? Not for everyone , I haven't done it in a while but it was fun when I first got sober.
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Old 04-28-2015, 07:53 AM
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Keep Truckin Keep Truckin...
I had some very intense dreams last night. Been a while. But I recall having a discussion with someone about being sober for over a year and thinking about having a cold beer. He was drinking a beer and told me I was better off not drinking... it's not a good idea. And I agreed with him. It's not a good idea in dreams or awake
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Old 04-28-2015, 08:00 AM
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I have those same relapse dreams! And even after waking, and realizing it wasn't real, it takes me a couple of hours to shake the funk.

Good going on your progress!
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