
Starting day 9

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Old 04-12-2015, 05:36 AM
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Starting day 9

Hi, I have another thread about going to ER on day 3 and spending the night in the hospital. Yesterday I felt quesy and shaky for a little while. Don't quite feel normal yet. The whole horrible experience from day 3-4 is still fresh in my mind so temptation is nil. But I know it is coming, but I don't think it will occur for awhile. Not sure of my plans yet.
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Old 04-12-2015, 05:43 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Start working on a plan... How will you deal with cravings, how will you keep your eye on the prize. I suggest that you write how you felt or print what you already wrote and keep it close for when your AV starts picking up.

Remember you can always rel on us. You are not alone.
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Old 04-12-2015, 05:46 AM
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Double post.
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Old 04-12-2015, 07:43 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Considering you were in the ER, I would give some serious consideration as to whether you need inpatient or outpatient treatment to help you quit drinking.

Like what nowisthetime alluded to, you need a plan with what you're going to do once the cravings start.

I would also highly recommend spending some time here, joining the April class or the 24 hour thread.
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Old 04-12-2015, 10:36 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Do your best
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Heres help with writing up a plan
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Old 04-12-2015, 11:08 AM
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Day 9 is fantastic!! Keep it going!!
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Old 04-12-2015, 01:02 PM
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Well, we are all different in both our psychological makeup and physical strengths and weaknesses. I think have hypertension. My other withdrawal symptoms were rather mild and I recovered quickly. That being said I still could have died with the through the roof blood pressure. That thought is very strong right now. My grown kids were sincerely worried about me. I have a first grandchild halfway across the country that I will see for the first time in about 10 days. If I die now who is going to make those fantastic halloween costumes and send all the neat toys I have saved, and send the best chocolate chip cookies in the world (so my kids said)?
My divorce about 7 years ago really took me down and I really didn't care what I did to myself. Death by a thousand cuts (well, beers).
Yes, I need huge changes, right now I am looking into a psychiatrist. I have more than one serious unresloved issue from the past. Horrible things happened that are so hard to deal with even now. I just put on the successful happy face and did what ever I wanted when alone. Closeted drinker, ya think?
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