
Dry drunk

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Old 01-14-2015, 05:12 AM
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Dry drunk

Can someone supply a nice link of explanation as to what it is. Apparently I'm to be wary that it doesn't happen and I'd like to know what it looks like/how I'd know it's happening.
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Old 01-14-2015, 05:27 AM
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A lot of years ago it was explained to me by an old-timer that it’s a non drinking alcoholic “acting and reacting” as if they were still drinking.
Be aware that many do have moments of remission like anger and fears but can quickly come away from it.

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Old 01-14-2015, 06:04 AM
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Finding one definition to fit all would be hard. But IOAA pretty much summed it up and simply.
Taking the alcohol away for a horse their and he still steals horses.
Take away the alcohol from a liar and he still lies.
Take away the alcohol from a cheater and he still cheats.
Take away the alcohol from a pn angry person and they're still angry.
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Teebee View Post
Can someone supply a nice link of explanation as to what it is. Apparently I'm to be wary that it doesn't happen and I'd like to know what it looks like/how I'd know it's happening.
my thoughts
some even though sober still act like fools
just because they are not drinking or using
they have not the means to mature and grow up

many are lacking a spiritual contact

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Old 01-14-2015, 06:11 AM
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For me it was leaving an AA meeting and feeling drunk. I was drying out and my body was playing some weird mind game with me.
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:23 AM
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The person is not drinking but all of the old behaviors they had while drinking remain.

They are not "old" if they are still doing them. Lying, cheating, manipulating, stealing, blaming etc.

When a person goes into recovery these don't change on a dime but they do start to fade. They start living the program in the program and outside the program.

A dry drunk maybe be caring, friendly and hopeful in an AA meeting but once they leave they are flipping off the driver next to them, stealing TP from the store and blaming their wife/husband/children/God when they get home because they are an alcoholic and they have to go to meetings.

A person embracing true sobriety live in their recovery night and day, in the rooms and out, at work and at home, in the store or at the restaurant. They are not perfect, no one is. They are human but you will be able to see and feel a change.

The dry drunk does not change OTHER than to not drink. Many sober alcoholic will act that way in the beginning. It can takes weeks/months for the person to live sober long enough to begin to behave sober as well.
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:25 AM
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For me I have come to understand the term as more judgmental than anything constructive or accurate. An adjective as opposed to a noun.

The term is always used in a disparaging manner - look at that guy, he doesn't drink but is unhappy and not spiritually fit. He's a dry drunk.......

If I use that term or agree with another's assessment then I am being presumptive about the quality of another's sobriety = judging them. I wonder if other think there's degree's of the term...... That guy, he's not totally a dry drunk - but he's close. Maybe he's a semi dry drunk! That path lead to taking others inventory and putting myself on a pedestal. It's a bad recipe IMO. Can a person be living as a dry drunk one day and not the next? Perhaps he is moderating his dry drunk?? I think you get my point.

It's not up to me to judge, just as I don't judge another's "happiness".

It is a common question - explored it myself. Today I like what I've learned from others.....When you remove the alcohol you still have the ic(k) to deal with, for all of use - forever. I suppose some deal with it better than others, but the rose colored glasses taint ones perspective I believe.

peace to us all
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:45 AM
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I've got personality quirks that were there before I began drinking and they remain now that I quit drinking. Like any other person, I've got hang-ups, hot button issues, and emotional responses to things in everyday life. I'd have them whether I'm drinking or not.

Right now, I have been able to get that huge monkey off of my back. My mood has improved because of that. It's great to not have to plan my life around drinking opportunities.

I agree with Flynbuy, the term "dry drunk" seems to have an element of judgment associated with it. I have no idea what any other person I meet is up against.

We all have a boat to row and some of us are stuck in pretty awful rapids.
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by JD4010 View Post
I've got personality quirks that were there before I began drinking and they remain now that I quit drinking. Like any other person, I've got hang-ups, hot button issues, and emotional responses to things in everyday life. I'd have them whether I'm drinking or not.

Right now, I have been able to get that huge monkey off of my back. My mood has improved because of that. It's great to not have to plan my life around drinking opportunities.

I agree with Flynbuy, the term "dry drunk" seems to have an element of judgment associated with it. I have no idea what any other person I meet is up against.

We all have a boat to row and some of us are stuck in pretty awful rapids.
Heard a speaker recently talk about his shortcomings he had when coming into the program. Remarkably, he offered - I still have them (10 years later)!

It is how we learn to deal with them and making attempts to not spill our garbage on others that makes us slowwwwly get better. More importantly, we are better to be around!!
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Old 01-14-2015, 08:34 AM
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8 months Sober and I still can be an @$$hole at times. That doesn't make me a "dry drunk", because I've accomplished too much and taken myself too far in Sobriety thus far to degrade myself as a "dry drunk". I may be Sober, but I'll always be human; @$$hole minutes happen.

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