
Hi im new im looking for some help and support...

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Old 08-24-2010, 08:12 PM
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Post Hi im new im looking for some help and support...

Hi everyone this is my story...

Im age 21...
I first got drunk at roughly age 12-13, I enjoyed it so much that by the time I was age 15-16 I was binge drinking most weekends. It started out as what seemed just having fun and partying.
By the time I was 20 I was drinking most days and smoking 20+ cigarettes a day and would have the regular full on binge every 2 weeks say, that once or twice went on for a few days solid. In New Zealand the drinking culture is much like this. Anyway around about February 2010 I had decided to really cut my drinking down and was drinking really only on occasions like birthdays ect...
By March 2010 I had stopped drinking altogether, and thats when I started having these episodes. It first happened when I was driving, all of a sudden I felt anxious, sweaty, dizzy, feet and hands felt tingley and my heart started racing and felt generally uneasy. I thought I was dying. I went straight to the Emergency Clinic, they gave me an ECG heartscan, checked my bloodpressure, did every blood test on me possible. Poked and prodded everywere. And when the blood tests came back they said im perfectly healthy, and i couldnt be better. So with a clean bill of health but no real answers i continued on with life. I will note that I had a few drinks between this episode and the next episode. Then it happened again in July 2010 and this time I went to hospital and they observed me overnight and put me on a treadmill ect. Once again I was discharged with a clean bill of health and no answers. So I headed home to rest when I realized I hadnt told the doctors that I use to be a heavy drinker, all I did say was I use to drink a bit and now I drink very rarely so when I got home I googled my symptoms. And to my surprise they are identical to what you get from alcohol withdrawals. So I decided to go cold turkey around about 20th July. Its August 25th today and I feel great now that I have kicked smoking and drinking. And the episodes have reduced in severity a hell of alot but...
The problem is this:
Most nights at exact times I use to be drinking (between 5pm-11pm) I get these feelings of anxiousness, and feelings of uneasyness, my foot and/or hand can go a bit tingley, and sometimes my heart rate increases a wee bit, I also get strange rushes of adrenaline from time to time. My moods seem to go from really good and happy, to when I get these symptoms I generally feel down and cant be bothered doing anything. Once again I will say these symptoms arnt really bad anymore, compared to when I stopped drinking completly at about 20th July.
I havnt had any treatment or medication or seeked help since my second visit to hospital in early July, the reason being partly due to lack of money for doctor and because I didnt want to have medication as I felt it could cause other problems.
What I want to know is will my symptoms continue to improve and what should I expect to come???
In the first few weeks it seemed like hell on earth and I was convinced that I was dying, it is without doubt the hardest thing ive ever done, I havn't really told anyone about my quitting from drinking and I just ideally want someone to talk to and answer my questions and support me.
Its been a rough ride but I feel im through the worst of it, and the sypmtoms are now bearable.

Thankyou for reading: Julian
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:21 PM
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Hi Julian

I've never had anything like that, to be honest. We can't give out medical advice here anyway.

I'm an Aussie so I'm not up with the NZ health system but if there's anyway you can see a Dr, I think it would be in your best interests to do so - it would at the very least take a load off your mind, right?

Congratulations on your sober time
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:27 PM
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I, too, can't comment on your experience. However, congratulations on your time being sober. Stick around. I've been here for one day and the support I have *already* received has been incredibly uplifting.
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:34 PM
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Hey guys thanks for that I think I will try see a doctor and yes I understand now you cant give medical advise. lol.
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:37 PM
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Kia Ora bro.


I get tingly hands & feet too - because my circulation isnt very good.

I dont know your employment circumstances, nor have I lived in NZ for a while, however when I was there if you earned under a certain amount you were eligible for a Community Services card, which entitled you to cheap/free doctor visits, you just have to call around and see which clinics accept the cards.

For years I was petrified of taking the antidepressants I was prescribed - I never filled the prescriptions. Last year things got really bad and I started taking them. Aside from giving up drinking its one of the best things ive done. It was what I needed at the time. Ive been off them for 2 weeks now and am doing fine, no withdrawals at all.

In NZ and Australia ive had to shop around for good general practitioners....
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:38 PM
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See if your doctor would be willing to work with you on a payment plan. Since you are paying from your own wallet, they may have a program for people in your situation. Hope that helps.
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:45 PM
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Hi thanks ive decided im going to go see my doctor about my symptoms thankyou for reading and sorry about the novel size of my post...
And thats cool your off your antidepressant pills, its a good point that if I get prescribed with something I will take it... Cheers...
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:57 PM
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Sobriety saved my life.
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Hi Julian, I had the same exact things happening to me. I also would feel anxious, sweaty, dizzy, my hands and feet would be tingling and feel swollen and my heart would beat like crazy, it felt like I downed three pots of coffee or something. What helped me when it was happening was walking non-stop, even in circles and some times it would take hours but it did help me. Towards the end of my drinking it would happen about three times a month usually after long binges when I would be sobering up. I too thought that I was dying. I have been sober for about three and a half months now without a drop of alcohol and it only happened to me two times in the first month but not any more full blown attacks since then, just a few little tingles and heart races like you but I really can't remember the last time. It will get better with time, I don't feel any type of alcohol induced symptoms anymore myself. I commend you on making this decision at a young age before your drinking gets worse which it would no doubt, and quitting smoking at the same time...WOW...I envy you! Good job and don't give up, it is SO worth it. Flip
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:05 PM
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oh yea you get the CS cards from WINZ.

I always research whatever im prescribed before taking it, especially if its a new doctor im seeing - trust your instinct.
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:12 PM
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Hi thanks its cool to talk to you people on here, ive never tryed telling anyone because imagine describing the symptoms or what your feeling. People would just think I was barking. I to would say that so far ive had 1 major episode initally, and 1 smaller episode since I ceased drinking at 20th July. At first I felt like I had no control over my desire to drink and smoke. Then after a few weeks i felt like i could do this, and now just the other night I went to a 21st at a bar. I didnt drink a drop and turned down all cigarette offers, I got to bed at like 11pm and woke up without the familiar hangover after attending a 21st party. For me this was a big step in the process of being able to socialize without the drink or smoke.
Thankyou for your reply FLIP77
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:15 PM
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Ok thanks for the info Ainslie...
I do the same and research what im taking as well, it is hard to find a good GP in NZ cause most of the good ones go live in ozzy, but the doctor ive got now is the one who delivered me when I was born, so yeah i do trust him
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:55 PM
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Welcome, LBN! Good to have you with us. Probably best to see a doctor (and tell him exactly how much you drank and your experience with withdrawals). I had just a couple thoughts: First, could it be that during those evening hours you slow down enough to tune into your body more than during the day? I also know that when I'm stressed or tired, I occasionally notice a little confusion/brain fog and a lot of weariness similar to my early sobriety days.

Also, read up on PAWS (there's a thread about it around here somewhere). It helped me to understand that there can still be a lot of effects even after the initial withdrawal period.

Best of luck!!
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:59 PM
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Hey artsoul, I think that these symptoms I experience are physiological because when im physically working and doing things I dont really have any symptoms at all... Cheers...
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