
Days off from work

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Old 08-15-2010, 04:41 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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I have gotten so much painting done this weekend, I need to have a show:-) I've been more productive this past week than in the past year!
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:54 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Like Penny, I get a lot more done now even on a lazy day.

There are two things that messed with my mind in early sobriety: boredom and getting overwhelmed. The first month (or even two months) of sobriety they were really hard to deal with.There were a few days at first when I hung onto SR and just kept reminding myself "You don't HAVE to be happy right now. Normal people have boring days, too. Accept it!" Thank goodness those times never lasted more than a day or two.

Somehow it's not so bad now. The longer I'm sober, the less bored I seem to be. Nothing could really come into my life while I was drinking; I was so cut off. I didn't need anything. I was content to live life under anesthesia. When I felt that first onslaught of endless time without a drink, the days just dragged and nothing seemed to interest me.

Now that I'm opening myself up a little again, I'm picking up little blips on the radar and things are starting to bloom in my life, even without much effort. I don't know if it's an energy thing (like the law of attraction), but I've had friends call me that I haven't talked to in years, and even some hopeful business opportunities. So all I can say is: hang in there! The boredom may not go away overnight, but I'll bet there's a lot waiting for you (and all of us) right around the corner!
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Old 08-15-2010, 06:10 PM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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I had my first slip on a long weekend after 50 days of recovery. I am still very early in recovery and each day is a struggle. I work full time, go to AA almost every day and I do lots of other activities but I still have free time almost everyday. My doctor put me on Antabuse last week and I took my first dose on Friday. If it wasn't for that I know I would have slipped again this weekend. I'm hoping the Antabuse will be me sober for long enough that I can adjust my life to being sober and find out what I am supposed to be doing with my free time.
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Old 08-15-2010, 06:51 PM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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A lot of free time scares me. I can handle a weekend, but extended free time, particularly if I'm alone makes me a bit nervous.

There was a man in a meeting I was at a couple of weeks ago speaking about this. He was a doctor, and very eloquent, so when he speaks everyone really listens. He was so busy with his career that he didn't become an alcoholic until he retired at 65. Then boom, 4 months later he was going to rehab for a month. Now he is sober in his early 70's. He say's what did him in was all of the sudden free time in retirement with no responsibilities.
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