
June 2010 Sobriety Group

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Old 06-27-2010, 07:27 AM
  # 381 (permalink)  
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Checking in quickly before we're off on family vacation. To think I haven't had to worry about where i'm going to hide my bottle this time!

Love to all, glad this is here.
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Old 06-27-2010, 08:31 AM
  # 382 (permalink)  
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You sound Great! Congrats!

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Old 06-27-2010, 10:04 AM
  # 383 (permalink)  
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Day 10. Glad to see so many sticking with it and "in a good place" as Breakfree said. I know I won't drink today, but certainly do not feel in a good place. Hopefully the clouds will start letting the sun peek through at some point..I need some glimpses of sun to keep going. I do know that nothing I am going through will be made better by drinking, so onwards I go.
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:57 PM
  # 384 (permalink)  
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Evening to you all.

Day 15 is coming to an end. I am sat here, all sweaty, hair plastered to my head (makes a change from ME being plastered, loads of muck under my nails and soggy jeans because I turned the hosepipe on myself by accident. I've been gardening, digging, planting.weeding and watering. Oh, how feminine I look (not) at the minute.

Anyway, going to grab a bath, scrub my nails etc, do the packed lunches for tomorrow for the men in my life. a bit of ironing. Then I'm going to chill with a large glass of cranberry juice and soda! Mmmmmmmmmmm delicious!

Night night. xxxxx
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Old 06-27-2010, 01:33 PM
  # 385 (permalink)  
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Well Day 2 almost over - Day 3 here we come :-)

Well done to everyone - Keep it up
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Old 06-27-2010, 02:53 PM
  # 386 (permalink)  
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Yesterday was a great day for me, but today is AWFUL! It's amazing how quickly things can turn around. I've been trying SO HARD, but the rest of my family seems to be working against me today. Everyone has been tired and grumpy...ALL. DAY. LONG. And I'm the one running on the least amount of sleep. I've just about reached my breaking point and now I'm mad at my husband for leaving all the work to me and taking a nap. It's moments like these when I am usually RUNNING for a drink. And as much as I want to, I'm not going to. I guess I shouldn't really say I *want* to, I just don't want to feel this mad and frustrated. I hate feeling this way. So stressed and out of control...UGH! I need to go find some other way to relax...just wish I didn't need to make dinner, give the kids baths and put them to bed, clean up the house and fold the laundry. Not so relaxing :(

Today is one week for me. Tomorrow WILL be a better day! IT MUST! :)

Hope everyone is having a MUCH brighter day than mine!
See you all tomorrow!
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Old 06-27-2010, 02:56 PM
  # 387 (permalink)  
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Well that's just AWESOME SUPER71! Congrats!

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Old 06-27-2010, 03:02 PM
  # 388 (permalink)  
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Breakfree, I feel the EXACT same way as you do today!!! i take of the 2 dog, 2 cats and 9 1/2 month old. And everytime i ask him something he makes me repeat myself 3 times or just answers my ques with another ques. I want to punch him in the face (would never hit anyone) Ugh..No sleep, no support and all the work! Fun fun! Plus he still drinks the wine we have and it's damn good wine! But oh well, i am not talking to him at the moment. Pretending i am single today. Who knows if this keeps up, might be tomorrow!

Whew thanks for bringing it up so I could get my anger out!

Just know I feel your pain!

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Old 06-27-2010, 03:04 PM
  # 389 (permalink)  
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Crystal - I am right there with you on Day Two. It's almost over and I have passed my trigger points. Maybe the Kudzu is working for me. Day Three will be here before we know it.

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Old 06-27-2010, 04:16 PM
  # 390 (permalink)  
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Well done everyone. It's a new day tomorrow. xxx
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Old 06-27-2010, 04:29 PM
  # 391 (permalink)  
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..arn't the days so much better with a clearer view...

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Old 06-27-2010, 04:43 PM
  # 392 (permalink)  
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Thank you (((Beth)))!

I'm sorry you are feeling the same stress and frustration :(


Originally Posted by alexvt View Post
I want to punch him in the face (would never hit anyone)
...made me LOL! As I read that line, I could hear my own voice because that is seriously how frustrated and angry I felt earlier. Like you, I would never, but OH BOY! :O

It made me feel better getting it out too...After I posted, I went outside and tried to clear/change my thoughts. I knew/know alcohol will only mask the problems and make more for me tomorrow when I have to deal with everything I might have ignored tonight (I'm talking household management-type stuff). SO...I'm glad I pushed through it.

I am probably going to let most of my household stuff go for tonight because I'm exhausted, but at least I'll wake up tomorrow feeling rested and not poisoned.

Tomorrow WILL be a better day! :)
Take care everyone and I hope you all have a very peaceful night's sleep! :)
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Old 06-27-2010, 05:54 PM
  # 393 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by BreakFree View Post
Thank you (((Beth)))!

I'm sorry you are feeling the same stress and frustration


...made me LOL! As I read that line, I could hear my own voice because that is seriously how frustrated and angry I felt earlier. Like you, I would never, but OH BOY! :O

It made me feel better getting it out too...After I posted, I went outside and tried to clear/change my thoughts. I knew/know alcohol will only mask the problems and make more for me tomorrow when I have to deal with everything I might have ignored tonight (I'm talking household management-type stuff). SO...I'm glad I pushed through it.

I am probably going to let most of my household stuff go for tonight because I'm exhausted, but at least I'll wake up tomorrow feeling rested and not poisoned.

Tomorrow WILL be a better day!
Take care everyone and I hope you all have a very peaceful night's sleep!
No Thank You! Craziness! Have a good one! Talk tomorrow!
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Old 06-27-2010, 06:11 PM
  # 394 (permalink)  
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Today is day 15 for me. I had a little help from detoxing in the hospital and inpatient therapy. I start outpatient therapy tomorrow and will be going for 2 weeks. After 20 years of drinking I forgot what sober felt like. Other than being a little moody, it isn't bad.
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Old 06-27-2010, 06:26 PM
  # 395 (permalink)  
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Still only 6:30 here in LA. The witching, twitching hour where wine with dinner is just for beginners. But atlas, only tea for me...

See you all tomorrow!

Have a good night!

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Old 06-27-2010, 08:13 PM
  # 396 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by alexvt View Post
Still only 6:30 here in LA. The witching, twitching hour where wine with dinner is just for beginners. But atlas, only tea for me...

See you all tomorrow!

Have a good night!

Whoops meant Alas not atlas!
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Old 06-27-2010, 08:51 PM
  # 397 (permalink)  
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Glad to see everyone hanging in. I made it through 7 days, Day 8 tomorrow. It does get easier to say no to alcohol with practice.

I'm a little disappointed about something having nothing to do with alcohol. Won't bore you with the details, but I helped my parents find a condo here, they bought one based on my recommendations and today they saw it for the first time and didn't love it. Ughhhh..... Long story, but I was so excited for them to see it and when they came back from seeing it they were really negative about everything. I felt like crying.

Tomorrow is a new day, as Breakfree said. I've got more to do than I can possibly imagine, but at least will start the day without a hangover. I hope things look brighter after some sleep.

Night all!
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Old 06-27-2010, 08:55 PM
  # 398 (permalink)  
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You did a nice thing with good intent....but I'd never EVER buy anything like that for anyone, sight unseen, and I'd never let anyone do it for me.

Unless you're really lucky, it's a recipe for disappointment.

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Old 06-27-2010, 09:05 PM
  # 399 (permalink)  
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I know Dee, but they asked me to look at all the places for them since they couldn't do it themselves. I was trying to help them out and do what they wanted. Ughhh... I feel sick about it. I'm not going to drink over it -- I'm just a little sad tonight. I hope things will look better in the morning.
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Old 06-27-2010, 09:05 PM
  # 400 (permalink)  
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How disappointing... sometimes our first impressions are not the ones we end up with - hopefully they will grow to love it. Good luck with your busy day tomorrow!

I had a full day - toting my teenage daughter to her girlfriend's to go boating, ran to the market (no wine!), one of my boys had a friend over until 11 PM (!!) and I got some housework done and even made Martha Stewart of me (I am so NOT Tomorrow is my oldest boy's 12th bday. He is so excited could barely get to bed. So sweet. I am finishing up my hopefully LAST pack of cigs right now and attempting going smokefree tomorrow. Just noticed the time - it's now day 11.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Happy Monday!
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