
Normal Withdraw Symptoms??

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Old 04-22-2010, 10:28 AM
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Smile Normal Withdraw Symptoms??

Hi guys....

I have been an avid reader on this site but not so much a poster due to the lack of quiet time I have because of the kids. I have been wanting to quit drinking for quite some time and finally taken the steps to do so but am feeling really horrible pending the day.

I am not a heavy drinker, but I do love my wine. I honestly just love the taste of a very good red wine. With age (I am 36) wine seems to give me worsening headaches and a groggy/static feeling in the mornings. This even happens with just one glass. Anywhooo....My drinking has definitely dwindled over the years with occassional splurges on special occassions, but the feelings of how I feel afterwards are too much to bear...depresses, anxious....etc.

I have two kids who are terrific, 3 & 5....boys.....who, if I am not in the best state of mind, can trigger a lot of anger and outbursts. A big reason I want to quit drinking and be the best I can be. My husband is attempting to quit drinking with me as he can be an out-of-control drinker when left alone. So this whole process is difficult.

I just want to know if I am going to feel better. I hear some people are feeling sooo great right after stopping. I don't feel that way. I don't feel the clarity. I kinda feel just as worse as I do when I do drink minus the glass of wine in my hand.

Please wish me luck and say LOTS of prayers for me. Tonight is my Mom's Big 60th Bday bash at a country club and there will be lots of alcohol. I don't feel super tempted at the moment, but of course the wine in front of my face could change that. That and the fact I already feel like crap today so 'mize'll thrown some wine in with it.......your thoughts and advice.......
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Old 04-22-2010, 10:59 AM
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Welcome to SR!! Have you sought any recovery program? You can quit drinking but you must have support. I am the same age as you and even though I have cut way down in the past few years, I noticed it was hitting my body harder and harder.

I have had moments each day of sobriety where something goes bad and I think that same thought of oh why not. That isn't how you really feel every minute of the day since you want to be the best you can and take care of your boys who need you. I am also glad to see that your husband is also seeking sobriety.

I did not feel great after stopping that I will tell you. I wish it did but it was a week of hellish panic attacks before I quit and then my shakes, hallucinations, continued panic attacks, convulsions and vomiting for 8 hours straight and even through my nose. My face was peeled and red blotches everywhere....oh yeah my detox was a doozy. Once I got through that first day I still had and still do have some anxiety but with each day I had a little more "good" moments. The ones where you can see clearly and actually move and start looking at the positives because you are still here. So with that being said I feel great compared to where I was Day 1.

Remain positive and focus on the good in your life. There is so much out there and you will be at your best living a sober life.

Stay strong can do this!!
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Old 04-22-2010, 06:07 PM
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I am on day 4 myself. I was a big wine drinker - so I have been trying to exercise after work to find something else to do besides opening a bottle of wine. I have not been able to sleep much at all this week, but being tired in the morning from lack of sleep feels better than being hungover - and even though I am tired, my attitude and personality at work has greatly improved in this short period of time.. Man - looking back over the past few months - I could be a real "beeotch" Not who I really am at all.....

Also - I find myself snacking more (maybe its an oral thing -instead of sipping wine??)

Kmber2010 - you mentioned your face peeling and being blotchy - is that since you have stopped, or before you stopped? My face and lips have been super dry - but I was hoping that would improve once I stopped the daily dose of vino.....

Best wishes cleanlivin - let us know how it goes - We are in this together
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Old 04-22-2010, 06:16 PM
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I didn't feel good at all for several days after I stopped drinking. Physically and emotionally I was a mess. One thing I found is that I had ignored my physical health when I was drinking and things I hadn't noticed about my health became apparent when I stopped drinking. Talking to your dr is always a good idea.

As for being around alcohol in early recovery, I tried it and couldn't do it. I stayed away for a long time.
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Old 04-22-2010, 06:36 PM
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Clean, when you day you feel like rubbish, how long are you going without when you stay away from it? Is this more than 5 or 10 days? I quit drinking beer in Nov, and I can only vaguely remember symptoms. I remember thinking to myself that "this is a nice how do you do" when I would experience the same things as I did when drinking - although it could have been something else causing it, like a stomach flu. It depends on a lot of things, but I think the physical symptoms go away after the first couple of weeks. Mind over matter probably has something to do with it too. In other words, some people probably get a feeling of elation after they get past more than 2 weeks, because they are satisfied with an accomplishment. It's like the sun comes out, and...Oh, yeah! I can do this after all.
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Old 04-22-2010, 07:34 PM
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Welcome to SR!
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Old 04-23-2010, 01:53 PM
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how did things turn out cleanlivin?

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Old 04-23-2010, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by cleanlivin View Post

I just want to know if I am going to feel better. I hear some people are feeling sooo great right after stopping. I don't feel that way. I don't feel the clarity. I kinda feel just as worse as I do when I do drink minus the glass of wine in my hand.
Yeah I wonder that too. I stop for a few days and I have no energy, I'm cranky and depressed; even tho I sleep great at night.

Keep with it...I'm right there with you. Good luck!
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