
in search of a Hobby..any recs?

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Old 04-11-2010, 10:09 AM
  # 1 (permalink)  
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in search of a Hobby..any recs?

Hello all,

I am starting my 3rd and hopefully last attemt to quit. Once in 2008 and then last November. I can identify some factors that made me relapse. The main one is listening to the voice telling me that I could control one or two drinks. One month I handled it and as posted before the relapses are more severe. Another factor is my way of life and company. Even though I am the one who drinks the most my friends go out drinking from Wednesday to Saturday.

I have been lucky several times not to end up in jail or in the hospital. I have flash backs of the few last weekends commiting severe misdemeanors. I think its a call for action...never in the past I have lost control like this and it will get worse!

Back to the point...I want to learn other ways to have fun. PLease recommend hobbies and activities to keep us away from the drinking. Its hard because I feel as if I've lost the ability to enjoy everything as I used to. I numbed my senses and happyness with alcohol.

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Old 04-11-2010, 10:29 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Hey there Hoper!

Welcome to SR! I've found that getting sober is much more than just finding hobbies or activities to distract me from drinking. It's really an inside job - I had to want to get sober first and do whatever it took to get there in terms of a physical, emotional and mental change.

I found my way through an excellent counselor who specialized in alcoholism, others have found it through AA - there's lots of programs available - it's a matter of wanting to do the work in finding what works for you.

Posting here is a great start because it's important to have a support network - with sober people who understand and have been there.
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Old 04-11-2010, 10:50 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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When I first quit, I made physical activity and time outdoors in nature a big part of my recovery. I walked, lifted weights, rode my bike and swam, and found that being tired at night and falling right to sleep was a huge help. I also upped my work hours.

Later, I grew tired of having only friends who drank for entertainment. SR was my main form of support when I quit up until about the 10 month mark, but then I decided I wanted to meet some people who did other things with their time besides drink in my town. I started attended AA meetings, which I had been avoiding. I met some really great people there, and I get lots of really useful suggestions on living sober. The AA community here has camp outs, bbqs, bowling nights and cruises. They have dances at our alano club, and groups of people even go "bar hopping" on the weekends to catch the local live bands.

I don't do all of that stuff, only some. I spend a lot of time reading, researching and enhancing my recovery progress. I do a lot more art, make time for people who need me, and spend as much time outdoors as I can.

I have been sober 15 months, and my life is full and rich and I rarely find the time to be bored. Congratulations on your decision to get sober.
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Old 04-11-2010, 01:10 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Gypsy Feet View Post
When I first quit, I made physical activity and time outdoors in nature a big part of my recovery. I walked, lifted weights, rode my bike and swam, and found that being tired at night and falling right to sleep was a huge help. I also upped my work hours.

Later, I grew tired of having only friends who drank for entertainment. SR was my main form of support when I quit up until about the 10 month mark, but then I decided I wanted to meet some people who did other things with their time besides drink in my town. I started attended AA meetings, which I had been avoiding. I met some really great people there, and I get lots of really useful suggestions on living sober. The AA community here has camp outs, bbqs, bowling nights and cruises. They have dances at our alano club, and groups of people even go "bar hopping" on the weekends to catch the local live bands.

I don't do all of that stuff, only some. I spend a lot of time reading, researching and enhancing my recovery progress. I do a lot more art, make time for people who need me, and spend as much time outdoors as I can.

I have been sober 15 months, and my life is full and rich and I rarely find the time to be bored. Congratulations on your decision to get sober.
So Awesome!! I really needed that, thank you!
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Old 04-11-2010, 03:21 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Hi Hoper

We have a list here of things to do that may kick start some ideas.

Just keeping busy and occupied isn't always enough for some of us to turn our lives around, though - I know it wasn't for me.

If you find the same, I hope you'll think about some of the other suggestions people have made here

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Old 04-11-2010, 03:29 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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How you gonna stop that little voice?
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Old 04-11-2010, 03:49 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
bona fido dog-lover
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My 'hobby' is feeding and sheltering the stray cats in my neighborhood. And now that I'm not spending so much money on wine every day I have more money for cat food and such. I have two dogs and three cats and can't afford any more animals, but at least the homeless kitties have me to look out for them.

Don't know how you feel about animals, but maybe volunteering at an animal shelter might be a good thing to do and make you feel good about yourself too. (or a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen)
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Old 04-11-2010, 03:59 PM
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I put some time and effort into my house...which i never did when I was too hung-over. I am cleaning out my mother's house (to sell) and i also upped my hours at work. I am spending more time on myself, my appearance and as others have said, physical work-outs help me to be much less depressed and sleep well.

now that good weather is here i like to be outside too....I just started reading for entertainment again.
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Old 04-11-2010, 04:07 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Psalm 118:24
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You never mentioned if, you got to AA. We hve camp outs spring, summer and fall. I go sailing on weekends, comedy clubs, baseball games, concerts movies are good to go to. Take a vacation to somewhere you've wanted to go but have always put it off
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:50 PM
  # 10 (permalink)  
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Thanks all for your posts!

I did go to my first AA meeting today and heard some great stories, some sad as well but it felt good.

I guess this time I will try to shut down the little voice with the bigbook (got my copy today) and understanding that I have no will against alcohol.

I definitely need to shape up so that will be a priority, working out. Outdoors activities sound good, i just need to gather a couple of sober friends to enjoy the sun.

I guess I have some catch up to do with my studies and work so I can keep my self busy. This is a good start.

I am excited to start this journey but a little afraid given that my whole lifestyle evolved around alcohol.

Thanks for the support!
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Old 04-11-2010, 07:20 PM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Welcome to SR, Hoper! Looks like you're off to an awesome start!
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Old 04-11-2010, 07:24 PM
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I guess this time I will try to shut down the little voice with the bigbook (got my copy today) and understanding that I have no will against alcohol.

hoper...sorry my post may have sounded flipant.
but im glad you noticed it.......

my life has turned into something wonderful.
but only after i got to grips with the depth of the problem and found a solution to the obssesion (little voices)..

in the bigbook you have, i found a solution to my chronic alcoholism.
laid out simply in the form of 12 steps.
i hope you find the book as vital as i did and wish you peace and freedom.
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Old 04-12-2010, 08:35 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
Forward we go...side by side-Rest In Peace
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Here is a list of things to do instead of drinking
It was compiled several years ago by SR members.
Perhaps you can find something of interest....

150 Things To Do Instead of Drinking

1. Read a book
2. Take a walk
3. Play a musical instrument
4. Knit
5. Clean your closets
6. Research your genealogy
7. Cook a gourmet dinner
8. Write an article for your local newspaper
9. Go take some pictures
10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
11. Start writing that book you've been planning
12. Plan a garden
13. Plant a garden
14. Play with a pet
15. Read to a child
16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
17. Watch a news special on TV
18. Set up a family budget
19. Make a web site
20. Take up archery
21. Exercise
22. Go to an online recovery meeting
23. Surf the internet
24. Call your mom
25. Learn a foreign language
26. Write a poem
27. Play golf
28. Take a bubble bath
29. Draw
30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
31. Take a nap
32. Listen to music
33. Paint
34. Clean your desk
35. Start a stamp collection
36. Go window shopping
37. Browse in a book store
38. Go to an art gallery
39. Go for a drive
40. Paint a room
41. Watch the clouds go by
42. Play darts
43. Do target shooting
44. Do home repairs
45. Clean your garage
46. Sort your photographs
47. Make a scrapbook
48. Climb a tree
49. Plant a tree
50. Make marmalade
51. Make a list of things to do
52. Write a letter to the editor
53. Volunteer somewhere
54. Take a hike
55. Take a college class
56. Try yoga
57. Meditate
58. Get a massage
59. Make fruit smoothies
60. Bake cookies
61. Do a crossword puzzle
62. Go to the gym
63. Plant a color bowl
64. Sharpen your pruning tools
65. Change your engine oil
66. Sew
67. Groom your dog
68. Go see a play
69. Write a sonnet
70. Sort your recipes
71. Play solitaire
72. Go bird watching
73. Write a letter to a friend
74. Read a poetry book
75. Repot your houseplants
76. Go to a movie
77. Mow your lawn
78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
79. Make pickles
80. Go jogging
81. Watch sitcoms
82. Plan menus for a diet
83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
84. Play chess
85. Write a country-western song
86. Watch a video
87. Go for a bike ride
88. Plant an herb garden
89. Start an online journal
90. Dye your hair
91. Go to a restaurant
92. Lift weights
93. Bake some bread
94. Learn a martial art
95. Polish the furniture
96. Make a flower arrangement
97. Read the newspaper
98. Start some seeds
99. Sort your magazines
100. Do some laundry.
111. Take a nature walk
112. Play with your kids
113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
114. Volunteer at a school
115. Pick up garbage in a park
116. Tickle your kids
117. Play basketball
118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
119. Read to a child or pet
120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
122. Spend time at the library
123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
124. Help your kid organize his closet.
125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
128. Make tortillas from scratch (better).
129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
130. Tango
131. Learn about someone else’s religion.
132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
133. Key out a wildflower.
134. Do your nails.
135. Do word puzzles.
136. Play a board game.
137. Burn CD’s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
138. Plant a bonsai.
139. Play Mad Libs.
140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
141. Read poetry online.
142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
143. Set up a domino topple.
144. Play backgammon.
145. Build a house of cards
146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
147. Read a world almanac.
148. Publish a family newsletter.
149. Throw cards at a hat.
150. Go to bed.
In early sobriety....I connected to an AA group that
had mostly singles. We did all sorts of interesting
things outside of meetings.
We had a blast...and we stayed sober together...
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