
Back again Just a word about weaning

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Old 03-19-2010, 07:05 PM
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Back again Just a word about weaning

I know this is a very controversial subject and one which I have disagreed with in the past. But I have been sober again for 15 days and this time I actually made it without withdrawals by weaning.

I never agreed it could be done. But having gone through horrible withdrawals I was more afraid of that than trying this way. I had my non alcoholic spousal equivalant take my keys and money and cards away. I went from about a 750 bottle of vodka and worked my way down to a few light beers in about a week and a few days.

Yes I had some shakes and the night issues of sleeping and waking with a start but it sure beat the full blown stuff I was so afraid of. He would dole out my ration and that was it. I know it's not for everyone but this time, at least at the moment, it is working for me. I really have no cravings as I seriously wanted to stop but the symptoms were just too much. So I kept going.

I know I will get bashed for this method and I have disagreed in the past too. But I think with the support I received it was so much easier this time. Sure I wanted more but that was not an option. I feel so much better with a clear head and so happy I did not go through the vomiting, tremors, etc.

Mods you can remove this if you think it is contradictory to your thinking, but I wanted people to hear another view. One that normally does not work. In this week, I have signed up for school and applied for a rare job that comes our way! I am very happy and excited about my new chance.

This is NOT for everyone. But I wanted to share this as I have been trying off and on for so long. Today is a new day for me and so is tomorrow!!
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:15 PM
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I'm so glad to know you've de-toxed! Congrats! I de-toxed many, many times at home. What I needed to stay sober and be peaceful was a plan for recovery. I got my life together using AA and Rational Recovery. Also, therapy.

So, if you start feeling shaky emotionally, you might consider using a program or plan.


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Old 03-19-2010, 07:22 PM
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Hi wantto

I'm glad it worked out for you. It never did for me tho

People always do what they want LOL - but I tend to think if you're that ill that you actually need alcohol, you're always best off under a doctors supervision - & I think most of us would agree that's the safest option

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Old 03-19-2010, 07:34 PM
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I have been to my dr. many times and discussed if the wd's got too bad go to the ER STAT. He gave me a few pills for anti seizure and I have had my bloodwork check many times. I did it under medical supervision and am well aware of the serious warning signs.

I think the home support made such a difference this time. I really really wanted to stop but to stop from a 750 bottle to cold turkey is painful. I've done it. So I thought I'd give it a shot again with weaning. Believe me I'm not an idiot and know the signs of a dangerous wd because I have been in the hospital for them.

I have tried AA a few times. Not really for me, but I have the big book on line that I like to read and pull out the stuff that helps. Thanks for the advise on the doc though, but I have done that.
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:39 PM
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I think I was sooo determined but can't afford rehab and wd's make me want to die! So I hope this time sticks because I guess quitting didn't make me feel so deprived and now I really don't think about it all that much. I pray every day to please keep me strong.

I know I'm an alcoholic and need to stay stopped. I want to see all my kids grow up! The cold turkey thing I think was hard for me because one day I could drink it up and the next nothing. But like I said strong stern home support has really helped me with the weaning thing.
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Old 03-20-2010, 05:14 AM
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bona fido dog-lover
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I'm glad the weaning worked for you. Are you sober now? Do you have a plan on how you are going to stay sober? Lots of programs out there, and a lot of people here just use SR as their recovery program.

Welcome to sobriety!
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Old 03-20-2010, 05:24 AM
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good for you and the sobriety... you did it the way that works for you. now, don't take on too much (school, job,etc.) even though you may feel like superman

baby steps... some days its ALL i can do just to not drink that day.

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Old 03-20-2010, 06:11 AM
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I guess some dont have the luxury of a medical detox under supervision.
i wonder where id be if i didn't live in the UK with free medical.
i have detoxed before without medical intervention and got into serious problems.

Ive had lots of help to detox........that tells me one thing.
i can get sober but i cant stay sober and eventually return to the old solution.

in that book you have on-line is a 12 step program of recovery.
yeah yeah i cant be that easy.

i was wasn't that easy but i never did drink again and recovered from that hopeless merry-go-round.
if your an alcoholic and find you cannot stay sober i would suggest a sponsor and working through that book you have.

it didn't only change my saved it.
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Old 03-20-2010, 08:34 AM
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same happened to me...i detoxed last year from drinking around 6-infinity per day for years and did it at a detox facility. It was absolutely painful, but the meds and attention you get are great. If I would have done it on my own I would probably be dead- my BP was off the charts even with hard core BP meds they were giving me. I relapsed- which sucks- and around 3 weeks ago stopped after weaning to around 4 (real number) beers per day. I had symptoms and checked my BP at home couple of times per day and it was manageable. I do recommend inpatient detox dr help though for heavy drinkers- it removes you from the poison, and focuses you on what the objective is- sometimes thats hard at home.
I have found that the detox, as weird as it may be, is the easy part. Once you get over that you have to KNOW that alcohol is still in your brain and wants you back. Just my experience.....I am on day 1 again now...with a good attitude. Best of luck and stay strong.
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Old 03-20-2010, 08:41 AM
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I'm glad you're doing well!
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Old 03-20-2010, 10:37 AM
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The Big Book on line is I believe the same as you get at AA. I have a friend who is a recovering alcoholic with two years+ sober who I am going to be working with. She had the luxury of good insurance and was able to go to a 30 day in-patient treatment program.

SR is very helpful too. Wonderful people in all different stages.

Yes I am sober now and the world looks different. It was hard this way too because you don't want to stop at 4 or 3 or 2!! But I wake up and feel great and for the first time since I have been trying to quit and starting up again I don't wake up thinking about the next drink. As for taking on too much it is just one class, not full out full time and I've yet to get the job. I am just trying to focus on me right now.

Thanks for all the well wishes and here's to a sober weekend!
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Old 03-20-2010, 07:31 PM
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Forward we go...side by side-Rest In Peace
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Wishing you all the best a sober life offers....
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Old 03-21-2010, 07:33 AM
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I couldn't care less what methods someone uses to get clean & sober, so long as it works for them. Congrats and i hope you find longterm recovery and happiness.
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