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Old 02-27-2010, 04:54 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
Miracles Happen
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Trish you beat that Rat again, cunning, baffling, powerful. Good for you. Keep the gratitude flowing!!!!
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:51 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Aysha View Post
Yep..yall know me too well. The old me sure was trying to sabotage the situation. I talked to my councelor and got some things out.
Time to put the big girl pants on.
I swear on everything I love...I am going to see this through. All the way to the end and then some.
Excellent choice to talk to your counsellor! Keep up the great work, you have the strength and the will to see it through. I'm rooting for you behind the scenes! You've come so far, and every day you stick with it is such an achievement.

Huge credit to you for living with 15 strangers... I know I couldn't do it. This certainly illustrates your commitment to seeing this through!

You may not realize this, but you are one of the many people on this site who's posts help me along the way. I draw strength from your strength.
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