
trying to quit oxycontin

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Old 02-12-2010, 03:56 AM
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trying to quit oxycontin

hello every one i am new to this site and am not to sure on how to use it. i am using one to two 80 miligram pills everyday, and i am kinda scared of the withdrawls...i felt like i was in controll untill the other day when i just stopped cold turkey and all i could think of was how i could get more, getting cold sweats, and i went and got some and obviously the symptoms went away...ive heard stories of people getting really deep into this stuff such as smoking 4-5 pills a day or moving to herion...i need to quit while im ahead but i seriously need some help...when i try to quit my life becomes pretty depressing and i dont want to do anything and im tired all day long...can some one tell me how long this is going to last??? i feel like if i knew i would have something to look foward to, i really dont want to lose controll of my life and i can feel it slowly slipping away...what should i do or what can i do, or am i going to feel like crap for the rest of my life if i dont have some kind of oppiate in my system??? ive been off of it for about 24 hours and i feel like i need some more and im already thinking of ways i can get some going to fight it and keep myself occupied but i dont know how long i can last...i really hope i can do it
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:08 AM
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Welcome so SR. You are in a great place for support. Keep busy, enlist friends that you trust and are trustworthy to help you. Reach out when you need to. I do hope you are successful in your attempt to get through the withdrawals and have a plan in place to avoid relapse.
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:13 AM
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i just dont know what to do right now or where to go...i am to embarassed to tell any one and i just want to be done with it...i have done so many wrong things i dont know if i can ever be forgiven...whats the best thing i can do for withdrawls
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:40 AM
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I don't know about medical advice. SR doesn't encourage or promote it. Having recently lost a loved one due to overdose during relapse, the most encouragement I can offer you at this time is along this thought process. When you are clean - you will earn respect, self respect, self confidence, integrity, dignity and sobriety. Have you been to a meeting in your area. There is no reason to be ashamed.
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:54 AM
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Hi Sbfell

Insulated is right - we can't give out medical advice - that would be best coming from a doctor - it's in your best interests.

You'll find a lot of support and experience here tho - both here and in our substance abuse forum

Substance Abuse - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

Welcome to SR
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:58 AM
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My ABF would try at home (and to hide it....yes I was naive) he had such severe flu like symptoms that I'd rush out to the store and buy ensure, aspirin, etc. He would soak in the tub and try to sleep alot. Every one withdraws so differently, but the irritation and short fuse is pretty normal, temporary too. I wish you much success.
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:41 PM
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i am really sorry to hear about your loss, it really hurts me to hear that and it makes me feel like im wasting peoples time...i dont know why but it does, i just want to know that i will be succesfull and to hear from you all really does help, it gives me something to look foward to...ive never been to any classes and i dont know where to go if there are any near is only my second day off of this junk and i feel like i dont want to do anything but sleep all day, its so depressing cuz i use to be so full of life and now i dont do anything...where should i go and who should i see, i dont have health insurance right now and im pretty broke...any suggestions???
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:47 PM
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If you put 'free clinics tacoma' into a search engine, you'll find a lot of hits.
It might be a start

Here are some NA links for meetings around yr area
PCANA - Home
NA Meetings in Tacoma, Washington - InTheRooms Meeting Wiki

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Old 02-12-2010, 04:14 PM
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Hi and Welcome,

You've gotten some really good advice here, and I wish you well!
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:26 PM
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Welcome to SR! You're in the right place.

I'm a recovering addict as well and my DOC (drug of choice) was also opiates. First of all, RELAX! I know it's hard to do when you're feeling like crap about yourself. I'm not minimizing your problem at all when I say this, but if you were only using one to two 80 mg. Oxy's a day, I would think that your withdrawls would be very minimal. Now, this is only my opinion, ok? But that's good news for you! You're on your second day clean, right? I've been through detox for opiates more times than I can count so I can say for me, the first three days were the worst.

Your reaction to the Oxy's sounds like the same way they effected me and many other addicts. Instead of the pills knocking us out, they hyped us up. I know at the beginning of my addiction, when I used some opiates, I turned into what I thought was Superwoman. My house was spotless, the laundry was all done, I'd cook a big meal for my Son and husband (before the divorce) I had a dessert ready . . . sure signs that I was high. It seems like most people who get addicted to opiates have this same reaction, energy rather than being knocked out cold.

I'd strongly suggest finding some AA or NA Meetings in your area. I imagine when you read AA that your first thought is, "I'm not an Alcoholic" You don't have to be. Narcotics Anonymous is centered pretty much around the same concept and principals as Alcoholics Anonymous. Where I live, there are a lot more AA Meetings than NA. You can google Alcoholics Anonymous in your city and you'll probably have quite a bit of Meetings pop up.

I hope you stay clean and get some help so you don't end up like I did or sadly probably millions of other addicts. I used for 32 years with 25 of those years being heavily addicted to opiates. Those pills cost me so much more than I care to even mention. Get help now before you get in deeper. I know today and tomorrow are going to be rough days but you can do it. If you feel like sleeping, sleep! Let your body rest through the remainder of the time that the drugs are coming out of your system. Long, hot relaxing baths are also a big help. Stay away from caffeine, you don't need anything else to make you feel jittery. If you still have diarrhea, get yourself something for it at the drug store. But know that you won't have it for much longer.

Be proud of yourself for realizing that you have a problem and reaching out for help. That's the first step, admitting you have a problem that you need help with. Stay on here as long as you need to, that's what SR is all about, addicts helping other addicts, alcoholics helping other alcoholics, etc. I'm proud to say that I have 4.5 years Clean & Sober and by helping you stay clean today helps me stay clean today.

God Bless,
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