
Day One - I hope I can do this.

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Old 02-02-2010, 05:31 AM
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Day One - I hope I can do this.

First real day today - so nervous about how to do this. Dreading the weekend and how to get through it, how do you go from doing something to abstaining. I have to - I drink just over a bottle of red wine now and barely remember what I drink after that. i went out with friends on saturday for 3 hours and ended up in an absolute state and did not even know how i managed it.

I really hate it but all i can think is what will i do at the weekend when I can't have my glass (bottle or two) of wine to chaill out with!!

Why is it so hard to give up something that I hate. I'm not sure I can do this.
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Old 02-02-2010, 05:36 AM
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Why is it so hard to give up something I hate?

oh so true, so true.

Stick around. This place will grow on you and you will learn new things about your addiction and gain perspective. I did.
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Old 02-02-2010, 05:41 AM
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Hi John and welcome.
I found it so hard to give up something I hated, because I'm an alcoholic. 'Big time'
At first it seems almost impossible, but once you experience that wonderful feeling of waking up sober with no hangover, you want it much more than the buzz from drinking.

how do you go from doing something to abstaining
Anything you ever wanted to do and didn't because you were too drunk.
Keep reading and posting. This place is amazing when it comes to advise and support.
Also please seek medical help if you feel you are struggling.

Keep us informed.
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Old 02-02-2010, 05:50 AM
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HI Johnooo, i am like you a winehead, only on the 9th day, i just went through the first
weekend, an came through, dont get me wrong there were big moments of mental discomfort, were i could have cracked in an instant, but came through, kept real busy
i did actually use alcohol free lagers sun, they helped though i know many here against
these substitutes, dont get me wrong ive a lot lot more weekends to get through but
havin done the first in a long while, and mentally re,inforced my beleif and conviction
as to why i need do this, feel im equipped with the tools necessary to come through.
good luck to you to.
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Old 02-02-2010, 05:53 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
bona fido dog-lover
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You CAN do this. Just do it one day at a time. Do'nt drink today. Repeat tomorrow. There are also recovery programs to help you stay sober. The most well known is AA. I'm staying sober with the help of some meetings, my alcoholism counselor, and SR.

As CarolD said: you have to want to be sober more than you want to drink. For me, I'm afraid of what might happen if I drink again. I'm in my late 50's and don't know if I have any more 'recovery' left in me... and don't want to find out the hard way. I like my sober self a lot better than my drinking self and like waking up sober and feeling good.

You can do this. Lean on us for support and do check out the many recovery programs available.

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