
Party Energy

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Old 01-22-2010, 11:30 PM
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Party Energy

Hi all,

Once again I cannot sleep. I have read that this can be a problem with early sobriety but it has been 44 days since my last drink. I think something else is at work for me.

My husband and I love to entertain, always have. Hopefully always will. We have made financial committments to various sports and non-profits in our community. We are obligated to enertain and be entertained. I love the socializing. I love the people, the energy, the conversations and once again, the people.

My trouble is that I come back home or after people leave I find that I am ALIVE. I cannot sleep, concentrate, etc. Usually I am the designated driver and wait until I am home to have a glass (yes one glass) of wine or beer or I am the host and have had a few drinks at the party. Then sleep is no problem.

Here is my problem. What do I do when I don't drink? This is where I am tonight. WIDE awake, tired but wired. Things I have tried ... bath milk call to friend
...(ahem) relations
...late night TV

Still I am awake. I am not going to drink, that has not been a problem. But I have to sleep! Melatonin did not work, neither did antihistamines (sp). I love coming here but, sleep is better.

Any advice?

Thank you all for being here, you are so valuable to me.

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Old 01-22-2010, 11:50 PM
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I had a lot of trouble with insomnia in my first six months particularly. I recommend cutting out any stimulants like coffee, tea, soda etc. Get physcially active. Get up early no matter what time you go to bed and don't have sleep ins when you're not working. I was routinely not getting more than 3-4 hours of sleep a night and everyone just laughed and said 'oh no one can sleep in early recovery', but for me I ended up having an anxiety related breakdown and was off work for nearly 2 months. After that my dr gave me sleeping pills for a few weeks and I did everything I could to change my lifestyle to improve my sleep. It's really lifestyle management, not just a quick fix.

Not being able to sleep can be really serious. If you are not getting enough sleep on a consistent basis, go talk to your dr.
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Old 01-23-2010, 12:05 AM
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I went to AA and worked the steps, i sleep like a baby and have done since about the fourth week of should try it beats any sleeping pills:-)
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Old 01-23-2010, 12:06 AM
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All I can say is that for me it stopped being a problem after about three months. I tried everything (except ahem, wasn't available), and I didn't find anything that helped, it just resolved itself. I wish I could be more help, I know it's maddening. Hang in there.
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Old 01-23-2010, 12:32 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Hi 55438, if i only had and was happy with one glass of wine at the end of the day,
and 2 or 3 at special ocassions i wouldnt bother giving up, as i dont think that type of
in control management drinking is any problem! and probably healthier than many of these drugs the docs dish out like jellybabies! with side effects of all kinds, however i
can only presume you cannot manage or control your intake, or you wouldnt be here?
high energy levels, hyper activity,me also, i personally think you can spend all that
energy on positive activity, work projects,sports, bedroom activity... so as to be ready
for a good sleep at the end of the day! being contented with a constructive days activity, this is only my third day of today, and just begining to feel how good it is
to refind enthusiasm, energy, positivity, keep up your good work, and i want to spend it all wisely, good day and good way forward to all, be Happy.
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Old 01-23-2010, 04:16 AM
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Hey 55. I can relate. I used to drink "because it helps me sleep", hee hee........

I have nights like that AND over the holidays and with a memorial service I had gone to there were a few parties I attended and I also left feeling "alive". Lot's of mock Diet Coke cocktails. Gave me a killer headache and had to use the bathroom at least five times when I got home, LOL!!!

I have nights where I'll just lay in bed and while I know it's time for sleep my body isn't ready.

I don't even fight it any more and that's what seems to help the most. I put a movie in, find some good late shows to watch and just go with it. It seems without fail I nod off VERY soon after.

I used to do that clock watching thing and that just made it worse.

Even with my late night parties and all that diet coke, I was a little amped from all the caffeine and same thing........... just found something to watch on TV, got comfy and before I knew it I was Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................

Hee hee...... good luck!!
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Old 01-23-2010, 05:16 AM
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I've always had trouble sleeping after gigs (even tho I don't do that as much these days)'s the wired feeling one gets from adrenaline IMO and I don't think there's anyway to hasten the process up (for me anyway).

I do find tho that I tend to go to sleep *easier* these days - being a non drinker and smoker - than in all the years before.

I usually just lie down and read and, sooner or later, it does the trick

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