
Day 02 and struggling...

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Old 01-20-2010, 07:57 AM
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Day 02 and struggling...

Day 2 for me and I'm in that danger period, the period inbetween coming home from work and going to bed. Just so used to drinking in this time, cravings are intense and not sure how to get rid of them. So I've decided to come online and visit the forum, reading your posts helps alot but there is always that evil voice in my head sayin " just one more, you can stop tomorrow"

I will not give into that voice anymore, I will wake up sober tomorrow morning. Just want to get through today...
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Old 01-20-2010, 08:02 AM
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Change your routine when you get home from work. If you sat or hung out in a certain spot to drink, don't go there!

Try doing something different like going for a walk, call a friend, clean your house- whatever sounds fun to you to pass the time.

I also encourage you to write your feelings in a journal.
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Old 01-20-2010, 08:19 AM
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Changing my routine worked wonders for me, in the early days.

I began to establish new routines and patterns and it really helped.
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Old 01-20-2010, 08:46 AM
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Same song from this choir member. I had to definitely change my routine in the beginning. We ate a lot of breakfast food for dinner so that I would not crave the wine. I don't like pancakes and wine together and so that worked for me. Also went outside and played with my son and my dogs.
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:39 AM
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I am with the others, your normal pattern has to go.......that's what they taught me when I went to this thing years ago to quit smoking. It works.

Love the idea about breakfast food Horselover! LOL.....

Change it up Mag.......I used to watch alot of stand up comedy.......something to take me away from my own problems......pamper yourself with something for being good....a massage perhaps? You can do this, all of us have faced what you face now. I am a scant 13 days into this and every single day gets better. I still have life's problems but now at least I can figure out how to deal with them from a clearer perspective.

Keep posting......lots of peeps to help you here.
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:50 AM
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Keep strong M4life.
As the others said you have to find new activities to replace the drinking.
There is a list of things to do that was composed by everyone here a while back at the top of the Newcomers section.
besides going to the gym and coming here I don't do much else but I have discovered that I am just a lazy old man.
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:59 AM
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Bundle up and go for a walk, busy yourself with household chores (so much fun, I know!), get to an AA meeting, do something that always interested you but you were too wrapped up in drinking to try it (painting, journaling, playing a musical instrument, whatever.) Meet up with an old friend for coffee. I know it's rough right now but it doesn't take long before it gets easier. I am only on day 24 and I've already become pretty comfortable with a new routine. You can do it!
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:38 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
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I think you should try to be arund other people as much as possible. Even coming online helps me. I've said it a thousand times, isolating yourself is the worst thing you can do.
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Old 01-20-2010, 12:19 PM
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As Lost said, try going to some AA meetings. I was in your exact position and without the help of AA I never would have made it. At first I had no idea of what they were talking about, and early on I went to a few meetings that were populated with jerks. So I found other meetings. But sitting in a meeting with people who were struggling just like me was a great alternative to sitting home alone listening to all those voices in my head telling me that "Hell,you can start tomorrow" or my favorite one "All you need to do is learn to control your drinking. But I stuck around the meetings and learned what the program was all about. And as I worked the program, one day at a time, the cravings lessened and the committee in my head quieted down. And life got better and better and better....So give it a shot. It's free and there's always lousy coffee available.
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