
In Search Of...

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Old 11-25-2009, 01:10 PM
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In Search Of...

Hello, my name is Emily and I'm 24 year old speed user from Texas. Been using for 5 years, and now I'm working on my sobriety. Just began NA meetings about 2 months ago.. trying to get clean time. Since quitting meth, I've been regularly using prescription amphetamine to keep sane, but my goal is to quit that as well eventually, though I don't know when.

I have a hard time on forums, because I am a meth user... therefore I'm paranoid, so I don't like to share all my thoughts/feelings on a forum for the world to see. I'm going to try to on this site though.. It seems safe enough. And I really want to get sober. However, I would love to meet someone who is interested in communicating regularly through email about recovery, life, and personal subjects. Male or female is fine by me. Just someone honest and open.

If anyone out there is a recovering speed user who would like to develop a friendship over email please contact me. Thanks.

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Old 11-25-2009, 01:17 PM
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Looking For Myself...Sober
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Welcome Emily.
This is a very safe board. Our mods and administrators and even the members all do a great job at seeing to that.
I have always felt very comfortable and safe here.
I dont use speed but am a cocaine addict. Sorta the same behaviors I think. Paranoia and racing everything.
There are alot of great people here that are very supportive and understanding.
Glad you are here.
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Old 11-25-2009, 01:23 PM
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Hi Emily

Good to have you with us.

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Old 11-25-2009, 01:39 PM
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Cool, thanks. Ya I'm looking forward to opening up a little. Any time I want to talk about my "problems" my head tells me to shut up because I don't have a problem.
I always tell myself, "Are you so desparate and alone and pathetic that you don't have anything better to do that start conversations with people with real problems, trying to convince someone else that you have a problem too?" It's like, my mind feels embarassed about the problem, so I tell myself that I'm making up a problem for attention or something.

It drives me ******* nuts.. like I'm crazy or something.

But I'm finally telling my mind to shut up...
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Old 11-25-2009, 02:51 PM
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Looking For Myself...Sober
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I use to do that all the time. I couldnt accept that I was an addict and recently that I have some mental issues. But minimizing your probles will only keep you using and sick.
Let the professionals decide whether you have a problem or not. Or thats why we reach out to others so they can help us see what we cant sometimes.
I think you have a very valid problem. Doing drugs is def a problem. And can cause mental issues. I know mine stem from many yrs of drug use.
Dont be ashamed here. We are all in this together.
We never judge or put down or minimze anyone here.
I think you will see that the more you read and interact.
This board has really done so much for me. Without SR I wouldnt have even kept trying.
I have found a wonderful group of people here and they truly care.
You can always come here and vent, rant, ask questions, share and even try and help another with your own experience.
Its how all this works. We help each other.
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Old 11-25-2009, 02:55 PM
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Hi and Welcome,

There is lots of support here, so I'm glad you found us.
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