
Recreational cocaine use help

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Old 11-16-2009, 07:32 AM
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Recreational cocaine use help

30 years I have used cocaine mainly on a weekend night and ONLY when drinking. I don't drink or use coke during the week or during the day. I feel I need it to go out. Last time I used was a week ago and I haven't felt any urge to do it since. I have an 8-ball and haven't touched it but if I were to go out this week I would take it and do about 3-4 lines during the night and be home before midnight. I binge drink when I use.

I am 55 and I am finding my hangovers are really bad and lasting longer and longer and I am experiencing depression. I want to quit. Based on others experience do I need rehab? Any suggestions? Thanks
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Old 11-16-2009, 07:58 AM
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Wow. I dont have alot to say. Because I dont have any experience in recreational use.
That ball wouldnt stand a chance ion my hands. It would be gone in hours and I would be trying to get more and not stop until I either passed out form being awake for days or couldnt get anymore up my nose. But the addict in me would still find a way to get it up there.
If you feel you have a rpoblem and that this is affecting your life and health in a bad way. Then I think you should seek some kind of help. I cant make that call to what kind of help you get.
But doing even a little bit of drugs is bad.
I am sure more people will be along to help more.
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Old 11-16-2009, 08:21 AM
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I think you should talk to your dr if you're not sure about choosing rehab or not.

I agree with you, that the older we get, the harder it is on our bodies to recover. I wish you well.
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Old 11-16-2009, 09:56 AM
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I was a recreational, weekend user in my 20's and early 30's. No rehab, just stopped getting it and was fine. Haven't touched it in 7 years.

The binge drinking has continued and just yesterday I decided that this was it. I must end this cycle. My hangovers are much worse (I just turned 40) and just not worth it anymore. Even though I only do it occasionally, like 1 or 2 times a month, it's too much!!

You may want to stay home for a few weekends to not be tempted. If that is too hard, rehab may be needed.
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Old 11-16-2009, 11:13 AM
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In-order to stop my cocaine/drug use i had to stop drinking. I am an alcoholic but once I took a drink then I was also a drug addict to all intents and purposes tbh. It is all one big package to me drinking/drugs/smoking, I had to stop drinking in-order to stop the other habits.

I could not feasibly not want to increase my alcoholic buzz once I took a drink and also cocaine enabled the alcoholic in me to be able to drink way more without passing out.

I am so glad i don't have to put myself through the abuse of all that on my body anymore. The facial pain I was suffering/still suffer from my 2 years of very heavy cocaine/booze binging was awfull. I could not stop once i had took a line I would keep going and going untill my nose was so blocked I couldn't physically take anymore. I can see how it leads to smoking/mainlining and I knew I had to get out while I still could. So I stopped drinking completely and I never have to worry about drugs as without the booze they don't really interest me.

Peace out. x
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Old 11-16-2009, 11:24 AM
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Welcome. I have heard of recreational drug use, but have never quite gotten the concept. The fact that you have an untouched ball speaks wonders to me. I feel like you are Ironman or something.

Have you ever thought about checking out a meeting? Or possibly attempting to not use for a few weeks and see what happens?
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Old 11-16-2009, 11:59 AM
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Just by posting here I suggest you flush it down the toilet, try to moderate you drinking, be honest with yourself. I quit doing lines about seven years ago, but I eventually allowed booz to make my life unmaneageable. Hang overs suck and are not part of normal drinking. That being said hydrating before bed, and pedialite in the morning work wonders. Try not to drink in the morning; though for me that was the best way to feel "normal" asap. Good luck finding what works best for you.
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Old 11-16-2009, 01:53 PM
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Welcome jjg

I agree that speaking with your dr is a good option. In fact I think exploring all your options - rehab, counselling, meetings etc - is a wise move.

The older we get the more difficult it is to bounce back, for sure.

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