
I did it!

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Old 11-10-2009, 04:39 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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I'm glad you are entering sobriety with so much enthusiasm.
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Old 11-10-2009, 06:12 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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So here I am tonight. I wanted to go to another meeting tonight, but my wife went to a Bible study, so I stayed home with our daughter. I am feeling great still, since the lunch today with fellow AA members. I started reading the "Big Book" tonight, and I don't want to put it down! I can relate. It is like I am reading an autobiography! Like I said, I couldn't get to a meeting tonight, but one of the guys is going to call me after the meeting and point me to some great AA speakers for me to download to my I-pod for me to take with me this weekend since I will be out of touch with physical support for a few days. What love by these guys!

Watsonc? I have to tell you, I have traveled many parts of the country and world, and I just haven't found people as loving as you will find here in the Dakota's! I am not sure I would have had the courage to just walk into a meeting alone, but spending a few hours with these guys before hand made it so easy. The funny part is I wasn't even given a choice! haha. The guy called me and said I will be at your house in 1 hour to get you. That was it! I was like...... ummmmmm ok. If I would have had to walk in there alone, not sure how it would have turned out.

Thanks everyone for your support and love. I can't tell you how much it means!
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Old 11-10-2009, 10:20 PM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Very inspiring post. I always tell people that have a less than positive AA experience to try different meetings, that eventually you'll find the right group. It sounds like you found the right group on your first try.
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Old 11-10-2009, 11:02 PM
  # 24 (permalink)  
The New Me starting 1/11/09
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bdiddy - Thanks for the post. As it did for others, it has made my night.

Recovering alcoholics are the most "real" people I have ever met. It is wonderful that you had such a great experience.

Keep in mind that the hard work is still in front of you. Use this momentum to start working the steps. Remember that the alcohol wasn't your problem, just your solution. You will need to work on the problems and this will require hard work.

But, you've had a taste of how good, fun, loving, spiritual sobriety can be -- so we all know you can do it!

Thanks again. It brought a big smile to my face.
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:46 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
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M111109- Believe me, I know the hard work is ahead of me. But this time I actually see light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't a train! Before I had no idea what to do other than just "not drink." This time I have people to help me and a map to follow. It gives me so much hope that I have never had before. Thanks for your kind words!
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