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Old 11-01-2009, 05:23 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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I knew I wasn't going to give up going to get-togethers where alcohol was served, so I figured I'd give it a try. The first time, I was like Cubile - very resentful and angry that I couldn't have "fun" like everyone else. It took a few months for me to finally be comfortable with my new role at these events.

I know it isn't advisable to go anywhere they're serving liquor when it's caused us such grief. For me it wouldn't have been feasible, though. Certain things you're expected to attend. I admit it's not as much fun without the alcohol - but that's something I need to work on. Why was it more fun when I was buzzed? Sad, really. Good question, S!
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Old 11-01-2009, 06:57 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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I avoided certain things for the first few months. I canceled our annual camping bash as I couldn't imagine sitting around a bonfire watching people get super hammered all week. My entire family and everyone I knew at the time drank, save for the few steppers, so I was around people drinking from the jump. I have always lived with active drinkers. I think I actually learn just as much from the active alcoholics around me as I do from sober people. I have never been triggered by bottles or smells or anything, and have continued throughout sobriety to keep wine in the house for cooking. That being said, if I was uncomfortable or worried about it, I would definitely not jeopardize my sobriety.

My only "trigger" to date was purely an issue with not understanding how to cope with negative emotions, and that experience took me to AA so that I might gain some more insight.
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Old 11-02-2009, 05:34 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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I isolated enough was I was drinking, so I dont isolate anymore, if drink is there i have learned to accept the fact thats its not for me. I have had a few guys have a go at me about not drinking and usually laugh it off, I would have drank those guys under the table in my drinking days anyway I feel I no longer have to prove anything to anyone except myself.
Im always careful to have a escape route if it gets to much though
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Old 11-02-2009, 06:07 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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Hey Horse. The first time I tried getting sober I was pretty successful at going BUT eventually I ended up drinking with everyone else. I also know I wasn't really ready.

Today, I'll go and I'll bring myself a Diet Coke or some Red Bulls, hee hee..... I don't hang out for long because of course it just doesn't seem as much fun OR I feel tortured being there because I want to join in the drinking fun too.........but today that's not going to happen.

If it's a casual situation it seems to not bother me in the slightest. Like going out for dinner or something. Yeah, the parties, those can be touchy.
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Old 11-02-2009, 06:20 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
"I think I can. I think I can"
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went to my first yesterday. Wasn't so bad. Mainly because my drink of choice wasn't really offered. Mainly beer which I only crave on those hot summer days or early fall after a nice hike...AAAA! I am more nervous about the upcoming holidays. There are always plenty of red wine leading the pack. I am so worried about thanksgiving.

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Old 11-02-2009, 06:31 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Hey Veg! Me too as far as going out to eat. I could care if people have drinks then, but if its a party and there is a lot of attention to the alcohol then I'm uncomfortable.

My mom has already said she won't drink on Thanksgiving, but I know the wine will be poured by my mom's husband and his side of the family. It will be fine though. When I went to NY my dad and his wife had wine almost every night and my inlaws did every night. I really wasn't as bothered as I thought I would be. I noticed they have 1 to 2 drinks and stop. Me, I would have kept going and going and going until my batteries ran out. That's the reason "I" can't drink and they can.
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