
End of the week post...

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Old 10-23-2009, 09:48 AM
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End of the week post...

Another week at work done. I'm in tomorrow anyway but Friday night was always my big binge day, even whils't unemployed for many months I still got wrecked on Friday and if for some reason i couldn't, man it would eat me up inside, to say it was an obsession would be an understatement! I feel "normal" now, kind of strange and you don't appreciate that "normal" feeling untill you are back on the tail-end of a binge and you would do anything to be back where you were when you felt "normal". I remember being at that place well and that feeling of knowing sobriety was where i knew I needed to be keeps me sober, along with mnay other things too.

I literally have put my faith into the fact that I no-longer drink or take drugs on a daily basis and that things will definately work out for the best doing this. when I merely play the tape through as to what a drink would cause I very quickly have no desire to even contemplate the thought.
I often talk to people where i work about drinking and I very much refer to it in the past and as a previous life/existance. I guess I sound to them pretty rigid in my sobriety and that's where i know I need to be and i feel pretty rigid most of the time.

I have commited to this for the long haul and as long as i keep it to just not drinking for today then things should work out fine!! I have put my faith in the countless people who I meet at AA meetings and on SR that reassure me of this!! That is my higher power!

Peace and Love xxx
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Old 10-23-2009, 09:53 AM
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Thanks for that. Friday was my day too.
Oooops just remembered the honesty part: Sunday thru Saturday were my days. I can't wait til I feel normal. Must be wonderful.
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Old 10-23-2009, 09:54 AM
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I don't miss it either. everytime I wank to drink I run through my list of reasons not to. getting arrested, dwindling bank account, loss of mental and physical health, watching my mother die of liver failure, my last drunk on my knees vomiting, and letting down my loved ones who want me to stop. 39 days, one at a time. thank you. best regards to all.
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Old 10-23-2009, 09:58 AM
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When I drink it's usually only on day's that end in "y" the rest of the days, I'm pretty good.
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Old 10-23-2009, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by NEOMARXIST View Post
I often talk to people where i work about drinking and I very much refer to it in the past and as a previous life/existance. I guess I sound to them pretty rigid in my sobriety and that's where i know I need to be and i feel pretty rigid most of the time.
I rarely talk to 'outsiders' about it, when queried-love that word!-I tell them 'doctors orders'. I had a guy ask me what it was like to 'not drink' with a little smirk on his face, he is probably one of the group of problem drinkers in the folks I race with.

Rolled snappy comebacks around in my head for a bit, didn't say anything in the end.

On the occasions where people are drinking, and they offer me one-it does happen every now and again-I simply say I don't drink, and leave it at that.
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Old 10-23-2009, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by sailorjohn View Post
I rarely talk to 'outsiders' about it, when queried-love that word!-I tell them 'doctors orders'. I had a guy ask me what it was like to 'not drink' with a little smirk on his face, he is probably one of the group of problem drinkers in the folks I race with.

Rolled snappy comebacks around in my head for a bit, didn't say anything in the end.

On the occasions where people are drinking, and they offer me one-it does happen every now and again-I simply say I don't drink, and leave it at that.
If it works for you then great...

But for me being a 23 year old male living in England and working with lots of other younger people who ask me to go out drinking, parties etc then I am open and honest about the fact that I do not drink. Honesty is crucial to my recovery and i would never lie about why I don't drink anymore and why I avoid situations where it will be prevalent. I do not lie about doctors orders or anything like that, I simply say that I am done with it or something to that effect. I find it doesn't bother me talking about booze/drugs with people as that was a massive part of my life and I find it helps to keep me rigid in my sobriety to not forget my past. Obviously i don't tell anyone I'm an alcoholic or anything but I don't lie to people. Honesty is crucial to me. I ain't ashamed of my past anyway.

Whatever works for you...
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Old 10-23-2009, 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by NEOMARXIST View Post
Honesty is crucial to my recovery and i would never lie about why I don't drink anymore and why I avoid situations where it will be prevalent. Obviously i don't tell anyone I'm an alcoholic or anything but I don't lie to people. Honesty is crucial to me. I ain't ashamed of my past anyway.

Whatever works for you...
Well, now I am slightly confused, you say you don't tell anyone you're an alcoholic, but you don't lie about why you don't drink anymore? Maybe you left something out of your post.

For me, most of what other people feel they need to know falls under the category of, 'none of your business'. If they want to know why and I feel that they are looking for some answers to their own problem, would be more than happy to share my story. For the overwhelming majority of folks out there, the best response is simply I don't drink.

Not a lie, while I was still drinking I had a cardiac episode and was advised by rx to quit smoking, drinking, and caffeine consumption, not necessarily in that order.

Seriously though, a question for you, what would you have advised?

My response was-kept it to myself until now-to what it's like not drinking? might have been-Gee, *******, it's a relief not having to worry about looking like a complete jack**s because you're drunk and hitting on a girl that's at least 30 years younger than you.
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