
Class of May 2012 part 21

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Old 07-26-2013, 07:21 PM
  # 461 (permalink)  
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hi guys,

I don't mean to mentally harp on this I've mentioned it on another thread, but it seems i'm looking for an "it's gonna be alright" or something. I understand that using dreams are normal. but I hadn't had one in a couple months at least and had a doozy of one the other night. it was ugly: the feelings, the circumstances of course, but even the lighting. funny how your dreams can even set the ambiance of a situation... anyway, I just needed to get out there and seen I suppose.

I have zero intention of drinking over it. maybe i'm just starting to freak out a little because I have yet to get far past 6 months. still trying to do things differently and actually put it out there when I have those pesky feelings. thanks.
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Old 07-26-2013, 07:25 PM
  # 462 (permalink)  
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The way I look at using dreams wehav - I drank and drugged for a looooong time - it makes sense that bits of my subconscious are gonna break off now and again and float to the surface bringing some memories with it...

I never took the dreams as meaning anything much - I still have the odd high school dream and I don't want to go back to high school

I think as long as you feel resolute when you're awake, thats the main thing....

After a while I began critiquing my dreams for plot, cinematography and realism LOL - it took a little of that relapse fear out of it

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Old 07-26-2013, 07:37 PM
  # 463 (permalink)  
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thank you, dee. well I didn't wake up resolute, that was unnerving. but I also wake up from those forgot-to-take-that-calculus class-oops-you-don't-have-a-degree-afterall dreams thinking I need to go back to college, so in perspective it should be fine.

i'd totally fire the lighting and set designers on this one, it was very dreary and poorly done. :-)
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Old 07-26-2013, 07:58 PM
  # 464 (permalink)  
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It will be alright Wehav *hugs* I've had those dreams and they're scary but you've made a good choice by sharing with us.

My family drama is still going on. I have distanced myself from worrying about my grandfather but now I'm worried about the people around him that are being hurt. Years of family dysfunction and drama is coming to the surface right now and no one has the tools or sense to confront it.

I am away at University as well so I can't be there to provide physical support to my mother who is hurting and in pain. I speak with her every day and try and provide her with words of encouragement but what benefit do my words have to someone who's own mother repeatedly sides with her husband over the well being of her daughter?

There's just years of pain, dysfunction and hurt that I can't heal but I want to.

Repeating the first few lines of the serenity prayer has been getting me through the last few days.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
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Old 07-26-2013, 11:38 PM
  # 465 (permalink)  
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Morning. I just had a horrible anxiety-filled night full of bad dreams and panic. This is the first time in quite a few weeks. I'm trying very hard to think that it's a positive that these are now the exception rather than the rule, rather than sink into 'here we are again, nothing will ever change, this is hopeless' type thinking.
I'm seeing my therapist this morning, so that's a positive. I have such a deluge of memories returning all the time from periods in my life. Not all bad either. But the intensity and force with how they're returning is mad. colours, smells, feelings all hit me at the same time. There's a lot of stuff that I guess I just forgot. Sometimes my brain is so chaotic I remember why I drank. Drank, past tense. I'm feeling just a bit crazier than usual this morning, as you can probably tell!

Wehav-drinking/using dreams are horrible and unsettling I know. For me, I have had them when I've been feeling a little insecure about something in my life. Maybe your up-coming travels are playing on your mind? Anyway, it will all be fine. It means nothing, and will soon fade away...and I'm proud of you for getting it out there. Cool xxx

Jane-'years of pain, dysfunction and hurt'....that sounds familiar to me. And it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to solve, just impossible. The serenity prayer is part of my daily routine and has helped me with letting go of a lot of my family stuff. Lots of love to you xxx

Dee-glad you had a lovely birthday, you deserve it xxx

I'm off shortly. Why do I feel all anxious and panicky about therapy today. God, I really need to get over myself.

Love to you all x
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Old 07-27-2013, 12:09 AM
  # 466 (permalink)  
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It's probably just the events & the stress of the term catching up Jeni, now that you're on hols?

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Old 07-27-2013, 12:34 AM
  # 467 (permalink)  
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Thanks Dee. Maybe. It could also be that without work stress my brain has now got a little space to start processing some of the stuff we've been working on too.

I started typing some of the thoughts that are jumping around in my head, but I won't share them in case you all think I've totally lost the plot!

Sometimes I get so angry with those responsible for causing me to be like this. I wish everything was straightforward. And that sounds totally self-pitying so I will shut up now.

Love you all loads xxx
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Old 07-27-2013, 02:09 AM
  # 468 (permalink)  
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Hey Jeni Jane and WeHav sending you all a big hug. I hope the day brightens for you.
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Old 07-27-2013, 06:55 AM
  # 469 (permalink)  
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Good Morning All,

Wehav - I can relate so well to those horrible drinking dreams. I've had two in the past week and it's very difficult for me to go back to sleep. They scare me to death. I had read a post somewhere that they signify an unconscious desire to drink and to double up recovery efforts. Thank God for Dee's post! It put my mind at ease and makes perfect sense. The bottom line is that the dreams were hardly enjoyable. They didn't trigger me or make me want to drink - they had the opposite effect and that's what is important.

((Jeni)) - I don't ever think of you as being self-pitying. I hope your therapy session went well. I do agree that it takes time to de-compress from work. I hope you take the time today to indulge in some relaxing activities.

((SJD)) - I am so sorry to hear that family drama is going on that is causing you pain. I am so very proud of you for not drinking through pain, but instead focusing on the serenity prayer.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Saturday.
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Old 07-27-2013, 08:45 AM
  # 470 (permalink)  
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A good morning to all!

I only occasionally remember dreams but have friends who are not alcoholics who have all kinds of dreams. The way it was described to me is that our dreams tend to be a jumble of various things and are not predictive of what's going to happen. So a drinking dream might be bits and pieces of past memories combined with the brain's ability to go off and create weird stuff from them. In other words, dreams are not predictive though they can be disturbing. I have a mild-mannered friend (an elementary school teacher) who has incredibly bloody dreams. I especially like Dee's comments about dreams! It's a very practical and healthy way to look at them, IMO.

If we've been drinking regularly and thus haven't been getting enough REM sleep, then once we stop, our brains have lots of REM sleep to catch up on so we have more dreams than usual. It's a sign of healing, IMHO, that we are having lots of dreams.

Jane, so sorry to hear about the family difficulties!

WeHav, you will be ok! I think some of us are leery about anniversaries and that's normal. Being aware is also good! You are a special person. You have lots of strength and will get through this too.

Jeni, I think you keep on making progress by giant leaps. The intensity will gradually slow down. When memories first come back they can be terribly difficult. Confronting them gradually takes away the fear and blunts the intensity. I remember at times feeling like I was on Mr Toad's Wild Ride and was scared of what would happen if I couldn't hold on. I did and got through it! I have full confidence in you -- you will get through this and be able to live a more "normal" life.

Big hugs to all!
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Old 07-27-2013, 09:36 AM
  # 471 (permalink)  
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you guys are all awesome!

jeni, good luck in therapy. I agree with everyone that a lot of this is your brain catching up on things you had to set aside to deal with your school year. you will be okay.

jane, you totally can't solve your family problems. you aren't responsible for them either. keep up the amazing work on yourself, and positive things will happen. either you will continue to get stronger and it won't effect you as much, or your family will admire your strength and perhaps get inspired to make some changes themselves. in any case, a stronger jane is a good thing all around.

thanks for the hug, rock brother! take care, wehav
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Old 07-27-2013, 02:39 PM
  # 472 (permalink)  
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Day 26, and I've been having weird cramps in my legs. I'm seeing my doctor on Tuesday, although I doubt she'll be any help.
Had the second session of the game I'm running, and it went pretty well. The plot's moving on, which is good, and if it was a bit confusing at times, they figured out what was going on before the end, and tied up the loose ends from the first session.

Dee - Happy Birthday!

fp - loved the cake. I don't know how you got it to shimmer either, but I'm guessing it was some sort of animated GIF?

Babs1234 - congrats on 145 days. That's brilliant.

wehav2day - ((hugs)) to you. it's been a long time since I had a using dream, but I know they aren't a lot of fun. Then again, I used to dream about being surrounded by aliens, demons, or fascists (all trying to kill me) and yet not feeling afraid.

soberjanedoe - sorry that your family's causing so much drama in your life.

jeni - I remember when I was working last, I'd be fine during the week, but be really grotty at the weekends. It was as if I'd relax, and the stuff I'd been holding in would come out.

tanja, Saskia, hitrockbottom - thanks for your kind words to jeni, soberjanedoe, and wehav2day.

Good night everyone, sleep well, and may tomorrow be a better day than today was.

Love and Hugs to you all. And may your higher power go with you.
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Old 07-27-2013, 10:23 PM
  # 473 (permalink)  
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Morning guys. A much better night. I went to bed really late and am awake early but slept in between. All is well.

Oh I LOVE being at home doing family stuff. It really is the simple pleasures that bring me the most joy. Yesterday my sister came round with one of her girls. She's just such a lovely kid. We had a great few hours in the garden. I spent time with my daughter who is having boyfriend issues, and I sat and listened. Then I cooked dinner (for those who don't know, I'm a terrible cook, and I marvel any time I manage to cook anything remotely edible!). I am so very grateful for my sobriety. The things I have here right now are precious and I never want to waste another moment of my life in a bottle.

Have a good day everyone xxx
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Old 07-28-2013, 03:59 AM
  # 474 (permalink)  
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WeHav, I hope you had better dreams last night,

Em, happy to hear the game is going well. I used to get blow-by-blow accounts from my daughter when she played a couple of times a year. She has been a GM a number of times. I hope you can get the leg cramps resolved soon!

Jeni, i'm happy to hear you had a better night and especially that you are enjoying the good times that reaffirm your decision to stay sober.

Rock, good buddy, sending a big hug your way!

Tanja, I hope you've been feeling better. And how are your dogs and cat (or is it cats)?

Jane, I'm so impressed with you - the way you're handling difficult events and your whole attitude. Way to go!

OLL, my hope for you is that you find something that inspires you and awakens your passion to do good and worthwhile things without the burdensome realities of difficult co-workers.

FP, I understand that you are moving on with your life as we all will do as time goes on. I appreciate your great pics. It would be good to hear from you with news about how you are doing!

Babs, it sounds like you are doing well? Any struggles or are you just sailing along?

I'm doing well. I'm working on getting some excess weight off. I'm taking fewer naps and getting more energy back most days. I've shifted my working schedule to 3 shorter days per week instead of 2 longer ones. For now that seems to work better for me. Staying in the groove :-)

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Old 07-28-2013, 05:10 AM
  # 475 (permalink)  
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Good Morning All,

Babs - Congratulations on 147 days of sobriety That is simply wonderful. I believe that every day we don't pick up a drink should be reason for celebration

Jeni - I am so glad that you are enjoying your break from school. Being able to enjoy simple pleasures and relationships again in sobriety is just such a gift. How nice that you made dinner for your family.

Sas - It is good know that you are doing well and getting more energy back. Thank you for always asking about how I am feeling. Thursday was not a good day for me and I missed my service position again. I think it had to go with having a bad drinking dream and then being barked at 4:45 a.m. Fortunately, this week I have had more good days than bad days. I actually managed to drive a little further and go out with some fellow AAers to celebrate a birthday on Wednesday. I needed to get bloodwork on Layla before her eye surgery and it appears she is dehydrated. She is drinking her own urine. Looks like another trip to the vet is in order. They certainly keep me busy My beloved cat "simba" is hanging in there. He will be 18 in October. Last night he was licking me and actually bit my nose. Just like old times! It can be very stressful for me to always try and find "libby" and try and keep her safe from Peyton.

My husband didn't come home last night due to excessive drinking. I am just glad he wasn't driving. My sister is getting ready to put her darling dog "Carly" to sleep tomorrow. She has lymphoma. I bought some roasted chicken from the store and would like to go visit her and feed her the chicken today. I would also like to drive there. The issues with my driving are disconcerting and frustrating to say the least. Sleep plays a huge role in the driving issues. I had also wanted to fit in an AA meeting. I did see my friend Steve at a meeting a few days ago. I am always so relieved and happy when I see him. He shared that he prayed every day that God gives him one more day so that he could help just one person. He also explained that the doctors had told him that he would be in hospice by June. I am so incredibly humbled by his strength, courage and generosity of spirit.

Wishing everyone a good week-end!
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Old 07-28-2013, 10:40 PM
  # 476 (permalink)  
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You are such a wonderful and supportive member of the May class, and it's a privilege to share this journey with you. Thankyou for all your love and support to us all. It is especially remarkable to me as you've achieved this whilst living with an active alcoholic. I wasn't strong enough to do that. Real courage and strength inspiring xxxxx

Happy Monday to everyone else. Sassy-I'm glad you're feeling stronger and juggling your working hours is suiting you. Xxx
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Old 07-29-2013, 02:25 AM
  # 477 (permalink)  
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Day 28. I think I'm sleeping at nights, but I still wake up tired. But at least I'm just tired in the morning, rather than tired and crabby. Or hungover.
I've been thinking about a few bits of writing I need to finish up, and an idea I've had for a follow up (I do so hate the word sequel) to another. Dunno if anything will come of it, but I think it has potential.
I've also been thinking about the game I'm running, and wondering if I've done enough set up for the fifth session yet. If not, I can find a way to do that in the next session.
Other than that, I'm relieved that it's turned a bit cooler, and we've had some rain. It's going to be good for the potatoes, and it means we don't need to water them so much.

jeni - it's nice when we can do normal things, and... well, be like normal folk, I guess. That was one of the great things about being in Wales.

tanja - congratulations on one year. That's marvellous. 365 miracles all in a row.

I'm heading off to a meeting in a little while, so I'd better finish up there. Have a good day folks, and may all your problems be little ones.

Love and hugs to you all. And may your higher power go with you. x x
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Old 07-29-2013, 03:30 AM
  # 478 (permalink)  
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hey looking for class of July 2013

ive been away from SR for a while and so scared now
at what alcohol is doing to me
ive got a counselor but i need more

sorry for leaving
i know this helps
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Old 07-29-2013, 03:44 AM
  # 479 (permalink)  
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Congratulations on one whole year sober, Tanja! Awesome progress to a very dear member of our class!!!

Yestofreedom, I think you'll find the July 2013 thread in the current month newcomers section. I'm happy to hear you've some back to SR. I know how scary it is to live with the fears. There is lots of inspiration here and good ideas. Please take care of yourself and get whatever help you need to do this.

Em, yes, I get what you mean about being "like normal folk"!

Happy Monday to all!
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Old 07-29-2013, 06:12 AM
  # 480 (permalink)  
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Good Morning All,

Thank you Jeni Your loving support has been instrumental in achieving this hard-fought one year of sobriety. In terms of strength, I believe you are capable of anything.

Thank you Sas! Your kindness, wisdom, love and support has pulled me out of the abyss many a time! It's hard to believe that I have one year of sobriety. I still feel very much like a newcomer.

Emily - Thank you! I love the "365" miracles in a row. It is absolutely miraculous. I simply would not have made it without the support and love that I received from my precious May group.

I am looking forward to picking up my one year chip tonight.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Monday!
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