
Restless, Irritable, Discontent

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Old 11-12-2017, 04:43 PM
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Restless, Irritable, Discontent

So I'm about 3 months sober, working steps 6 and 7. No thoughts of drinking. But I'm not feeling good, happy. At all. I know I have so much to be grateful for but I feel like I could care less, and just am falling into self-pity and depression. I just don't feel like life is enjoyable. I'm either worried or annoyed. Even things I used to like doing sober I'm not finding fun, I hate my job, yadayada poor me poor me. Maybe I needed to rant I don't know.
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Old 11-12-2017, 04:47 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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It took me three months to feel physically good so your ahead of the park from where I was.

3 months is great but it's 12 weeks.
It might take a little longer for you to feel content and happy?

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Old 11-12-2017, 04:52 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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How long were you drinking in an unhealthy way? For me, booze had me in its grip almost right from the beginning when I started drinking in my teens. I'm 30 now and have 73 days sober.

If you think of your sobriety in those terms, 3 months isn't that long (although definitely an achievement to be proud of!). It'll take time and it'll be difficult. I know that, hence why I'm attending meetings and starting therapy. But, any of the people on here who have been sober for years will tell you that feeling crap while sober is infinitely better than feeling crappy when drunk.

Be proud of yourself. You've got 3 months under your belt!
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Old 11-12-2017, 05:05 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Great job on 3 months sober. I'm right behind you at 77 days and I can identify with how your feeling. Have faith it will get better.
I'm working on my step 9 at the moment.
Just a few thoughts;
Are you praying every morning and night and throughout the day?
Are you talking with your sponsor regularly, sharing how your truly feeling?
Are you getting in enough meetings?

These are things that help me when I get like that. When I'm feeling irritable, restless and discontent; its a sign for me that I need to do something. I need to change my thinking, cease fighting everything and everyone, Turn it over, flap my gums to my sponsor.
Step 6 is either a yes or a no
Step 7 is the prayer. God loves you and your forgiven.

You'll get through this just as I have
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Old 11-12-2017, 05:07 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by JudicatorPanzer View Post
So I'm about 3 months sober, working steps 6 and 7. No thoughts of drinking. But I'm not feeling good, happy. At all. I know I have so much to be grateful for but I feel like I could care less, and just am falling into self-pity and depression. I just don't feel like life is enjoyable. I'm either worried or annoyed. Even things I used to like doing sober I'm not finding fun, I hate my job, yadayada poor me poor me. Maybe I needed to rant I don't know.
Google ‘Anhedonia’. Learned about it myself a couple of weeks ago here on this forum - many of us seem to be unable to feel pleasure/enjoyment for a few months until the brain has done some rewiring! Stay the course!
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Old 11-13-2017, 11:25 PM
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Time wise, six and seven are not a big deal. One paragraph each in the big book, then virtually straight into step nine. I did not find this too difficult as my experience with step five and the promises on page 75 absolutley convinced me that I was on the right track.

A mistake I made initially, however was to try and do the work of six and seven myself, in other words identify and fix my own defects. Playing God didn't work too well for me and I learned some painful lessons. Really, God does the work on seven, not me. My job is to clear the way a bit, by cleaning up my messes. I definitely felt the Power begin to flow after step five. That review on page 75 was also quite important. I needed to make sure I had been thorough, and held nothing back. The next important thing was the ghosts of the past, the people I hurt. I had to get right with them.

Many years down the track I have to say 6 and 7 are works in progress. It seems to me that God removed some defects, and left me with others. The ones He left me with seem to have the purpose of helping me learn and grow through my mistakes, until I get tired of it and the defect becomes redundant. He never quite gets them all however, progress, not perfection.
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Old 11-14-2017, 04:10 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Congratulations! 3 Months Sober is awesome to hear. Withdrawal symptoms are hard to handle and some signs of irritation, not feeling normal, anger, mood swings are very common. But it gets better when you see that the people around you are happy and alcoholics miss out on those important moments in their lives like watching their children grow up, etc.
Just keep on with your awesome work and 3 months will turn into 12 months in no time.
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Old 11-15-2017, 02:57 PM
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Three months sober and you the know phrase "restless, irritable and discontent"? That's fantastic and that you are so far along in the steps. Good for you. I echo the thought for you to be proud/thankful for 3 months sobriety!

I've been sober awhile and I still get the "RID disease" every so often. Thankfully I have a well used 'AA tool box'.

If I'm still feeling yucky (poor me) after doing some prayer, journaling, gone to a meeting, gotten adequate sleep, and done some housework or exercise, well, as a last resort (smile) doing something for someone else expecting nothing in return works wonders! See for yourself.
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Old 11-15-2017, 03:02 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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For me: exercise is everything. The high, the sense of accomplishment, getting stronger, looking forward to the workout, it’s made all the differerence this time. I struggled mightily in the past at this time in sobriety during all past attempts. I don’t know if that’s the main reason but it feels like it is, coming up on 2 months.
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Old 11-16-2017, 06:48 AM
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sassy, wonderful--two months! Hang in there, it's worth it!

You too Panzer.
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